
Well-Known Member
YUMMY28 said:
thanks what kind of rollers should i use i have the jerry curl rods right now i am air drying in a bun this is my 1st time trying this

Depends on what look you're going for. If you want a sleek, straight look you should use magnetic rollers. They come in a variety of sizes and do a good job of stretching out the hair when properly used. If you want shirley temple curls you can do a straw set. Perm rods are good for a short curly look. Flexirods are good for bigger elongated curls. All of these rollersets can last anywhere from 7 to 14 days. HTH.


Well-Known Member
Ladies i had to dig this one from the grave yard. I wanna know how's it going? I 'm kinda been lazy. I have been dc with every poo, but have reduced to once a week. Lately i have managed to moisture @ night and use my scarf. How 'bout you?


Well-Known Member
Im currently in box braids without extensions. I am gonna be bagging everynight and sometimes during the day if I am not going out. I plan to keep these braids in until after my son is born next month. After that I plan to just keep retouching the braids until I get tired and then I will do something else. I haven't figured out what yet.