Pin Curls


New Member
I tried this a few times last week and my hair looked good. I was able to sleep in the bobby pins and the next day my hair had body. In "Andre Talks Hair" Oprahs stylist, he says to use end papers but I didn't and my hair turned out good. You just have to figure out which way to turn and pin the hair to get the best look.
To me it was ok for a change.
Wind the hair round and round itself, until it is rolled up to the scalp. Stick a bobby pin in it to secure the curl.
Take a look at 1930's hairdoo website. There is a picture that shows about 5 pin curls on the top of the photo.
How much hair you use for each curl will determine how tight the curls are. Small sections will make tighter curls.
I get curls Tracy. I rocked this style the last few days prior to my relaxer and it was a hit (in my opinion). They really last too. Thanx to CH for reminding me of this style that I had as a little girl.
For people who get curls, how many pin curls do you make? And what's the thickness of your hair like? Does it curl easily as a rule, or no?

I probably make about 7 maybe. How I do them for best results are, I section out the amount of hair for one, lets say I'm doing my bang (I have somewhat long bangs), and starting at the ends I use my two index fingers and roll them up winding the hair like an invisible roller. When I get to my scalp I rotate the curl so that the hole is sideways flat against my head, and I slip one bobby pin through and move on to the next section.

So, I put about one or two in my bang area, one on the front side of my right ear, one on the front side of the left ear. In the back, I do about 4, two or so at the top and 2 or so at the bottom, I use different techniques based on how I want it to look. Sometimes I have all of the curls go in the same direction, meaning when I rotate it to pin in place they all may face right or left, or the right side of my head will have them facing the right and the left facing the left.

I get curls, sometimes it's curlier than other times. If the hole is too small I spread it some before placing the pin to make the curl a little bigger.

I hope this makes sense.
My hair is fine like yours Tracy, except Im a 4a. I make a couple on each side and about 4 in the back. The curls last all day. My hiar doesn't usually hold curls for very long.