The Power of a Praying Wife Challenge

Pray for God to break the bonds of self-loathing and mold your husband into His image.

Pray for God to help your husband find his identity in the Lord.

Pray for God to enable you to speak to your husband in the Spirit and not in your flesh so your words would be received as encouragement to his soul rather than criticism.

Ask for the Power of God to fight the enemy that feeds your husband familiar lies so he can be free to hear God’s truth.

Pray that your husband finds his true identity.

Prayer for today…His Self Image…page 192

Lord (Adonai), I pray that (husband’s name) will find his identity in You. Help him to understand his worth through Your eyes and by Your standards. May he recognize the unique qualities You’ve placed in him and be able to appreciate them. Enable him to see himself the way You see him, understanding the “You have made him a little lower than the angels, and You crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his fee” (Psalm 8:4-6). Quiet the voices that tell him otherwise and give him ears to hear Your voice telling him that it will not be his perfection that gets him through life successfully, it will be Yours.

Reveal to him that “he is the image and glory of God” (1 Corinthians 11:7), and he is “complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power” (Colossians 2:10). Give him the peace and security of knowing that he is accepted, not rejected, by You. Free him from the self-focus and self-consciousness that can imprison his soul. Help him to see who You really are so he’ll know who he really is. May his true self-image be the image of Christ stamped upon his soul.

Slightly OT:
Not a wife yet ;) but I wanted to share this with those of you who have spouses that are not yet born again...

1Co 7:13 NIV

Living with an unbelieving mate is both a challenge and an opportunity. It's a challenge because believers and unbelievers see life differently. And it's an opportunity because God can use you to close the gap and win them to Christ. But for that to take place you must make two commitments: (1) Commit yourself to the goal of their salvation. (2) Commit yourself to your own growth through loving them and living with them. Once you've committed, you're ready for this practical and helpful counsel.
Remember the unbeliever's spiritual limitations. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2Co 5:17 NIV). Only when they're "in Christ" can they be a "new creation." Only then will "the old" go! The old will dominate until they receive the new. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit" (Jn 3:6). Remember, the unbeliever suffers from spiritual birth defects they can't overcome until the new birth corrects them. "The flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do the flesh cannot please God" (Ro 8:7-8 NAS). If they don't love God's Word, prayer and church like you do, it's because they're controlled by the flesh and are "not even able" to. So have realistic expectations. Remember what you were like B.C. (Before Christ)? Be patient, loving and kind while God does His work in them.
Here are some affirmations in the book for us to repeat daily...

"I will not allow anything to destroy my marriage."

"I will not stand by and watch my husband be wearied, beaten down or destroyed."

"I will not sit idle while an invisible wall goes up between us."

"I will not allow confusion, miscommunication, wrong attitudes, and bad choices to erode what we are trying to build together."

"I will not tolerate hurt and unforgiveness leading us to divorce."

Will NOT.... powerful combination of words. :yep:
Here are some affirmations in the book for us to repeat daily...

"I will not allow anything to destroy my marriage."

"I will not stand by and watch my husband be wearied, beaten down or destroyed."

"I will not sit idle while an invisible wall goes up between us."

"I will not allow confusion, miscommunication, wrong attitudes, and bad choices to erode what we are trying to build together."

"I will not tolerate hurt and unforgiveness leading us to divorce."
Prudent1 and LIKI its seems these last two post above were posted for me only as these very issues are what Im going through right now in my marriage. Its hard. Just today I decided I wanted to join the church we have been visiting for the past 2mths and its seems my husband got an attitude about it. I just dont understand. We left church and I can sense an attitude from him.
This is such a great idea! I'm a huge fan of Stormie Omartian and practically have most of her books.A lot of them were found in thrift stores. I have Power of a Praying Parent,Power of a Praying Wife and a few of hee latest titles.I can definitely say that I have seen magnificent changes in my hubby and my children. I have been using Stormie's suggesations for at least 3 years. You have to give it time because I didn't see changes overnight at all. It wasn't until I established a "true" relationship with God and a persistent one as well.There is peace in the home,finances are smoother,kids are relaxed and thriving.You will definitely know the difference.
Prudent1 and LIKI its seems these last two post above were posted for me only as these very issues are what Im going through right now in my marriage. Its hard. Just today I decided I wanted to join the church we have been visiting for the past 2mths and its seems my husband got an attitude about it. I just dont understand. We left church and I can sense an attitude from him.

What ever is in him is fighting you!!!! Think, if you didn't want anything to do with church he would be fine, right??? I believe there are some spiritual warfare prayers here on the forum. If not, I will post a binding prayer for you later today.

Don't discuss anything about God with him. Take everything to God in prayer. The less you discuss with him the less you will fight and have words. I brought my bible and books to work just for this reason because my DH would see and respond!! He isn't on the same level of prayer as me. I am not saying that to brag because his FAITH level is higher than mine. A lot of these trials we are going thru seem to make us more dependent on Jehovah.
What ever is in him is fighting you!!!! Think, if you didn't want anything to do with church he would be fine, right??? I believe there are some spiritual warfare prayers here on the forum. If not, I will post a binding prayer for you later today.

Don't discuss anything about God with him. Take everything to God in prayer. The less you discuss with him the less you will fight and have words. I brought my bible and books to work just for this reason because my DH would see and respond!! He isn't on the same level of prayer as me. I am not saying that to brag because his FAITH level is higher than mine. A lot of these trials we are going thru seem to make us more dependent on Jehovah.

Hi HoneyComb,

I have to agree with LIKI51. There is a website that has prayers on a number of topics, this book and site was reccommended to me by another member here. It is I also second investing in the book by Stormie Power of a praying wife.

As for the website you can sign up for a free book. Click on prayer book and all the prayers are shown.

I hope this helps
Lord, nothing in me wants to pray for this man. I confess my anger, hurt, unforgiveness, disappointment, resentment, and hardness of heart toward him. Forgive me and create in me a clean heart and right spirit before You. Give me a new, positive, joyful, loving, forgiving attitude toward him. Where he has erred, reveal it to him and convict his heart about it. Lead him through the paths of repentance and deliverance. Help me not to hold myself apart from him emotionally, mentally, or physically because of unforgiveness. Where either of us needs to ask forgiveness of the other, help us to do so. If there is something I’m not seeing that is adding to this problem, reveal it to me and help me to understand it. Remove any wedge of confusion that has created misunderstanding or miscommunication. Where there is behavior that needs to change in either of us, I pray You would enable that change to happen. As much as I want to hang on to my anger toward him because I feel it is justified, I want to do what You want. I release all those feelings to You. Give me a renewed sense of love for him and words to heal this situation.”
To all of you who are reading this thread, the whole intention is to get you to pray and say something positive that will encourage, build up, give life, and make the marriage better. I have learned the hard way with my DH that if I don't initiate things, they don't get done.

Blessed Creator, Father of all things, help us to help our husbands. Make him respectable in Your sight so that we will respect him as you command in the bible. Guide us because only You have the answers. AMEN
I have heard from a few of you via PM concerning your DH’s and I want it to be known that I am not a therapist or minister but just a wife who has struggled in her marriage and wants deliverance from the strife that has taken place and longs for the peace of God in her marriage. He and I have argued over simple things and it must stop. I got to the point where I didn’t know what to do but I know my Creator did! I prayed the first few prayers in the Power of a Praying Wife book to astounding results. There were some days that I thought I had walked in the wrong house! AMEN!

But on another note, when I was lazy or tired or distracted from church or prayers my world went upside down. This made me more diligent in my prayer time and encouraged me to start the thread. This is not the first Power of a Praying Wife thread. But if you want to come into this one and share your prayer and your testimony please do. You would be shocked how many wives behavior or lack thereof. There are many saved partners who just aren’t behaving that way.

Lets always in our prayers go to our Creator with Thanksgiving and Praise, then asking for forgiveness, his presence and asking for the covering of the Blood. Then make your requests known. Some of us have issues in our marriages that can only be solved with Spiritual Warfare. If you are reading this and you are well versed on Protection, Breaking Curses, Cleansing which relate to our spouses PLEASE SHARE.

It is my understanding that you can’t put a patch on some things. So let YAHWEH in by giving him permission to intervene in our marriages. Please pray with us and for us.


Here are some confessions to help to establish your faith for answered prayer.

o My husband is blessed and highly favored among men because God is with him (Genesis 39:2; Luke 1:28).
o He sits in places of authority among other leaders (Proverbs 31:23).

In the name of Jesus, I declare that I have a blood-bought right to answered prayer. The Word of God is my guarantee. Father, by prayer, supplication and with thanksgiving, I can make my requests known to You. You hear the prayer of the righteous and answer them. Your eyes are on me and Your ears are open to hear my prayers.
I am connected to Christ Jesus, and I am anointed. In everything I do I am more than a conqueror. Because I abide in You, and Your Word abides in me, I see the manifestation of answered prayer. When I speak Your Word, it does not return without accomplishing what it was sent to do.
Lord, I thank You that I walk in favor with man and with You. Wherever I go and whatever I do, Your favor goes before me. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much. Therefore, I believe I receive what I pray for right now. In Jesus' name, Amen!
Prayer for today…His Marriage

I pray O Great I Am that there would be no divorce or adultery in our future.

I pray O Great I am that You will preserve our marriage from any such destruction.

Jehovah, let any unreal expectations be exposed and all incompatibilities be smoothed out so that we grow together in a spirit of unity, commitment, and with a bond of intimacy. Let our marriage be a place where two agree so You will be in the midst of it.

I pray O Great I Am that our marriage will be protected from any person or situation that could destroy it. Father, make our marriage a source of joy and life to us, and not a drudgery, a thorn, a dread or a irritation or temporary condition

Adonai, I pray You would protect our marriage from anything that would harm or destroy it. Shield it from our own selfishness and neglect, from the evil plans and desires of others, and from un-healthy or dangerous situations. May there be no thoughts of divorce or infidelity in our hearts, and none in our future. Set us free from past hurts, memories, and ties from previous relationships, and unrealistic expectations of one another. I pray that there be no jealousy in either of us, or the low self-esteem that precedes that. Let nothing come into our hearts and habits that would threaten the marriage in any way, especially influences like alcohol, drugs, gambling, pornography, lust or obsessions. Unite us in a bond of friendship, commitment, generosity, and understanding. Eliminate our immaturity, hostility or feelings of inadequacy. Help us to make time for one another alone, to nurture and renew the marriage and remind ourselves of the reasons we were married in the first place. I pray that (husband’s name) will be so committed to You, Lord, that his commitment to me will not waiver, no matter what storms come. I pray that our love for each other will grow stronger every day, so that we will never leave a legacy of divorce to our children.
I made a post a few days ago stating that "Some of us have issues in our marriages that can only be solved with Spiritual Warfare. If you are reading this and you are well versed on Protection, Breaking Curses, Cleansing which relate to our spouses PLEASE SHARE."

Again I ask, if you are well versed in those areas please post your comments. Some wives are dealing with husbands who are Alcoholics, abusers, victims of abuse themselves...the list goes on and on issues that go beyond not sharing in the chores.

If you can help with a special prayer or affirmation, please share.
I made a post a few days ago stating that "Some of us have issues in our marriages that can only be solved with Spiritual Warfare. If you are reading this and you are well versed on Protection, Breaking Curses, Cleansing which relate to our spouses PLEASE SHARE."

I can testify that some things can't be solved nor would some problems leave without prayer and fasting and I would add obedience to whatever the Holy Spirit tells you to do. I'll warn, from my own experience that when or if you attempt fasting over confusion, constant argument, just strange feelings that there is more than is seen in your marriage the true enemy will fight you and at first things may, I repeat may seem worse. That's the biggest hurdle but breakthrough is usually right behind that mountain.

I had a lot of things coming at my marriage in 2008 and I fasted and prayed 1 meal a day for weeeeks. That's what I felt led to do, for some one whole day fast takes care of everything, I had to go long term and I did have some whole day fast in between. I suddenly started coming up on info about witchcraft etc. from Christian writers but that was just a side thing ( I think) and then ....... I foung out things about my husdand that being hidden was seriously destroying our marriage. The thing is I was sensing it but kept overiding or just wasn't sure. My story is too long and what came out in my marriage has been forgiven so I won't rehash. I just wanted to remind others of the power of fasting along with prayer and taking time to let the Holy Spirit teach you about you and then trust me if something else is amiss God will reveal and deal with it.
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In terms of the witchcraft issue, I came upon certain prayers ( I wish I knew where to locate them) but the gist was that it is necessary sometimes to do like Daniel and Nehemiah and ask God to forgive the sins of your forefathers and mother because curses can come from covenants they may have made unkown to you. I am skeptical about the generational curse issue and that's for another thread but from all the reading I've done I do agree with the conclusion that demons can feel they have a legal right to you which can affect your marriage based on oaths, covenants etc someone in your bloodline got involved with. My greatgrandmother was into obeah and she uttered a curse over my parents marriage and well it is cursed to say the least but I now believe it has somehow affected my marriage also. One particular problem disappeared overnight after my long season of prayer and fasting and reading and finally getting the nerve to try some of the curse breaking prayers ( I was desperate). That's when I truly understood that God was showing me something but I was too "not wanting to appear superstitious" to accept what I was learning.

That being said, my own attitude was the source of much of my marriage problems too and a book 'Created to be his helpmeet' did teach me a better way to do things. I also have read the power of a praying wife and highly recommend it. It certainly helped me in some areas. In all things you have to know what God is showing you about your marriage, my example may help someone but not be the answer for another.

Edited to say thanks OP, your post are helping me. I believe in being teachable because our true enemy would try anything to see our marriages fall apart. I would have just lurked had you not repeated the question re. curses etc. They are real.
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I can testify that some things can't be solved nor would some problems leave withprayer and fasting and I would add obedience to whatever the Holy Spirit tells yout ou to do. That's the biggest hurdle but breakthrough is usually right behind that mountain.

I had a lot of things coming at my marriage in 2008 and I fasted and prayed 1 meal a day for weeeeks. I just wanted to remind others of the power of fasting along with prayer and taking time to let the Holy Spirit teach you about you and then trust me if something else is amiss God will reveal and deal with it.

Thank you for reminding us about this...Its a good idea for all of us and a doable one at that!
That's when I truly understood that God was showing me something but I was too "not wanting to appear superstitious" to accept what I was learning.

I am so glad you wrote this sentence in regard to curses...I did not want to believe what was really going on. I just thought simply talking things out would solve the problem.

There are things that must be dealt with in the spiritual in order to manifest in the natural. I am glad you were diligent in his Word to solve your problems. And now you are helping someone else. Bless you!
I wanted to thank you all for these posts. I have seen signs of past issues with DH coming out and these things have tried to come in and wreck our marriage. I know that this is a spiritual battle. I have the power of a praying wife and I have been praying and talking to God because that's the only way to put a stop to this.

Thank you LIKI51 for starting this challenge. I also have taken your advice and brought my book to work and i have prayer book from Christian World Ministries that i brought to work as well. There are some powerful stronghold breaking prayers in the CWO prayer book.

I have been praying and believing for my husband to be delivered. I can feel when I haven't been talking to God as I need to when I'm not consistent and I am determined to not let anything stop me or distract me from what I know I have to do.

God created and loves marriage. In the power of a praying wife, Stormie says that she will not sit idel and watch her husband be defeated (this isn't word for word), the days when I really am tired I keep reminding myself of this.
I can feel when I haven't been talking to God as I need to when I'm not consistent and I am determined to not let anything stop me or distract me from what I know I have to do.

The devil is trying to distract us...we get so caught up with other things that we are too tired or upset to take care of the things of GOD.
Still in prayer ladies over my marriage. Slight improvement is visuable, but ALOT is still to be worked out. Now Im waiting on God to get my husband on one accord with me about church. He is against my membership at a church I felt lead by the Holy Spirit to join. The way I came to find it was nothing but God answering my prayers, but my husband is coming up against me about it. I am praying to bind the spirit of jezebel, and korah within my marriage.
Prayer for Marital Difficulties

Lord Jesus, who blessed the marriage at Cana with Your presence, my husband and I need the sanctifying influence of Your presence in our home. We have not been happy. I confess that we have not always lived our wedded life according to Your Word. We have had differences, ugly scenes, and harsh words. I am ashamed of my conduct, for I, too, have been personally guilty, and I pray You to forgive me my transgressions.

Dear Savior, I pray You, come into our home and live there; then we shall be able to overcome our difficulties. Keep me and my husband aware of the perfect example of Your unselfish love and service, and make us eager to follow that example in our wedded life. Help us to be willing to forgive and to forget, even as You in Your mercy forgive us our sins and wash them away. Direct me and my spouse to live according to Your Word that every experience may serve to dray us closer to each other and both closer to You. Hear my prayer, blessed Jesus! Amen.
Just wanted to tell you all that the prayers are working!! YAYWEH is mighty indeed! Hubbbie has been so good I have been giving him the side eye!!!! LOL!