no accelerated growth?


New Member
i noticed people are taking vitamins that are supposed to speed up hair growth like biotin and stuff like that. Anyone not seeing faster hair growth even though they take a alot of vitamins. Does it have something to do with the brand?


Active Member
Dejaun, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, it's just that an inquiring mind wants to know...Why does it seem like you are so easily discouraged? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the majority of your posts are gloomy, negative, and doubtful.

I'm fairly new at this too and believe me, I have already had plenty of set backs and minor disappointments.....but that is when I turn to the board for encouragement and also for a reminder that my hair will not be long in a couple of weeks.

Please, Please, Please!!! Do not take this the wrong way. All I am trying to say is that a more positive and patient attitude may help you on your journey.



New Member
im sorry im not trying to be negative but nothing goes my way. I come on this board and i see people who atleast reached most of their goals and my hair isnt doing anything it really makes me upset. I've been taking vitamins for about 2 years had lost my hair due to perms about 3 and half years ago. I get partial regrowth but that's it then when i wash my hair my hair looks thinner on the sides i can see my scalp right through it. Its embarrassing im going back to school next monday and my hair still the same as it was last school year. People dont know what its like to be teased "your hair isnt growing just cut it off" "its so nappy" "Your bald on the sides"


Professional PJ
My growth rate doesn't seem any faster since I started taking vitamins (I never measure, so I'm not sure...). But the hair that does grow is a lot softer and stronger.


New Member
How long have you been taking supplements? Patients is virtue... maybe it'll take a bit longer until you start seeing anything.


Hair Coach
Dejuan getting your hair to were it needs to be is not going to happen overnight. Just do what you need to do to keep your hair healthy and the length will eventually come. Please don't speak defeat your sides are probably the slower growing part of your head and it will take twice as long to see the results there. Patience please my dear. Everything will be alright!


Well-Known Member
If I were a guy, I would cut my hair low and be done with it.

Also, it takes 90 days to see a difference in hair. You must keep this in mind. I saw a difference faster but everyone is different.


New Member
If I were a guy, I would cut my hair low and be done with it.

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Sorry, but I disagree with this statement. If a woman's hair was falling out or wasn't growing the way she wanted it to, we as members on this board wouldn't suggest that she cut off her hair and be done with it, so if a man wants to have long hair and is facing a similar situation we should encourage him the same way.

Just my 2 cents.



Well-Known Member
I come on this board and i see people who at least reached most of their goals and my hair isnt doing anything it really makes me upset.

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It took us some time to reach our hair goals. It certainly didn't happen overnight (more like a few years). Give it time, and be consistent. It will happen. Please be patient. BTW, how long have you been at this? Oh yeah, and no more gloomy / negative posts!


New Member
Dejuan getting your hair to were it needs to be is not going to happen overnight. Just do what you need to do to keep your hair healthy and the length will eventually come. Please don't speak defeat your sides are probably the slower growing part of your head and it will take twice as long to see the results there. Patience please my dear. Everything will be alright!

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No truer words were ever spoken!
Hair growth requires much patience, there is no doubt about that. It would be great to see results quickly, but when it comes to hair, you have to understand that you're in it for the long haul and just commit yourself to the process.


Well-Known Member
Well, my hair was growing quite well long before I even started taking vitamins, but I think the Biotin in my GNC Hair, Skin, and Nails vitamins has been helping some. I've reached my first goal. It took awhile, but once I developed a good regimen and stuck to it my hair began to flourish.


Well-Known Member
Dejuan, methinks that if you get yourself GNC Ultra Mega Gold (Multi) and then supplement that with Flaxseed Oil, Freeda biotin, B5 and MSM, you will start to see results. I think we tend to get so caught up in trying to get the best "usual suspects" aka "magic hair-growing ingredients" that we neglect other nutrients that are needed to ensure our body is in perfect form to make good use of those hair vitamins. For instance, we all know that if the hair follicles don't get a good supply of oxygen, then they will be in bad shape. For blood to carry oxygen, it needs iron. But you may argue that iron's not a mineral you are lacking since you know you don't suffer from an iron deficiency...and anyway, you probably get a good supply of iron from your food (red meat, liver, dark green veggies, etc). But do you know that Vitamin C helps in iron absorption? So that if we are not getting sufficient Vitamin C (which is water soluble BTW), then all the iron we are consuming isn't getting to do its job. And so our poor follicles, as well as other cells in our body, are not getting all the oxygen they could get.
And that's just one example. But it's enough to suggest that the best way to see good hair health, is to ensure good overall health. So before stocking up on hair vits, make sure you are either eating very well, or at least taking a good multi. BTW, the supplements I recommend above aren't the be-all-and-end-all. Something you, Dejuan, said before led me to consider the GNC Mega Gold as an excellent choice for you. But you can take whatever other multi you like. Just know that the more nutrients it has, the less pills you will end up taking altogether.

In case you're wondering what I'm taking for my multi, I'm alternating between Twinlab Allergy Multi Caps and Vitol Great Hair , so as not to ingest too much Vitamin A (they both have it). I'm not too happy with this regimen since on the day I take just Great Hair, I miss out on all the other vits that are in TAMC but not in VGH. So when I ran out of Great Hair, I might consider just supplementing TAMC with the "usual suspects" instead of another hair multi. Oh, and why I take TAMC is because it is a great immunity booster, IMO. Since I started taking it 3 years ago (and cutting out dairy) I have not had a single bout of hay fever (pollen allergy) and I am not taking any meds.
Also, I sail smoothly during flu season without getting sick as a dog which would be the norm for me. I particularly like the fact that a day's dosage gives a thousand mg of Vitamin C.

So find a multi that's good for your whole body...depending on your needs, and the let the hair-specific supplements that may be missing from it be secondary to that. Maybe the reason some people are seeing results before you do is because they are already getting all their bodies need from either diet or their multi, so any extra supplements they take (eg biotin) are just that - EXTRA - and are therefore available (buffet-style) for the hair follicles to help themselves unchallenged. Just my $0.02.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but I disagree with this statement. If a woman's hair was falling out or wasn't growing the way she wanted it to, we as members on this board wouldn't suggest that she cut off her hair and be done with it, so if a man wants to have long hair and is facing a similar situation we should encourage him the same way.

Just my 2 cents.


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You have a valid point there. However, I was just giving my opinion on what I would do if I were male....


To each his own. :)
dejuan, My hair was growing fine without vitamins and I saw no significant growth after starting them. I was taking vitamins for my body prior to that though and will continue to do so. I am no longer diligent about taking the vitamins I began for my hair (biotin, gnc ultra nourishair, etc.). When they're gone, I won't repurchase.
Hi. I know how you feel about it seeming like your hair never grows. A lot of times I feel the same way. My hair has been just below my ears and shorter and thinnner in the back of my head for several years now. I think improper perming has a lot to do with it. That and also when I was in my pre-teens I couldn't keep that electric cuurling iron out of my hands to just turn the ends over on my hair so it would look "nice." All of this happened to me when I was 12 years old...just getting into that stage where you want to look nice and my long hair made me feel good about myself but after it got cut off and damaged, looking at my hair made me feel the exact opposite. I don't like looking at my hair a lot since it brings sadness to me wondering why hasn't it reached down my back yet??

That was a long time ago. I'm 20 now (today is my birthday) and I have learned somethings not to do to my hair and I wished I had learned about this sooner but I didn't so I am glad that I am learning them now and hopefully I too will have my hair between my shoulder blades again by the time I am 35. Just know that you are not alone and I feel similar to what you are going through with. Just look on the bright side of things and they can only get better for you (not worse).

Sorry so long, I just had to express my feelings about this subject.


New Member
<font color="blue"> Sorry to hear that your process is going slower than you'd like.
How do you wear your hair now??
Vitamins have helped the over all health of my hair. My new growth since dec 2002 is a lot stronger than before.
Not using heat and not trimming really helped me see that my a hair is growing at a steady rate.
Sounds like you've had some bad set backs.....
Don't give up! a lot of the gals here including myself visualize how it would be like when we reach our hair goals. I honstly think that helps a lot. Love your hair now but imagin how you'll be loving it in the future too. Be postive!


New Member
People in school can be absolutely brutal. My hair was a big natural puffball most of my childhood and teens, and I was picked on nonstop about it. What you will find out later is that people tend to attack your weaknesses (or PERCEIVED weakness) as a way to cover their own insecurities. Even the most put together people have a lot of inner demons, you'd be surprised. Just hang in there, ok, and always feel free to talk about it. But, like her namesake says, "don't speak defeat".

Although I'm a huge advocate of vitamins, I have never had the magic results some people report. I have never gotten an inch in two weeks or a month, or went from shoulder to bra-strap in a year. But you know what? SO what! I'm having fun in the progress, and I'm fit and healthy. And I'm learning to take care of myself. If there is one thing you can learn from this board, its to have confidence. On this board there are a lot more people working towards goals than those who have achieved them. And you will have support from both!
And one last thing that you can learn from those who have met their goals...simpler is sweeter. A lot of them do not take 35 vitamins, and have expensive, elaborate regimens. The key with them is that they have found what works for them, and they stuck with it. Finding what 'works' for you is part of the journey, so look at it with your head up and be sure to have fun along the way.

Best wishes


Active Member
Dejuan, don't worry sweetie, your hair will be growing before you know it. You may get discouraged at times, but don't give up. Continue being persistent with your vitamins, and I assure you that your hair WILL grow. It just won't happen overnight.


New Member
Patience is a virtue I started taking biotin and b5 in jan.03 noticed no change until my last relaxer in aug my hair diffenently felt the impact of the biotin and it is thicker because of the b5.I had to be consistenet to get results


New Member
I had been taking vitamins specifically for hair since late last year...I've been taking vitamins daily for overall health for as long as I can remember. This summer I stopped taking vitamins for hair to give my body a rest and see if the vitamins did make a difference and it seems like my hair is growing SLOWER than it has been. I'm definitely going to go back on my vitamin regimen..especially since things have slowed down and my schedule is back to normal. Like the other ladies here said...PATIENCE AND CONSISTENCY, is the key. I noticed in one of your other posts you said that the essential oils didn't work for you??? How long did you use them? In the "Proven Oil Blend" a scientific study, it took several months (7 I think) for people who had lost their hair due to alopecia to start seeing regrowth. PATIENCE AND CONSISTENCY.

BTW, have you seen a dermatologist regarding your hair loss?
Hi Caramelbarbie,

Right now I am wearing my hair combed straight back (I had a scarf on it earlier since I didn't want it to look so poofy- my last relaxer was in the first week of June). But I have to admit that since reducing the amount of direct heat I use on my head I'll pull my hair back into a ponytail with a rubber band or ouchless band but I am trying not to wear that style everyday also since I think that may be causing some damage also.

I've had quite a few set backs (the most irritating is when I go get a relaxer touch up how irritated my scalp feels. That's why I try to go 2 months minimum before I retouch to avoid this problem. I also was bad about the curling iron by placing it on my hair everyday while in high school- the end result was weaker ends that I still have some of now. And when I was about 10 or 11 when I received my first relaxer everything was good for a while but after several months that's when I started to notice some thinning and damage to the back and crown of it).

I beleive that I can grow my hair back healthy, it just takes some time. All I can do it remain positive and hope that I never experience any major setbacks in my life again.


Active Member
You mentioned that a relaxer took your hair out. I agree with JenJen that you may need to see a dermatologist. If your scalp has been damaged wnough, there isn't a vitamin that can make those areas of the scalp grow hair. A dermatologist would be able to tell you what to do especially if you've been going through this for 2 years.


Active Member
Dejuan are you in good health? How long have you been taking your vitamins? Are you eating a well-balanced diet? Vitamins unfortunately do not work overnight. If you have been sick recently or not in 100% the vitamins you ingest may be rerouted by your body to where you body feels it needs it the most. You may feel your hair need the vitamins but your body feels maybe one of your organs needs it more.


New Member
i got alot of catching up to do..well as to what vevster said about cutting my hair. I've had short hair all my life and struggled to get waves in my hair but its too nappy for all that. Using handful of wave grease didnt work for me i always wanted that wave look in my hair. I didnt just want a hair cut i wanted waves. I had a wave pattern like one time when i put in a texturizing kit that lasted one week and i couldnt get them back again. I dont feel like going to the barbershop paying 11 dollars every weeks for a hair cut that dont even look decent anyway. So i decided to grow out my hair because i figured since it grows fast anyway it would just be easier to wear braids plus my girlfriend would do my hair for free and shes an excellent braider. So me not knowing, I used too many curly perms because my mother told me they would make my hair grow. So i ended up with very thin damaged hair on the sides its even thin in the back on both side but thick in the middle of the back. I saw a dermatologist and he said my scalp looked fine and that my hair should grow back. Well that was almost 3 and half years ago and i've been chemical free. I've tried all kinda greases that claim to regrow temples, Doo gro, ORS, Profectiv, Etc. and i end up getting Seborrheic dermatitis which causes massive dandruff in really big flakes that i cant get rid of..I've tried every prescription and over the counter shampoo out. And i have several spots where there is no hair but i dont know if my follicles are damaged or not. if they are i dont know whether it was the grease or me scratching it making scabs. It cant be the dandruff because i have a full head of hair where i have the most dandruff so i dont know what is causing my hair not to grow back.


New Member
i dont know what everyone above said, im too lazy to read it all. but try not taking the vitamins for 3 weeks and go back on them. Daily rinses are the bomb, and if u say ur hair is nappy do some conditioner rinses, it always softens up the hair. Curl Activator can put some waves (i think) in the hair AND stay off perms .....


New Member
i got alot of catching up to do..well as to what vevster said about cutting my hair. I've had short hair all my life and struggled to get waves in my hair but its too nappy for all that. Using handful of wave grease didnt work for me i always wanted that wave look in my hair. I didnt just want a hair cut i wanted waves. I had a wave pattern like one time when i put in a texturizing kit that lasted one week and i couldnt get them back again. I dont feel like going to the barbershop paying 11 dollars every weeks for a hair cut that dont even look decent anyway. So i decided to grow out my hair because i figured since it grows fast anyway it would just be easier to wear braids plus my girlfriend would do my hair for free and shes an excellent braider. So me not knowing, I used too many curly perms because my mother told me they would make my hair grow. So i ended up with very thin damaged hair on the sides its even thin in the back on both side but thick in the middle of the back. I saw a dermatologist and he said my scalp looked fine and that my hair should grow back. Well that was almost 3 and half years ago and i've been chemical free. I've tried all kinda greases that claim to regrow temples, Doo gro, ORS, Profectiv, Etc. and i end up getting Seborrheic dermatitis which causes massive dandruff in really big flakes that i cant get rid of..I've tried every prescription and over the counter shampoo out. And i have several spots where there is no hair but i dont know if my follicles are damaged or not. if they are i dont know whether it was the grease or me scratching it making scabs. It cant be the dandruff because i have a full head of hair where i have the most dandruff so i dont know what is causing my hair not to grow back.

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Oh no!!! If you are scratching and getting scabs, that's not a good sign at all. I would definately go see another dermatologist for another opinion, however, if you are scratching and scabbing in the same spot repeatedly, you could have little scar tissue right there...maybe that's why you have bald spots in some areas.
