Successful transitioners... Product recommendations


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies:)

i'm transitioning and currently 5 months post relaxer.

i'm struggling!:nono:

It's the dryness that is driving me crazy. My texture, from what I've observed, is a 3c/4a. I have layers of different textures... let's see if i can explain it. from the back to the front of my head, it seems to go from 3c, 4a, 3c, 4a+3c

the 4a in the crown is difficult... well it's always been.

Please help me!

Successful transitioners of the 3c+ kind, what products made the transition easy for you??

What techniques?
I've got my detangling comb and I will be getting a Denman.

At the moment, I don't really have shampoo nor conditioner... :eek: nor leave-in:perplexed

nothing that i would use in the past seems to work as well as i would like.

My hair is just NOT cooperating (the relaxed part, that is)

so again:
Successful transitioners of the 3c+ kind, what products made the transition easy for you?? What techniques?

Flat-ironing every week/2 weeks?

How many times per week did you deep condition??

thank you!
I transitioned 15 months. I'm 4a/b. What helped me was a creamy thick moisturizing DC like AO HSR or NTM Conditioner. Washing my hair in sections ( 4-6 twists) worked tremendously. I lost little hair and was able to properly detangle. The denman didn't work well with my transitioning hair because it caused a lot of shrinkage in my NG (even though it also defines them nicely too). I shampooed and DC'd once a week because I wanted to cut down on manipulation. I air dried in braids or twists. If you do this then you can do a braid out the next day.

I was battling thick NG and bone straight relaxed hair. Not a good combination and I needed to pay attention to both. I used a non-sulfate shampoo like Giovanni, Trader Joe's, or Elucence Moisture Balancing. I used a mild protein treatment monthly (AO GPB). I basically bunned or wore braids for the majority of my transition. I would have blow dried more often using Pinkskates Tension Method (there's a large thread on it) if I knew about it. I only flat ironed 3 times during my transition. I wasn't a fan of frequent flat ironing because I didn't want to damage my curl pattern and because I planned on wearing natural hair styles as a natural as opposed to being a straight natural. If I were going to wear my hair straight most of the time then I would have incorporated a flat iron more often. However, Lauren450 flat ironed throughout her transition and her curls and coils remained intact. Allandra also flat irons her transitioning hair is it looks great.

Hi! I transitioned about 3.5 years. I have super thick hair. The things that lou mentioned worked for me too. I don't think it it was so much about the products as it was the techniques. I knw Shea butter was really helpful though. I washed and conditioned washed in a minimum of 4 sections. The denman didn't work during the trans bc my bone straight hair couldn't stand up to it. I wore buns, flexi sets, braid outs, twist outs, ponytail roller sets and ponytails most of the time. Occasional flat irons by my friend during pregnancy.

it seems that the search bar isn't working properly. If anyone could bump the Tension Method for me, I'd REALLY appreciate it!

I think i need to focus more on my relaxed hair at the moment. When both are dry (relaxed and natural), the relaxed part is even more dry. So, maybe I should focus on putting moisture on the relaxed part and maybe that will make it a little easier.

It seems like my new growth handles brushing and stuff like that better than the relaxed.

i also want to try flat-ironing more often too.
20 months post texlax here...

I poo/DC 1x/week. I had to start using SLS free poo because my natural hair doesn't like the other stuff.

I prepoo for 1-3 hrs and then poo. I DC for 30 min w/ heat or 1-2 hrs w/o. I use JASON's Sea Kelp poo or the Biotin poo. I DC with the matching con or Nature's Gate hair masque or an AO con.

I do a lot of braidouts, but I'm planning to straighten 1x/month in 09.

My natural hair loves jojoba oil, and Giovanni Direct seems to still be a winner as well.

I still use a Jilbere de Paris shower comb to detangle.

you give such great advice!

Im about to head out to Whole Foods to get some things!
EQP Mango Butter helped to soften my new growth. Also dcing with LeKair shea butter choleseterol helped. I just wore my hair in low manipulation styles. Wigs, weaves, braids, phony ponies, etc. I think I only had it straightened (dom blow out) once in the 5.5 months I transitioned.