Please, Please Pray for My Mother...

I am praying for you and your mother. I can't even imagine all you are going through right now but I pray God gives you peace and joy during this time in your life.
Sis, I too am praying. I have to admit, when I read what you mom is going through right now, it brought back bitter sweet memories for me. My mom was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer too, back in May of 2002.

And they gave her 6 months too. And don't you know she stayed here for 4 and a half more years!

It was not an easy journey. My dad was the ULTIMATE caretaker, and lived his wedding vows and showed absolute integrity and devotion during this time. I keep saying that I will write their story one day, it was so beautiful.

I come in agreement and pray that our precious Holy Spirit would come and minister to each one of you, you and your siblings and your dear mom. He will show Himself truly as Comforter during this time.
Still praying for your Mom ... :grouphug2:

She will also be at the top our prayer list for tomorrow's Prayer Line session. :yep:

We surround her with love... :circle:
Praying for you and your entire family. I lost my brother to brain cancer some years ago. He did not want to stay and fight. He was tired and ready to go. I believe he stayed around longer (2 to 3 weeks after he agreed to let his doctors share what was going on with the family) for my parents. He was their first born so it was particularly hard for them. It all happened so fast it seems. Just remember the doctors don't have the final say-God does!
I'm so sorry I will keep you and your mother in my prayers. Please try to enjoy every minute you have together.
Thank you everyone for your prayers and support! I would like to give everyone an update so far. The first day when I found out about my mom's condition, she was pretty much in denial was refusing further treatment and trying to convince everyone she was fine. My brother was ready to put her into a hospice after hearing that she had a month or less to live, my sister had reluctantly agreed that would be the best decision since it seemed that nothing else could be done. I felt completely left out of the picture in what was happening since I live on the other side of town and really couldn't travel back and forth due to gas costs and work where as the rest of my family are with her everyday.

My mom called me Tuesday night and we talked a bit, around that time she was coping with the fact that she was pretty ill and was ready to throw in the towel just like my brother and sister. She sadly said 'Well everyone's all grown up and my youngest is in college. Everyone's gone so I guess that's all." I told her that it wasn't true, she's still has several more grandchildren she needs to see and more weddings to attend. I asked her to not give up and try to fight. The day before yesterday I received a text from my sister informing that my mom made the decision to get a biopsy, she had made the decision to continue to fight. My mom had the biopsy earlier today however, we won't have the results back until tomorrow or Saturday. She will have the MRI tomorrow as well unless the hospital is short staffed again as they were today.

The doctor who was in charge of the biopsy said that my mom would be put into a nursing home to continue the rest of her treatment; we were given the task to choose a nursing home for her. I don't know if this is a good or bad thing since nursing home sounds like a nicer way to say hospice. However I really wished my mom was treated at a better hospital as the one she's currently in is the worst one ever, but I don't think any of my family members suggested that she should be moved to a hospital that specializes in and treat her sickness. I'll be spending the weekend with my mom, and hopefully I can be of more assistance to her and my family in making decisions for her well being.

Again thank you everyone for your love, prayers and support, I know that we could still face the worst possibility, but I would to keep a positive mindset as well that my mom has a strong possible outcome of living many many years into old age. I will keep everyone updated. :bighug:
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Hello everyone, I received several updates regarding my mom's condition from last time I posted here. As promised I will post the news here.

Last Friday my mom was moved from the fourth floor to the third as she is no longer as acute as she was and her vitals don't have to be constantly monitored. I stayed with her overnight but didn't sleep at all as she was very restless from the morphine(and other medications she was on); Saturday the doctor who performed the MRI explained that my mom had a tumor on her spine that was crushing it, thus causing paralysis in her legs; we will still have to wait on results from the biopsy to see if it can be removed so that physical therapist can help her with walking again.

On Sunday they started my mom on a drug called Zometa to treat the bone metastasis she experiencing from the cancer; my sister told me that mom ate well during breakfast (earlier last week, she was eating little to nothing; she was in so much pain, she couldn't drink the broth from her soup)which was very good to hear.

Today my mom has started the radiation treatments, however my sister hasn't relayed the details through email yet since the internet at the hospital was down. However, she mentioned that the biopsy results will be in tomorrow evening and that the initial source is pointing to the colon. She was also advised by the doctor that all mom's children should have a colonoscopy at age 40. That's all I have to share for now. I am glad that my mom is in better health than she was last Monday. Thank you for continuing to keep us in your prayers.
I am praying for your mom, you and your family. xoxoxo

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