Should I Relax? (PIC HEAVY)...Semi Update


Active Member
UPDATE I DID IT! Should I Relax? (PIC HEAVY)...Semi Update

Hi Ladies!!!

I know I have been M.I.A for a while (almost 2 1/2 years) and I have not posted in forever. Some of you guys might remember me (hopefully)...... But I have a serious hair decision to make and there is no way I could do it without asking my hair board ladies.

Should I relax my hair? - be nice please lol

This full head of natural hair is crazy and takes forever!!! From my past history and all of you beautiful relaxed girls, I am sure I can maintain it! But I am hesitant to lose my curls..... :drunk:

Either way...I'm back! (and looking for a challenge to join)

Background - I had started transitioning to natural for one year already when my official journey began in December 2007. I was able to get my natural hair to waistlength in December 2010 (still had about 4in of relaxed ends).



I have been HORRID my hair. Lazy. Lazy. Lazy. (Trust me you can tell by my ends).... I have gotten back on my old regimen as of yesterday.....but my hair is now completely natural and a little past MBL (with some straggly ends to waist length) when straightened. I dont have any relaxed hair left.




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Gorgeous hair! I lean towards keeping the natural hair (but I'm biased :wink2:). From what I understand, you're just getting back into a healthy hair care routine. Because of that, I would say hold off for a couple of months and see how you feel about your (fully) natural hair while on this routine. If you feel that it's still not working for you, then go ahead and make a change. Your hair; your rules :yep:.

ETA: Welcome back!! :dance7:
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Hi! They have a variety of texturizers available at the BSS..This way,you can keep your curls....I do understand...I'm all natural,have friends with texturized hair & it looks nice on them....

*You have to do,what's best for you...

Happy Hair Growing!
Welcome back sista.

I know what you are feeling, the creamy crack calls me too and like you i am hesitant to lose my curls.

You have a beautiful head of hair and i agree with ezina, try enjoying your hair while it's in its natural state since you are back on your old regimen which has been working well for you. Take your time to decide what it is you truly want to do, that which is best for you and your hair. Again your natural hair is thick and beautiful and it suits you.

Texlax. Then you will still have curls but can manage it better. Natural hair is great but, if you don't baby it, it will break quicker than if it were relaxed. (ime)
Texlax. Then you will still have curls but can manage it better. Natural hair is great but, if you don't baby it, it will break quicker than if it were relaxed. (ime)
Thank you for your post. You are SO right!!!

(and thats the main reason why I really am considering this)

I have been so lazy because wash day takes FOREVER!!!! My hair is THICK. When I was relaxed/transitioning it was all much much easier and took less time. I think I would do better with my regi if it didnt take so much work.....and again, like you said, when you dont baby your natural hair (at least for me) it breaks so much easier.
Your hair is beautiful and I do not think your hair is going to differ with the relaxer to be honest. I have seen your hair type with relaxers and very often there is disappointment because the hair looked stringy or didn't look that much different. I would not get a relaxer.

Almond Eyes
I'm going to second, whatever makes you happy.

BUT, if I had your hair there is no way I'd relax, like ever.
Beautiful hair! I remember your useful regimen guide over at BHM!

Do whatever makes you happy!
Your hair is gorgeous. I'm only 5 months post big chop, and I agree that natural hair takes way more time to maintain. You should do whatever is going to make you happy to deal with your hair.
Based on the OP and pictures provided, you have really nice natural hair and it appears healthy. If you want to relax, I'd recommend texturizing as you'd still maintain curl and still be able to deal with straightness. If you relax, you possibly go to straight and may regret it.

You stated your hair is a lot to deal with, so regardless to any personal comments and opinions, you have to do what you think is best for you, your time and your hair. Like sunnieb said, perhaps using heat once in a while and maintaining a heat regimen can help with styling and frustration.
Gorgeous hair!

Why not just keep it heat-straightened for a while?

thanks for posting! It takes FOREVER! One hour to wash and detangle. One hour to dc. Then I either blow dry for fifteen minutes or air dry overnight. Then flat iron for one about 3+ hours each time. It doesn't get very straight (even though I am awesome with a pair of flat irons) and then it doesn't last. A week is the best bet.
I figure if I want to wear it straight the relaxer would be less damage because I would not feel the need to use so much heat all the time.
thanks for posting! It takes FOREVER! One hour to wash and detangle. One hour to dc. Then I either blow dry for fifteen minutes or air dry overnight. Then flat iron for one about 3+ hours each time. It doesn't get very straight (even though I am awesome with a pair of flat irons) and then it doesn't last. A week is the best bet.
I figure if I want to wear it straight the relaxer would be less damage because I would not feel the need to use so much heat all the time.

This is true. I haven't used heat in 3 years. :grin:
Maybe it would be a good idea to go to the salon and get it professionally straightened
I am in awe as to how you could consider relaxing! Your natural hair is so beautiful and thick! Any reason why you want to relax?
I love your natural hair, and doing the reverse... Transitioning to Natural... I can only hope my hair is as fab as yours!

What about alternatinv twistouts and blow drying...
I say wait a month. come back to the forum. Try some techniques and new methods.

See how you feel in a month.

Your hair is gorgeous! But honestly long hair takes time regardless. Relaxed hair may be "easier" to detangle and style, but I always took alot of time on my hair. Conditioning, roller sets etc took time, At least for me. But it was EASIER as a relaxed head.

Think about it for a month and then if you want to, texlax. That way you have the best of both worlds. ;)

(Welcome back)
:drool: :drool: :drool:

Try texlaxing if you're looking to ease your hair care regimen. if you hate it, at least you didn't lose all of your curls.
lol I should whip you. haha! Your hair is GAWJUSSS! Since it's not on my head, I say do whatever you believe is best for your hair. I'm also a natural, and I do understand what a hassle it is to maintain. If you want to keep some of your curls, I say textlaxing is your best bet.