Peekin out to say hi

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Well-Known Member

Hi, my name is Bre and I'm a hair'aholic. I am so blessed that I was able to find this board. I have been dealing with hair issues for the last few years and have a problem with cutting my hair and always straightening it. For me my hair is a reflection of my esteem and it needs to always look perfect or I feel like crap.

If I'm not mistaken I'm a 4a or 4b. Can't really tell. I started perming my hair in high school and boy was that a mistake. Did you know a little girl with hair so long and thick it looked like a weave? That was me. But once the perms started it was all over. The final straw was when after getting a perm I ended up with some bald spots. This had happened before but this time took the cake. I had talked to my beautician about growing out my perm. She told me that I could but be prepared for lots of shedding/breakage.

My last perm was March 25, 2005 and I haven't looked back since. I have had my hair done at the shop maybe once or twice in the last 12 months. My hair stopped acting crazy as soon as I walked out of the salon. There was no breakage issues and actually I've had less shedding since I don't perm. I will never get a perm again.

Well, I've ranted on enough. I just wanted to again step out and introduce myself and give a little background. Once I can figure it out I will post an avatar. for now here is a link to my photo album.


Please see post # 21. I'm not a newb!!!
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I'm a newbie too! I too had really long hair as a child when my mother used to press my hair. I think I started relaxing in Jr.high. I am still relaxed and plan to just take extra better care of my relaxed hair. I may consider transitioning in the future. My goal is for long healthy hair. We're in this together!! :cheers:
to LHCF, *Bre~Bre*! :wave:
Hahahaha!! I found my very first thread here. I don't know how I did it but I found it! Life is good :)

Oh snap! I said I will "never" get a perm again :giggle: I sounded like a dork :look: