Thin/Fine haired ladies & Boundless Tresses


New Member
Having thin/fine hair, I find that when I use BT on my scalp, it gradually makes the rest of my hair oily and almost stringy and flat until I finally wash my hair again. It especially makes my bangs separate, making it harder to keep them looking groomed. I BT every other day. But I was just wondering... do the benifits of using BT really outweigh the negatives? Is the quality/appearence of my hair + the additional shedding really worth the growth? Extra shedding is killer to my already fine hair! I really haven't been using it long enough to see the benefits, so I can't really say!
Maybe you are using too much! I use BT everyday and, as you can see in my fotki, my hair is pretty thin. But I never use enough to make the rest of my hair greasy. I also CoWash at least 2 times a week (usually). I also don't think I'm experiencing any extra breakage from BT. I've been using it religiously for the past 2 weeks or so. I've recently stopped since I am getting a relaxer on Friday (!!!!). Anyway, try using less. Maybe it will help.:ohwell:
I don't use very much of this stuff. I never squeeze the bottle, I just run it through my parted hair and then rub it in. I never get any runs/drips or anything. I don't think its an issue of me using too much. It's kind of inevitable to not get anything on the anterior 1/4'' of the length of my hair. When my roots are all greasy, it makes the rest of my hair get weighed down too.. And then when I am parting my hair into sections with my fingers that have BT on them it gets on other parts of my hair.. I guess thats where the problem is.
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Yea I think that may be the problem. It's really helpful to use the bottle since it has the thin spount so you can just squeeze the BT along your scalp. I definitely agree that if I get it all over my hands and rub it in my hair it's a wrap! It will look a greasy, hot mess.:(
I had the SAME problem with BT and my fine hair. Right now, I'm wearing braids, so it's not a problem.

But when I'm wearing it relaxed and out, I either have to bun or do a curly set to use BT.
I can definitely relate. Once I use BT, i can forget about trying to wear my hair out and be cute. :lol: I already know its gonna just stay in a bun until wash day.

On the other hand, i have NOT experienced any additional shedding because of BT. So i cant really speak to that......... If you think the shedding is causing your already thin hair to look even MORE sparse/thin, then i dont think its worth it for you. I wouldnt do it!

In general though, BT has gotten rave reviews across the board, and so to answer your question, for me it is worth using (despite the weighed down/oily look). In my case, i am a Protective Style wearer 85% of the time, so having to bun my hair because it is a little extra greasy is no big deal to me. So BT hasnt changed my life (negatively) in any way. If you are trying to use BT regularly AND wear your hair out and swangin'... i can see how that would be a problem. But i personally believe in putting "cute" on hold, while keeping my eyes on the prize! :)

Im just loving my growth and trying to make the most of these hot, summer months!!!!
I haven't used BT but with other oils that I've used, I found I could never use the bottle to apply -- no matter how thin the nozzle. Instead I put a couple of drops on my finger tips, rub finger tips together and then massage my scalp with my fingers.

This seems to work best for me. My hair is very fine and doing it any other way leaves my hair an oily mess.
I did have some breakage using BT on my fine hair, but I determined I was using too much and not applying it precisely enough to my scalp. Ultimately, I determined it was just a little too strong for my hair type. But man it made my hair grow like crazy. So I ended up mixing it with my beloved WGO and no problems since, although I use it very sparingly now cause I'm still cautious. Nonetheless, it's some powerful great stuff! Hope this helps!
I have noticed the stringy-like hair after using it but it wasn't too oily. I realized that my hair wasn't moisturized enough before/after I applied the oil. I started rinsing my hair every two days or so and that's when I re-apply the oil to my scalp (I don't use it every day just every two days or so and I believe rinsing/wetting my hair and then applying the oil is the best way for me to use it). It's really helped a lot in terms of dryness/stringy-like hair after using it...