Super Grow Out Challenge **Update Month 2**

I want to say I'm doin well, but this winter is kicking my but. My hair isn't really dry anymore thanks to Suave's Aloe Vera conditioner and Greg's Juice...which I have to get more of. The new problem is knots. My hair is knotting up like crazy and i have no clue what to do....and it's doing is making me go scissor happy. I need help
melodee said:
I could use a little encouragement. My hair is extremely dry, and feels like it's very rough in places. I am starting to feel like I want to just cut it short. I don't think my hair is meant to get any longer.

Please try a deep conditioning before chopping anything off. Since I have been on the deep conditioner challenge, I notice my hair is feeling stronger and taking longer to dry. This means it is starting to become more mositurized. Try this for at least two times a week for two weeks and see if it makes a difference.
I am doing okay I guess. I am going to get a trim this month as I am starting to get breakage and shedding (23 wks into transitioning). I am quite sure it is my colored ends. I can not wait until April (end of the no length check challenge) so I can finally see my actual length. I wanted to wait until then to trim but I don't think I can wait that long :nono:.
my hair is growing as well slowly but surely. I have seen an improvement. I've seen some splits and some knots but not very many. I have been condition washing daily- i need to spend more time detangling. I ran out of some of my vitamins and haven't replenished yet. I have been shampooing and deep conditioning weekly- sometimes w/ heat, sometimes without. I have been moisturizing at nite and applying a thin plastic cap over my hair. i ordered a new leave-in detangling condtioner so i plan to try that as well as my phonypony and phonybun. Phonybun arrived today but i wasn't home, so i have to pick it up at the rental office in the a.m. Phonypony should arrive by next week. Gonna concentrate on detangling more in the shower daily and monitoring hair for knots and splits. Ran out of my favorite moisturizer but i ordered some more and i have some other stuff to use until it comes in. That's about it for now.

What deep conditioner do you use? I started using Cathy Howse's, but I think it's just too drying for my fragile hair. I really don't do well with a lot of protein. I thought that it was a mild protein, but it's really not.
sugarsweet checking in
I really want to learn how to post my results on the thread because the only way to see my pictures is threw my journal. I don't know why its not working in my sigs. I really need to get my computer checked out because it seems like nothings working right now I have about seven new pics and I can't even show them :( will some one give me advice on how to put my pics on a thread. ok done venting my progress is coming along slowly and I have decided to simplify my routine. I got a trim this month so hopefully I will see more progress next month.

on the up and up I am so happy to see that so many of you ladies are doing so well with growing out your hair keep up the good work :grin:
Hi all,

I hope it's not too late to join this challenge!!

Since the beginning of the year I have retained 1 inch of hair even though I had a 1/4-1/2 inch trim at the beginning of February. So all in all I think I'm doing well.

I just ordered HF 37 to help to speed up my growth. I will let you know how that turns out.

Happy growing everyone:) !
i'm doing ok i guess, february was a terrible month for me i've been having breakage for 4 weeks straight .I think the culprit was too much protein, right now i've started leaving conditioner on my hair (dry) for as long as possible and then rinse im gonna try to do this daily but the weather is so cold so i can't make any promises.On the upside my hair seems a lot thicker and i'm 2 inches from brastrap.
LC Checking in...

I broke down and relaxed my hair after 9 weeks with my beloved PHYTO. Starting to get the hang of this self-relaxing thing thanks to LHCF. Noticing much thicker hair in the last 6 months.

I have noticeable growth (about an inch), but I'm a bit impatient for some areas of my hair to grow back in after a bad color job. (Who puts PERMANENT color on twice in the same DAY!!???) I need to color again, but I feel black makes me look washed out & who knows what the highlights will look like...

I've also put myself on a less product/less heat regimen by selling/giving away part of my mountain of products gained through PJism. I did my first successful airdry rollerset last weekend, and I hope to use this on a weekly basis. I also bought solar rollers from wal mart - LOVE IT!
The condition of my hair has never been better. I'm currently 7 1/2 weeks post relaxer and my hair still looks great. I gained about 1 1/2 to 2 inches overall in length.

I'm sticking with my regime of washing and deep conditioning once a week. I'm still trying to master the elusive art of rollersetting. I'm getting better. After reading a few posts on pre-pooing, I've incorporating that into my regime, my hair definitely likes that. I've been moisturing my ends daily and just taking better care of my hair overall.

Friday, I will make my first visit to a Dominican Salon. I hope they treat me well.

My hair is stronger and shinier than it's been in a while, especially almost 8 weeks post relaxer.
sugarsweet said:
sugarsweet checking in
I really want to learn how to post my results on the thread because the only way to see my pictures is threw my journal. I don't know why its not working in my sigs. I really need to get my computer checked out because it seems like nothings working right now I have about seven new pics and I can't even show them :( will some one give me advice on how to put my pics on a thread. ok done venting my progress is coming along slowly and I have decided to simplify my routine. I got a trim this month so hopefully I will see more progress next month.

on the up and up I am so happy to see that so many of you ladies are doing so well with growing out your hair keep up the good work :grin:

Are you trying to put all your pics in a thread or you want to update your signature with one picture? If it is the former, you most likely can't b/c the file size is too need yahoo or fotki. If it is the former.....PM me.
I took out my braids after a month and have a little new growth I pre-pooed my hair this weekend with capilo cinnamon oil mixed with kolestral moisturizer. I then shampooed and airdried. I had a weave put in 3 days after. Ladies this is my second weave but I am a little skeptical because the weave is pretty long the hair( I bought from Lugos in brooklyn) is 18inches . I'm just a little worried about being able to take care of my hair under it since I am currently 10 weeks postrelaxer . Any advice on taking keeping my hair moisturised while being in a weave. I want to keep it in for at least 2 to 3 months.

Well, you have the right idea! Your hair underneath is going to need tlc. If you can't get to is as well try putting your moisturizers in one of those color applicator squeeze bottles. You can get these at just about any BSS and Sally's. These work wonders for hard to reach areas and for getting in between tracks. When you do comb and brush the weave make sure to hold the track down to your head so you won't put extra stress on your hair underneath. You will have some amazing newgrowth when it is time to take the weave down. Good Luck!

MissDiva said:
Hey Ladies

I've been doing the same things as usual, I'm still in a sewn in weave. I try to moisturize twice a day, but I've been extremely lazy with my hair lately. I haven't done any condition washes in a while. I've been taking my vitamins regularly and trying to get as much protein as possible.

It's freezing around here, so hopefully I'll get motivated to start the condition washes again either this month or next month.
I think moisturizing once a day is enough considering your hair is protected 100% of the time. If you are not doing co washing in this cold weather I completely understand. You can always wash less now and pick the co washes up when it gets a little warmer. Kudos on staying consistent with the vits. That can be really tough! HHG

Softresses said:
Hi SGO Sisters! :lol:

I am doing good on the challenge. I think I may have hit brastrap length but I have not measured. I always use the baggie method and a phoney pony or bun. I am planning to measure/post pics in May or June of this year.

Thanks for all the tips LHCF Ladies!

Hi Softresses!! :wave:

So you may have hit brastrap. That's great to hear. I can't wait for you to post your progress pics!! :trampoline:

Alli77 said:
It's going okay for me I'm just alternating between cornrowing and bunning it. I'm keeping it real simple and I plan on getting my texturizer touch-up in about a month or so.
Keeping it simple is a great idea. Less manipulation is wonderful when trying to grow the hair out. Keep up the good work!

mshoney2u said:
I ve been doing pretty good.
*I have tried to drink 2 liter of water a day -doing good with that
*Taking my vitamins -doing good with that
*Exercising- not so good with that (I working on it though I should get my ellipitical machine in 3 wks.)

I dont know how much growth I have obtained because I havent straighten my hair yet. I am doing excellent with "no heat".

*Until next month ..........

H A P P Y G R O W I N G ! ! ! ! !
Sounds like you are doing a wonderful job!! Keep up the good work! HHG
I don't have much to report other than the fact that I still haven't gotten trim that I promised myself from the first check in.
_lovelyness said:
After being in braids for 3 months, I attempted to self relax for the first time this weekend.
Well, it was a HOT MESS !! I give myself a 3 over 10 :mad:
My hair is clearly underprocessed :(
I don't know what went wrong. God knows I read Southerngirl's & Londondiva's tips 10 times, and memorized every SINGLE step !
Then I tried the bantu knots to avoid using heat.
Another mess! The lovely flowing curls where nowhere to be found ! My bang came out nicely, but the rest of my hair was just a frizzy puffy mess!
I had to put everything in a bun !!!!!!!!
The only positive thing is that my hair has grown ! But what is the essence of having long hair, if you can't style it yourself ???? :confused:
You can see the pics of this fiasco in my fotki :perplexed
I'm counting the days, until when I can put my beloved braids back. :mad: At least, They never fail me !

You poor darling!! Guess what? Taking control of your own hair care takes lots of pratice. Those bantu knots are not the easiest style to master either. Pratice, pratice, and more pratice. With the bantu set you can do them on dry hair. Just apply some moisturizer to make them a little damp and then twist. Let them dry and take down. Also, I think this styles works best if you only put in 5 or 6 knots. If you do them too tight, they come out frizzy. Just keep praticing. You will get the hang of this do it yourself thing. I will take a look at your pics as soon as I can. Oh, btw, I love braids!!

Growingitlong said:
ok so here is my story.
ii have been wearing barids for the past 3 and half weeks and i am about ready to take them down. this weekend i will take them out and deep condition. i am trying my best to stay in braids for a few months so i shall redo them in a week or two. maybe do a weave instead.
i am washing every week and using curl activator on my braids for moisture. so far so good.
Wow! Sounds like you have everything under control. Keep up the good work!!:)

bocagirl said:

I'm doing pretty good. My breakage hasn't stopped but it's reduced considerably, plus I can see how much my hair is growing so that makes me happy.
Good for you!! I think when the warmer months come in that breakage will finally come under control. It seems like everyone is having breakage problems and I really think it is the cold weather.

Cincysweetie said:
My hair is doing alright! I have recent pics up in my album for those who haven't yet checked them out. I added the NTM line to my routine. I've been increasing my washes and co washes b/c my hair has been getting dry and my roots also. I am currently looking for a new moisturizer for my ends which are dying for some thirst. I am to relax in 2 weeks, at week 13, and boy am I ready!!! I am interested to see how much growth I've retained, if any. I will surely post pics from my relaxer then. My only set-back is that I flat ironed recently and had little broken hairs (which I ONLY get when I flat iron), so I'm a little nervous about that. I haven't had breakage other than that, and just minimal shedding. Otherwise, all is well!

ETA: I have been HORRIBLE with my vitamins...
Vitamins are really hard to stick with, especially if you are taken a dozen a day. I will go check out your pics when I get a chance. My hair doesn't really like direct heat either. I try to keep it to a minimum. Good Luck finding a good moisturizer. Mango butter works great for the ends if you haven't already tried it yet. Good Luck to you!!

keylargo said:
keylargo checkin in. Things are going really well. I'm stretching to 12 weeks for the first time ever. I'm currently at 10 1/2 weeks and my hair seems to be very happy about it. I've been focusing on moisturizing conditioners and using light protein conditioners once a week. I love my dominican conditioners. I'm hoping to see significant progress when I finally decide to touch-up.
Yay!! I can't wait to here about your post touch-up progress!! HHG
Not much to report. I've been fighting winter dryness but I think I have a remedy that is working. I also trimmed a few inches so that my longer layers aren't so long. Working on evening out my length.
beloved1 said:
It's been a good month for me. I'm new to the board and was just trying to get in the swing of things and learn what I should be doing. I think I retained about 3/4" - 1 " so I'm excited! And I've developed a regimen and solidified my products somewhat. I'm even considering no heat styles which I would have never considered before.

Drinking over a gallon of water daily, taking my vitamins, exercising about 15 minutes daily.
Welcome to the board!! :wave: If I haven't already added you to the list I will do so soon. Have you considered joining the Newcomer's Growing Out Club in addition to this challenge? There is loads of support there for people just starting there hair growing journey. Developing a regimen is one of the toughest challenges. It's great to hear that you have gotten past that initial hump. No heat styles are great for keeping the hair in optimul health. Good Luck to you in you hair growing journey!!

lovelymissyoli said:
This challenge is going so far so good. Within these past months on this challenge I have relaxed again (couldn't stretch it out any longer), religiously deep conditioned my hair weekly, stuck to protective styling my hair, and I recently got a trim to even out my layers once again; not my decision I might add, but anyways, I’m just happy that my hair is now at my shoulders again. I was stressing out about my current length but what do you know, good ole’ mother new growth is having her way with my hair, and I ain’t mad at her! :)

Currently I took a rest from braiding up into cornrows and slapping on a phony pony. I’ve been wearing my hair curly (with the help of perm rods of course) and deep conditioning each week. I plan to braid up again but I need to give my hairline a rest for a while. I’m just glad that I’m still getting pretty good growth without the help of braids.

I’ve added pictures to my album of my current length as of January (sorry no February pics), but will post them below as well. I’m trying to refrain for posting hair progress month-to-month, so I hope to check my length once again in April and see just how well this challenge is going.

Best of luck to all of you and happy hair growing ladies! :antlers:

Hair Pics:

*** Growing so far so good... It grew about 1 1/2 inches ***

*** It's hard to tell how much it's grown because of the trim...***

*** Length as of January...almost back to where I started. ***

Sounds like you have everything under control!! Your hair looks amazing. Congrats on getting back to shoulder length!!
i'm working on getting to walmart for a cheap digi cam, as for right now, my hair stands at teh same length. i've done nothing to it, i'm so bad at that. it's really dry, and i know it's my fault, i'm just trying no to let it revert while it's in it's "falt-iron" mode. i think i'll start a hail journal. but anyway.

i'm planning on getting braids on riday. semi-micros. fun fun. they'll be staying in for about a good 1 1/2 months or maybe 2 months.

i'm not completely natural. ugh the back is fully natural. but no the front, it's only half-natural so i'm still waiting on that part to grow out.

oh my ends are really frizzy? any suggestions? and ineed to buy surge! * putting on my to-do list*
melodee said:
I could use a little encouragement. My hair is extremely dry, and feels like it's very rough in places. I am starting to feel like I want to just cut it short. I don't think my hair is meant to get any longer.
Melodee!! What is going on with that gorgeous head of hair? Is it always this dry or is it something that has happened recently? Does you think your hair is dry because it feels dry or because it feels dry and is also breaking? Sorry about all of the questions. One thing that helped me in the past when I was having a similar problem was adding pre shampoo treatments to my regimen. Thanks to Boadicea I started using olive oil and conditioner on dry hair and letting it sit for an hour before shampooing. This worked wonders for my hair and completely cut out the dryness I was having.

If you feel you need to cut your hair start with just a 1 inch trim and try to remedy the dryness through deep conditioning and pre shampoo treatments. I also like to use NTM healing shine serum. It moisturizes the hair and keeps it soft and shiny.

Your hair is so beautiful I honestly can't see the problems you are having but you see your hair day to day and know the ends and out of its behaving. I wish you well in finding what is going on with your hair but don't do anything you will regret before trying a few things to solve the problem. HHG
senimoni said:
Paging DSD!!!
I made it!! Personal problems snatched me away at around 9:30 this morning. I am glad to finally be back to answer any questions and help where can!! Happy Hair Growing to All!!
This is my first check in - but I did join kinda late in the process (cough cough ;) ) I am almost at 11 weeks post relaxer...I think I will easily make it to 12. I really can't believe it! I have never made it much past 6 weeks w/o breaking into hives or something before.

This week I have a slight setback, as I have the flu or something and have been in bed for the last 3 days basically. Still took my vitamins, but God only knows whats going on under my headwrap. :eek: On Sunday, I washed and DC'ed my hair with Salerm wheat mask? or something like that. Used my usual humectress as a leave in, and airdried. My hair felt so silky and velvety, I couldnt stop touching it and moving my head around to feel it on my neck. I have alot of new growth but certain areas have more than the nape of my neck, the texture of my hair is different anyway so its hard to tell there. I had my daughter hook me up with some cornrows when it dried, and I will keep those in for the next week or two until I relax again.

I also think I will stop taking biotin for now, as I think its responsible for some huge bumps I got out of nowhere. Otherwise, its still GNC Ultranourishair, MSM, silica, and flaxseed oil. I do carrot juice every other day. Havent used heat since August I think...I surge 2x daily, wgo every other day. My two new best friends are Salerm and NTM ....where WAS I before them?

I am on the shoulder length challenge, and really feel I will be there by the end of the summer if all goes well. I'll let y'all know when I get some pics together. HHG!

the prize is the journey
Sapphire said:
Well, nothing new to report. I've been sticking to my regimen really good. I poo twice a week, deep condition w/heat once a week, and light protein condition once a week as well. I moisturize and spray my scalp with a mixture of WGO and Surge daily. I'm getting a little frustrated because I'm not seeing any growth. :( So, I've decided to not take any update pics until next month. I guess I need to remember that retaining length is whats most important, even if I'm not seeing in growth yet. :ohwell:
Remember a watched pot never boils. Our growth rate tends to slow a little in the colder months. I am confident that yours will pick up in the warmer months. Also you may have grow and just don't realize it because the Surge causes your hair to appear a different texture. You may be suprised when you update that you have retained more length than expected!!;)

YummyC said:
Hello everyone,
I have good news to report :)
I had my touch up done this weekend and my hair grew a lot. I am only three inches from shoulder. I have maintained my routine of washing, conditioning and simple TLC. I also wear a phony pony w/ baggie. At the current rate, I will reach total shoulder way before my Dec. deadline. HHG to ALL
Yay!!! That is so wonderful to hear!! You will be to shoulder length in no time at all!! Yay!!

Wildchild453 said:
I want to say I'm doin well, but this winter is kicking my but. My hair isn't really dry anymore thanks to Suave's Aloe Vera conditioner and Greg's Juice...which I have to get more of. The new problem is knots. My hair is knotting up like crazy and i have no clue what to do....and it's doing is making me go scissor happy. I need help
I am glad to hear that you have solved the dryness problem. I don't know what to tell you about the knots. I get them sometimes too. It seems that they like natural hair a little bit more though. Are they even preventable. I just cut mine out and keep on going! Maybe someone hear has an answer to this one. Otherwise it sounds like your hair is doing well!! HHG

sharee said:
I am doing okay I guess. I am going to get a trim this month as I am starting to get breakage and shedding (23 wks into transitioning). I am quite sure it is my colored ends. I can not wait until April (end of the no length check challenge) so I can finally see my actual length. I wanted to wait until then to trim but I don't think I can wait that long :nono:.
Waiting is so hard to do. Will the trim completely free you of you colored ends? Dealing with 2 textures can be really tough. Hang in there and before you know it your transition will be complete!! HHG

Ayeshia said:
My hair is starting to grow back from the trim I had the last week of January. So far so good :)
Good to hear!!

carameldiva said:
my hair is growing as well slowly but surely. I have seen an improvement. I've seen some splits and some knots but not very many. I have been condition washing daily- i need to spend more time detangling. I ran out of some of my vitamins and haven't replenished yet. I have been shampooing and deep conditioning weekly- sometimes w/ heat, sometimes without. I have been moisturizing at nite and applying a thin plastic cap over my hair. i ordered a new leave-in detangling condtioner so i plan to try that as well as my phonypony and phonybun. Phonybun arrived today but i wasn't home, so i have to pick it up at the rental office in the a.m. Phonypony should arrive by next week. Gonna concentrate on detangling more in the shower daily and monitoring hair for knots and splits. Ran out of my favorite moisturizer but i ordered some more and i have some other stuff to use until it comes in. That's about it for now.
You are staying consistent with your regimen. It sounds like you have everything under control!! Keep up the good work!:)

sugarsweet said:
sugarsweet checking in
I really want to learn how to post my results on the thread because the only way to see my pictures is threw my journal. I don't know why its not working in my sigs. I really need to get my computer checked out because it seems like nothings working right now I have about seven new pics and I can't even show them :( will some one give me advice on how to put my pics on a thread. ok done venting my progress is coming along slowly and I have decided to simplify my routine. I got a trim this month so hopefully I will see more progress next month.

on the up and up I am so happy to see that so many of you ladies are doing so well with growing out your hair keep up the good work :grin:
About the pics. Yahoo won't let you link pics. You have to get an account with someone like Fotki or Picturetrail to be able to do that. Sorry:ohwell:

Remember its not about how much you get its about how much you retain. I am sure your progress if better than you think! HHG

RabiaElaine said:
Hi all,

I hope it's not too late to join this challenge!!

Since the beginning of the year I have retained 1 inch of hair even though I had a 1/4-1/2 inch trim at the beginning of February. So all in all I think I'm doing well.

I just ordered HF 37 to help to speed up my growth. I will let you know how that turns out.

Happy growing everyone:) !
Sounds like you are doing wonderful!! It's never too late to join. I will add your name to the list! HHG
bronzehair said:
i'm doing ok i guess, february was a terrible month for me i've been having breakage for 4 weeks straight .I think the culprit was too much protein, right now i've started leaving conditioner on my hair (dry) for as long as possible and then rinse im gonna try to do this daily but the weather is so cold so i can't make any promises.On the upside my hair seems a lot thicker and i'm 2 inches from brastrap.
Two inches from brastrap?? That's great to hear!! Yay! Too much protein "will" make your hair brittle. It is good that you figured that one out. I think doing what you are doing with the conditioner will help combat the breakage. Good Luck to you!!

LadyChe said:
LC Checking in...

I broke down and relaxed my hair after 9 weeks with my beloved PHYTO. Starting to get the hang of this self-relaxing thing thanks to LHCF. Noticing much thicker hair in the last 6 months.

I have noticeable growth (about an inch), but I'm a bit impatient for some areas of my hair to grow back in after a bad color job. (Who puts PERMANENT color on twice in the same DAY!!???) I need to color again, but I feel black makes me look washed out & who knows what the highlights will look like...

I've also put myself on a less product/less heat regimen by selling/giving away part of my mountain of products gained through PJism. I did my first successful airdry rollerset last weekend, and I hope to use this on a weekly basis. I also bought solar rollers from wal mart - LOVE IT!
Even though your hair woes you still have found a handle on things. Good for you!! Your hair sounds like it is doing well. Keep up the good work!:)

brownsugarbabe said:
The condition of my hair has never been better. I'm currently 7 1/2 weeks post relaxer and my hair still looks great. I gained about 1 1/2 to 2 inches overall in length.

I'm sticking with my regime of washing and deep conditioning once a week. I'm still trying to master the elusive art of rollersetting. I'm getting better. After reading a few posts on pre-pooing, I've incorporating that into my regime, my hair definitely likes that. I've been moisturing my ends daily and just taking better care of my hair overall.

Friday, I will make my first visit to a Dominican Salon. I hope they treat me well.

My hair is stronger and shinier than it's been in a while, especially almost 8 weeks post relaxer.

Aalize said:
I don't have much to report other than the fact that I still haven't gotten trim that I promised myself from the first check in.
Well, you are doing great then!! Good for you! :yep:

WaterChylde said:
Not much to report. I've been fighting winter dryness but I think I have a remedy that is working. I also trimmed a few inches so that my longer layers aren't so long. Working on evening out my length.
I am glad to hear that you found a remedy for the dryness. Are you happy with the trim?? I am sure the trim looks great!

whosthatgurl said:
i'm working on getting to walmart for a cheap digi cam, as for right now, my hair stands at teh same length. i've done nothing to it, i'm so bad at that. it's really dry, and i know it's my fault, i'm just trying no to let it revert while it's in it's "falt-iron" mode. i think i'll start a hail journal. but anyway.

i'm planning on getting braids on riday. semi-micros. fun fun. they'll be staying in for about a good 1 1/2 months or maybe 2 months.

i'm not completely natural. ugh the back is fully natural. but no the front, it's only half-natural so i'm still waiting on that part to grow out.

oh my ends are really frizzy? any suggestions? and ineed to buy surge! * putting on my to-do list*
For the digi cam, if you decide to get an inexpensive one I would recommend you go with a less expensive kodak. You can get those for about 100bucks and the pics com out great . A hair journal is a great idea to help along in your hair journey. Mine helps me keep track of what is was thinking and doing during different hair phases. It's fun to look back on things I was doing a year ago or just any of the past hair moments.

The braids will definitely help you transition the rest of your hair while giving it a break from daily styling. Have you ever tried sealing your ends. This works wonders for helping keep the ends moist. Maybe it will help with the frizziness. Good Luck to you!
dontspeakdefeat said:
I made it!! Personal problems snatched me away at around 9:30 this morning. I am glad to finally be back to answer any questions and help where can!! Happy Hair Growing to All!!

You were a few hours away from a full fledged AMBER ALERT :D
bluwatersoul said:
This is my first check in - but I did join kinda late in the process (cough cough ;) ) I am almost at 11 weeks post relaxer...I think I will easily make it to 12. I really can't believe it! I have never made it much past 6 weeks w/o breaking into hives or something before.

This week I have a slight setback, as I have the flu or something and have been in bed for the last 3 days basically. Still took my vitamins, but God only knows whats going on under my headwrap. :eek: On Sunday, I washed and DC'ed my hair with Salerm wheat mask? or something like that. Used my usual humectress as a leave in, and airdried. My hair felt so silky and velvety, I couldnt stop touching it and moving my head around to feel it on my neck. I have alot of new growth but certain areas have more than the nape of my neck, the texture of my hair is different anyway so its hard to tell there. I had my daughter hook me up with some cornrows when it dried, and I will keep those in for the next week or two until I relax again.

I also think I will stop taking biotin for now, as I think its responsible for some huge bumps I got out of nowhere. Otherwise, its still GNC Ultranourishair, MSM, silica, and flaxseed oil. I do carrot juice every other day. Havent used heat since August I think...I surge 2x daily, wgo every other day. My two new best friends are Salerm and NTM ....where WAS I before them?

I am on the shoulder length challenge, and really feel I will be there by the end of the summer if all goes well. I'll let y'all know when I get some pics together. HHG!

the prize is the journey

I am glad to have you!! Welcome!! :wave: I will add you to the list!!

Kudos to you on stretching your relaxer! If your hair was in good condition before getting sick and not being able to tend to it I think it will be fine as long as you keep it tied up. I hope you feel better soon!

Biotin has been know to cause breakout is some people. So maybe it's a good thing you stopped taking it. Good Luck with the other vitamins! It sounds like you have everything else under control! HHG
My hair seems to grow so slow. I am currently on the baggie challange. ON friday I am starting my own challange the cornrow challange as part of the supergrow out challenge. On this challeng I will be wearing cornrows. 2X a day I will spray with surge. and seal in with a spray type moisture, i will oil my sclap with WGO and carrot oil at night 3X a week. Every 2-3 weeks I will take my hair out wash, deep condition and put cornorows back in. I aim trying not to manipulate my hair. On my birthday april 14 I might wear my hair out. For graduation on may 14 I will defnitley wear my hair out. On these two days I wear my hair out I am going to air dry and flat iron to wear straight. I am taking biotin, centrum multivitamin and b vitamin. I am going to start drinking soy protien everday.

To be continued(next month)........
Not much to report here- I pretty much bunned it up this entire month and I haven't really been checking my length so I don't really know what's the deal. I stretched it just now and it seems like it's longer than the last time I checked, but who knows lol. I don't know when I'll be straightening my hair again although I plan to rollerset it tonight or tomorrow so that might eventually lead to straightening.

Anyway, this month I've:

-Touched up my texturizer (02/20/05), the next one will probably be in August or something (I put it over the whole length for the thrid time lol. I know better, but it was so underprocessed the first time and the second, still not processed enough. Third time was the charm I guess!)
-Realized I can't use the Motions anymore- it dries the hell outta my hair. But then again, could just be my hair...
-Used no heat (because I was bunned up all the time)
-Stayed consistent with my vitamins although at the very end, over the weekend, my centrum ran out. I bought Centrum Performance (w/added ginseng, more bvitamins etc.) and started using that...and my skin broke out by day 2. It has happened in the past with other vitamins, me discovering my body doesn't like certain brands or whatever. So I guess I should go back to regular centrum. I had a good balance going! (Centrum, CLO w/EPO, GNC Biotin and GNC B50 complex).
-Surged every now and then, scalp massages every once in a while

This month was ok. I think I might try to up my protein in March, do more rollersets, and keep as moisturized as I can now that my hair is more porous and even more prone to dryness! And my usual stuff. :cool:
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angelk316 said:
My hair seems to grow so slow. I am currently on the baggie challange. ON friday I am starting my own challange the cornrow challange as part of the supergrow out challenge. On this challeng I will be wearing cornrows. 2X a day I will spray with surge. and seal in with a spray type moisture, i will oil my sclap with WGO and carrot oil at night 3X a week. Every 2-3 weeks I will take my hair out wash, deep condition and put cornorows back in. I aim trying not to manipulate my hair. On my birthday april 14 I might wear my hair out. For graduation on may 14 I will defnitley wear my hair out. On these two days I wear my hair out I am going to air dry and flat iron to wear straight. I am taking biotin, centrum multivitamin and b vitamin. I am going to start drinking soy protien everday.

To be continued(next month)........
Sounds like you have a wonderful plan! Good Luck!
BahamaMama said:
Not much to report here- I pretty much bunned it up this entire month and I haven't really been checking my length so I don't really know what's the deal. I stretched it just now and it seems like it's longer than the last time I checked, but who knows lol. I don't know when I'll be straightening my hair again although I plan to rollerset it tonight or tomorrow so that might eventually lead to straightening.

Anyway, this month I've:

-Touched up my texturizer (02/20/05), the next one will probably be in August or something (I put it over the whole length for the thrid time lol. I know better, but it was so underprocessed the first time and the second, still not processed enough. Third time was the charm I guess!)
-Realized I can't use the Motions anymore- it dries the hell outta my hair. But then again, could just be my hair...
-Used no heat (because I was bunned up all the time)
-Stayed consistent with my vitamins although at the very end, over the weekend, my centrum ran out. I bought Centrum Performance (w/added ginseng, more bvitamins etc.) and started using that...and my skin broke out by day 2. It has happened in the past with other vitamins, me discovering my body doesn't like certain brands or whatever. So I guess I should go back to regular centrum. I had a good balance going! (Centrum, CLO w/EPO, GNC Biotin and GNC B50 complex).
-Surged every now and then, scalp massages every once in a while

This month was ok. I think I might try to up my protein in March, do more rollersets, and keep as moisturized as I can now that my hair is more porous and even more prone to dryness! And my usual stuff. :cool:
Sounds like you are doing a great job to me! Keep up the good work!