OK, So I Cheated.....But, It Was Only Just A Little


Well-Known Member
This was supposed to be my first rollerset using the Big Girl method (no clamps, just bobby pins and duckbill clips) since I had finally graduated to using the 2 in grey rollers and they no longer came with training wheels....but I didn't feel it would come out right, so I cheated....a little. I still used the bobby pins and clips, but I applied clamps over them..which is no different than what I've done in the past :look:. Fortunately, the purple clamps pull the roots a little tighter so it result in a very smooth set.

I also tried a new product- Elasta QP Silk, diluted Chi Keratin Mist & Water (mostly water, a little mist), Chi Silk infusion mixed w/Cantu Shea butter leave-in. After rinsing out the conditioner, I applied a large dollop of Africa's best Organic Best organic hair mayo throughout my hair. I then sectioned the hair off, applied the water/chi mist to fully re-wet each large section. Before rolling each smaller section onto the roller, I applied the Elasta QP Silk and Chi Silk/Cantu mix. The Elasta QP worked excellent in maintaing my hair's moisture and rolling was pretty effortless-it had a smoothing effect and kept the hair very damp with only a few pumps. I sat under the dryer for about 20 mins., tied it up with a hair net, and went to sleep (it was early in the morning when I decided to do this, so it was left to airdry while I slept). When I woke up I sat on the dryer for 20 more mintues to make sure it was no longer damp.

I think I'll keep this one as a staple :yep: The results are below:


After comb-out/saran-wrap
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