To Miss Henna Joy!!!waving at you!!!!


New Member
My computer is back up. much money and time later. You can now email me anythime. I have a question for you re: hair and product. Have you been following the Brazilian Hair Secrets post? Do you have access to this Hene product that they are talking about that leaves the hair black and straight? Are you in any position to get this info to me. Anything I have seen ont the web is in Spanish or so limited. There is a website that discusses it in SPANISH!!!!.
COULD YOU HOOK A SISTER UP? I want a detailed breakdown of the as to how the Brazilians actually prepeare it with specific instructions and feedback as to what the results and cautions are. I fully appreciate that you may not personally endorse this product or sell it but I am really wanting some answers and I take full responsibility for any choices I make. Thank you so much and keep in touch. [email protected] Bonjour.


New Member
Hi MahaliaLee...waving back...!!!

Can't get the link here to work for me. But I'll check it out and see what I can figure out about the product. I'll have to get a friend to translate it. But, I'll email you with what I find out.

Good hearing from you...Glad your computer is back up.

Take care
