Relaxed ladies who use Ayurveda...what to do first?

Hi again....ok this question is for my relaxed ladies who use the indian powders as part of their regimen.....I have atleast 1 in, at the most 2in of new growth my last relaxer was like 8 weeks ago, and it i'm actually like 5 months going on 6 months post and I'm shedding like crazy.......not breakage hair still feels thick.....I wanted to start my strict ayurveda regimen and keep it up until I either run out of products or until my next question is should I, A) Do my relaxer first and then start on my ayurveda regimen, if so how early should I start? or B) Start my ayurveda regimen and then wait about 3 more months and then relaxed? (Put in mind I have lots of new growth.....) I was thinking about relaxing first and waiting a month after my relaxer to start my ayurveda regimen and try and stretch 4 or 5 months....what do you ladies think?????
Bumping Bumping Bumping........I have the same question. I'm 11 wks post and wondering if I should begin using the indian powders/oils now or just relax at my normal 12 wks then begin about 2 wks later. I was going to pm Aggie about this. Maybe she will come in and help us out.
Well ladies since no one respond, I decided to do a protein treatment or use my Roux Porosity Control conditioner, and then about 3 or 4 days later do my relaxer, and then after two weeks I'm going to start my ayurveda regimen, and try and do that for 5 or six months..I'll let you ladies know about the results......thanks for bumping this ladies!
I would relax first and wait 2 weeks before starting ayurveda. Some people start a week after the relaxer. Then I stop using ayurveda powders 1 week before a relaxer. I still use coconut oil.

For your new growth I mixed olive oil and coconut oil together and basted my new growth. It came out soft and manageable. That worked for me. Idunno it's worth a try.
Most people say you should do tea rinses when you have a lot of new growth, because the bits and pieces get caught up in your hair if you do a paste. I started doing tea rinses about a week after my relaxer and didn't have any problems. I did it in addition to the Aphogee 2 min reconstructor and my hair still came out feeling soft after my deep condition. I've had little to no breakage since then, and I was getting a lot because my stylist over processed me :wallbash:. I haven't tried the paste yet, so I can't really speak on that. What powders/oils are you working with?
I would relax first and wait 2 weeks before starting ayurveda. Some people start a week after the relaxer. Then I stop using ayurveda powders 1 week before a relaxer. I still use coconut oil.

For your new growth I mixed olive oil and coconut oil together and basted my new growth. It came out soft and manageable. That worked for me. Idunno it's worth a try.

Thanks, I just PMed you the same question, it seems that no one was responding....but thanks again, I'm going to relax and then do my ayurveda regimen after two weeks....thanks again!!!:yep:
Well ladies since no one respond, I decided to do a protein treatment or use my Roux Porosity Control conditioner, and then about 3 or 4 days later do my relaxer, and then after two weeks I'm going to start my ayurveda regimen, and try and do that for 5 or six months..I'll let you ladies know about the results......thanks for bumping this ladies!

This sounds like a plan to me. I will be doing my relaxer next week and then start my ayurvedic in 2 wks. I'm not going to take a chance of some of the grain getting caught in this jungle.