Transitioners what's the word? How are you doing?


hair bored
Transitioners what\'s the word? How are you doing?

Just thought I'd check in to see how everyone was doing. I know there are a lot of newer transitioners out there, as well as ladies who have been going strong for over a year
. Please let us all know:

1) How long you were relaxed
2) How long you've been transitioning
3) How long you plan transition
4) How much new growth you have, and how much relaxer is on the ends
5) Staple routine and style during your transition
6) Something you've learned about your hair that you didn't know before you started your transition

***As for me:

1) I was relaxed since I was 12, so that's 15 years
2) I've been transitioning for 14 months
3) I was planning to BC tomorrow at Curve Salon, but my business trip may get cancelled due to the threat of Hurricane Ivan. I won't know if I'm gonna make to NY for a few more hours.
If I don't go, I'm gonna stick w/ my BC at New Years plan.

4) I have about 6-7 inches of new growth, depending on the section of my hair, and I have about another 5-6 inches of relaxed hair on the ends
5) My good ole trusty daily CO wash and bun are doing the trick!
6) I've learned that my hair actully curls. I NEVER knew that before! I had a relaxer so long that I had no idea what my natural hair was like!
Re: Transitioners what\'s the word? How are you doi


1.Dunno. As long as I can remember. I'll have to ask my mom when I got my first relaxer... I'll be 21 next month so it's been a good while, though.

2.a couple weeks shy of a year

3.Until I can't take it any more.

4.about 4-4.5 inches of newgrowth. I haven't measured my relaxed hair but when my hair is stretched I'm a couple inches from brastrap. So at least a good foot of relaxed hair.

5.still working on the routine cuz the frequent cw's got to be too much after a while. Right now I'm washing about once a week and blowdrying the roots. I wear the same bun I've been wearing for years

6. Not much yet. I think any real learning will occur when I cut off the ends. I was never one to relax every month so I guess I did already have some idea of what my natural hair was like. It generally likes the same treatment and products as my relaxed hair
Re: Transitioners what\'s the word? How are you doing?

Some months ago I was thinking about transitioning but could not deal with the new growth because I combed my hair too much and couldn't find the right style for my hair while I transition. I was stuck on having a straight look which doesn't work when you have two different textures...

Guess what you guys...I've been 7.5 weeks so far without a relaxer, the longest I ever waited and I have decided a few days ago that I'M GOING TO TRANSITION TO NATURAL AGAIN!

Here's my plan:
1) How long you were relaxed?
Since I was around 8-9 years old until now (I'm 20 years old)!

2) How long you've been transitioning?
I had my last relaxer on July 16th so I guess that's when the transition date would start!

3) How long you plan transition?
Once my new growth reaches my shoulders, which would probably take 2-3 years, I will cut my relaxed ends off!

4) How much new growth you have, and how much relaxer is on the ends?
I think I have about 1-2 inches of new growth (varies in different areas of my head) and my relaxed hair touches my shoulders (don't know the exact length since my hair is different lengths).

5) Staple routine and style during your transition:

<ul type="square"> [*]Wash/rinse as needed throughout the week, shampoo with Creme of Nature once a week
[*]After washing/shampooing, use leave-in - Pantene Light Spray Conditioner
[*]Use mixture of oils or Wild Growth Oil lightly throughout hair
[*]Surge Hair Revitalizer Plus 14 twice daily
[*]Deep condition with LeKair's Cholesterol Plus once a week
[*]Protein treatment with ElastaQP Breakage Control Serum every 2 weeks
[*]Clarify with Suave Clarifying Shampoo every month
[*]Moisturize daily
[*]Airdry hair in a bun or ponytail, then style once damp/dry

[*]Main hair styles:
1. Bun - use Silk Elements Liquid Styling Gel and a boar bristle brush. Use Pantene R&amp;N Daily Oil Moisturizer for my edges and S-Curl No Drip Activator and Moisturizer and/or Wild Growth Oil on my ends. Use a scrunchii to secure the bun.

2. top half up/ bottom half down

3. Bantu knot-outs

4. Thinking about getting braids in November

[*]Night upkeep:
Bun, twist, or 1-2 braids [/list]

6) Something you've learned about your hair that you didn't know before you started your transition
Needs lots of moisture while you transition
Avoid excessive combing from roots to ends
It doesn't hurt to wash your hair more often
Nothing is wrong with not having your hair straight all the time

Re: Transitioners what\'s the word? How are you doing?

Poohbear, I remember that you were on the fence a little while back! Congrats on your decision and good luck!
Re: Transitioners what\'s the word? How are you doing?

1) How long you were relaxed
Relaxed for 13years

2) How long you've been transitioning
I'm am at 11 months!

3) How long you plan transition
I'll probably transition until next summer if I can last, if not I'll chop after my wedding in February

4) How much new growth you have, and how much relaxer is on the ends
now I have 5-6 inches of new growth and anywhere from 3-7 inches of relaxed ends (due to breakage)

5) Staple routine and style during your transition
I CW or shampoo every other day and protein/deep cond. 1x/week. I LOVE BUNS
Because they are so easy but my hair is starting to thin a bit from the hair being in that position all the time so I need to find another way to style my hair.

6) Something you've learned about your hair that you didn't know before you started your transition
My natural hair is very springlike like a slinky
But I like that. I also didn't know that my scalp prefers to be rinsed every other day at least. All those years my scalp would be itching for 1 1/2 weeks because I thought (because I'd been told) that you should not wash your hair that frequently because it will dry out.
Re: Transitioners what\'s the word? How are you doing?

1) How long you were relaxed
Got my first relaxer when I was in second grade and was relaxed until age 19/20 when I transitioned to natural in college. Relaxed again not long after so it's been about another 12-13 years

2) How long you've been transitioning
About 14 months now.

3) How long you plan transition
At least until the new year, possibly until next July.

4) How much new growth you have, and how much relaxer is on the ends I'm guessing around 6-8 inches of new growth and maybe the same length relaxed ends. I've done some trimming with the resultant one side shorter than the other. LOL!

5) Staple routine and style during your transition
Wash, condition, put into low ponytail with ends tucked under.

6) Something you've learned about your hair that you didn't know before you started your transition

I've learned nothing new about my hair. It feels the same as it always did since I've gone as long as 5 months at a time without a relaxer. But in terms of caring for my hair overall, I'm much more knowledgeable - thanks to this board and other internet sites prior to my finding this board.
Re: Transitioners what\'s the word? How are you doi

ayanapooh said:
Just thought I'd check in to see how everyone was doing. I know there are a lot of newer transitioners out there, as well as ladies who have been going strong for over a year
. Please let us all know:

1) How long you were relaxed
2) How long you've been transitioning
3) How long you plan transition
4) How much new growth you have, and how much relaxer is on the ends
5) Staple routine and style during your transition
6) Something you've learned about your hair that you didn't know before you started your transition

[/ QUOTE ]

1) I was relaxed from the age of 13 - 26, so 13 years
2) I've been transitioning since Nov. '03 (10 months now)
3) I plan to transition as long as I can until I can't take the 2 textures anymore. I hope to last at least a year, but I'm not sure these days.
4) I have between 3-5 inches of newgrowth depending on the section of my hair. I have relaxed ends that are probably between 8 and 10 inches on average, but I also do have a good amount from breakage
5) Staple style is braidout or bun. I wash about once a week on average. Products I use are CON shampoo, CPR conditioner for now, Pantene Hydrating Curls leave in, ORS olive oil moisturizer in the green bottle. Oh, and the K Cutter is a MUST.
6) I've learned that patience it the most important thing about transitioning. I've also learned not to fret and just let my hair do what it wants to do.
Re: Transitioners what\'s the word? How are you doing?

Great post Ayanna
Congrats on all that new growth!

1) How long you were relaxed? -I had my first relaxer when I was 12. I'm 25 for about 13 years.

2) How long you've been transitioning? -I haven't had a relaxer since December 19th, 2003. I made the decision to go ahead and transition in May or basically I've been in transition since December.

3) How long you plan transition? - I would like to have 12 inches of natural hair before maybe a year and a half...but I'm not going to hold on to these relaxed ends if it means my natural hair will suffer.
In other long as possible. I might just trim a little at a time.

4) How much new growth you have, and how much relaxer is on the ends I have about 4.5 inches of new growth...about 10 inches of relaxed ends in the back..and 8.5 on the sides. If I continue at this rate it will put me at 6 or 7 inches for the year. Yay!

5) Staple routine and style during your transition?
I condition wash every day. Moisturize my ends after the wash...and before starting my day. I deep condition once a week or when needed. When I'm at's braided up in four french braids. When I'm out and's usually in a side bun decorated with a satin ruffled scrunchie...or a silk flower. I'm on the Bun challenge now. I was doing bantu knot-outs and braid-outs...but I find the less I mess with my hair the better. Tried the no poo method again..and it just doesn't work for me. I need to do it once a week. Before doing this I give myself a hot oil treatment.

6) Something you've learned about your hair that you didn't know before you started your transition? -my hair is still thick. When it was relaxed...I couldn't really tell. I love my natural texture. Natural hair is versitile. There is so much that you can do with it. The comb can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Only comb under the shower head with streaming water. A Denman brush can be a girl's best friend. Coconut oil works wonders on new growth. My hair HATES to be brushed when it dries. My hair is always I feed it with moisture.
Re: Transitioners what\'s the word? How are you doing?

1. I've been relaxed as far as I can remember..I'll have to ask my mom but I think I was relaxed maybe by the time I went to 1st grade. I'm 34 it's been a LONG time!

2. I decided to transition after I found this board.. my last relaxer was around Feb. 11, I've been transitioning ever since.

3. I'm not too sure how long before I cut off my relaxed ends.. at first I was thinking right before the holidays start.. but I might wait till it's a full year and then cut off the ends..I've had a really short haircut before..when it was having short hair wouldn't bother me..I just don't want it to look like a "BC"..

4. I don't measure my hair at all..for my new growth there are strands that are longer than the other..but I would say a good 3 inches in most places.. is that good?? in the back, my hair is a little past my shoulders.. when I found this board..I had just gotten my the back, it was at the middle of my neck.. that was in Feb or March.

5. I daily CW..and use shampoo maybe once or 2x's a week..I basically just put in some leave ins..put it in a small's real small
and put on a baseball cap when I leave the house.. If I have to go somewhere important, I'll blowdry it and flat iron it..

6. I had no idea I had curly hair.. I was relaxing my hair every 4 weeks like clockwork so I just assumed my hair was "nappy" and it's not.. duh.. I'm so glad I found this board!!!! You guys have no idea!!!!!!
Re: Transitioners what\'s the word? How are you doing?

1) How long you were relaxed
I was relaxed for close to 11 years. I can't believe it's been that long.
2) How long you've been transitioning
I've been transitioning for about 4 1/2 months now.
3) How long you plan transition
I plan on transitioning for about a year and a half or until I'm able to put my new growth in a decent ponytail.
4) How much new growth you have, and how much relaxer is on the ends
Since I've only been transitioning for about 4 1/2 months, most of my hair is relaxed. I'd say that I have about 2 inches and some change of new growth and God knows how many inches of relaxed hair. My hair falls several inches past my shoulders.
5) Staple routine and style during your transition
Ponytails, ponytails and more ponytails. That is my every day style. I poo and deep condition once a week , usually on Sundays. I also CW twice a week. I moisturize my hair at night and in the morning I spray it with a mixture of water, glycerin and conditioner. I then put gel on it and throw it back in a ponytail.
6) Something you've learned about your hair that you didn't know before you started your transition

It would have to be the frizziness of the 3C parts of my hair. I fight the frizzies every single day, especially those humid Summer days.
Re: Transitioners what\'s the word? How are you doing?

1) How long you were relaxed
I think about 12-13 years

2) How long you've been transitioning
3 months

3) How long you plan transition
1-2 years

4) How much new growth you have, and how much relaxer is on the ends
I only have about 1 1/12 to 2 inches, 2 inches from brastrap so most of my hair is still relaxed

5) Staple routine and style during your transition
wash 1x a week with cw's in between, deep condition 1x a week, leave in, moisturize and oil. braid/bantu outs, buns, occational flatironing

6) Something you've learned about your hair that you didn't know before you started your transition
I think I may have my hair type all wrong could be a 3c, not sure though. I love my waves and for me dealing with natural hair is so much easier than relaxed. The only think I have to get use to is the extra frizz and detangling