Okay, I finally posted some pics

Wow! Your hair looks great -- thick and healthy too. It grew quickly in two months. You can really see the difference. What is your regimen? Whatever you are doing, keep it up because it is working very well!
Since I've been caring for it, I've variated between the braidout and a bun (I've worn the bun 2 weeks straight sometimes so I think I have fully mastered the art of the bun). Right now, I have it in a ponytail so it all basically depends on how I feel. For the rest of the week, I will wear it up (ponytail or bun), and take it down on Saturday but only if I have a hot date with my honey or my pickney.
Boom! Another sista who knows how to take care of her hair. It looks very healthy and shiny. I hope to see more pics soon
Your hair does not look horrible...it looks beautiful and it's so full & bouncy. Keep up the good work.
Carmel, just saw your pics.. your hair is off the chain!!!love the lenghth and sheen....
Caramelhonee... I want to be like you when I grow up!!
Your hair is beautiful. Nice and SHINY and THICK. Most of all, it looks very healthy. You're obviously doing LOTS right because you've gotten LOTS of good growth!!! I mean LOTS!!
I don't know but, I've got a feeling you just may be the next feature of the month, your hair is bangin'