So there's no such thing as a stupid question right?


Well-Known Member
I hear alot on this board, about shedding and garlic shampoo etc. etc. --But, how do you know that your hair is shedding profusely instead of the natural daily shedding that occurs with everyone? I guess I'm asking because I want to know if I should be afraid when I see hairs in the sink. Is it natural? or is my MT going postal on me.

--Are you keeping up with me? && Did that make sense?
I hear alot on this board, about shedding and garlic shampoo etc. etc. --But, how do you know that your hair is shedding profusely instead of the natural daily shedding that occurs with everyone? I guess I'm asking because I want to know if I should be afraid when I see hairs in the sink. Is it natural? or is my MT going postal on me.

--Are you keeping up with me? && Did that make sense?

Of course it made sense :grin: This is when understanding your hair and the way it behaves comes into play. I'd usually say "normal" shedding is anything less than a palm full of hair when rolled up. and you also have to take into consideration how long your hair is because the longer your hair is, the more it looks like there is more hair shedding. You also need to monitor your shedding patterns during the different seasons - I shed more in the summer than the winter because hair usually grows faster in the summer. Are they small pieces of hair in the sink? If so, that's breakage, and needs to be addressed.
It does make sense. :)

I don't know anything about MT so I can't speak on that. But as far as shedding happens...everyday. (Make sure to distinguish between shedding and breakage, which is another topic.) The rate of shedding varies from person to person and people go through phases of shedding more or less. I think in order to really know if your shedding is increasing, you need to have been noticing what it was all along. For example, sometimes people start to take care of their hair and therefore they start paying attention to things they never cared about before. And then suddenly it seems like there is so much shedding, when it's not much different from how it's always been.

They say it's normal to shed about 100 hairs a day. Now, that's just what I hear. Most people don't count their shed hairs, I would imagine. I sure don't. But I do want to say that I am a person who has hair that seems to shed a lot. I used to worry about it a lot because it seemed to be too much. However, my hair continued to grow. I never had bald patches. I never saw any loss of thickness or decline in the health of my hair. So after a while, I just realized that's how my hair is. For me, shedding is more of a problem as far as tangles are concerned, as the shed hair needs to be removed or it causes a rat's nest on my head.

Another thing to think about is length. As my hair started growing, my shedding seemed to increase, but I finally realized that it just looked like more hair because it was longer.

I say all of that to emphasize that shedding varies and is often nothing to worry about. You'll have to compare it to other times in your hair history. Now, if you feel you are loosing significant thickness or seeing spots where hair is missing, that's a problem. Otherwise it may be completely normal. Even if your hair is shedding heavier than usual, it may be a phase that will pass. Just keep up with your nutrition and good care of your hair. If you are concerned, you can always make a visit to a dermatologist to put your mind at ease.
Oh my Gosh! I was soo scared to post this. It's been plaguing me. But I am soo glad that I did.

--This hair care thing, is really like a major in college. LOL> Now, I gotta study my hair and see what kind of shedding it's doing. Analyze whether I shed more in the summer or winter. Ha! I love it.

Thanx for the responses lady.