Relaxer Confusion...Going Crazy, Please Help!


New Member
Hello Ladies,
I am sooo... confused, Im about to go crazy! :wallbash: :wallbash:
Before coming to LHCF, I know nothing about hair and relaxing. Thankfully with the help of you ladies that is changing. However, I am learning so much that I am having a hard time decided what relaxer to use, know that I have all these new things to consider.:drunk:

I have been using ORS for some time now, and was ok with it, but never considered that it may be the cause of my extream dryness and breakage. Maybe the no lye or the relaxer? :perplexed

So my Questions are:
1. Should I use lye this time around, and if so what kind? ( I believe my hair is more on the fine side). Are there any other negatives besides, scalp irritation

2. Would Phyto be a better choice if using no lye? Does it have the same benifits of lye relaxers?

3. I plan on adding oil to the relaxer, will it be ok with whatever relaxer I choose?

4. Also, I am thinking about Texlaxing, is this better for the hair? Can I use any relaxer for this?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :yep: TIA, Jassy