Need your help Ladies!!!!!


New Member
Hi Everyone!

For my entrepreneurship class in grad school, I decided to write my end of module paper on my business idea. I want to start an international salon franchise for African American women. Basically, I want to create a chain of salons that are 1) accessible to everyone around the US and abroad 2) heavily focused on customer service and continuous stylist education and 3) dedicated to helping clients retain length.

But before I go any further, I want to ask for your input! Does this sound like a good idea?? If you were a client, what would be your particular wants and needs???

P.S. I would like to add your names into the paper as "real potential consumer feedback".

"Macherieamour says" may confuse the readers,lol.
This sounds like a great idea.

My concerns would be informing me how to take care of my hair, what products to use & more importantly how to use them properly. I'd also like to keep the lines of communication open in case I have a hair emergency and need to make contact for advice. I'd also like honesty, if a hair style or color will not look right w/ my face shape or complexion be honest and tell me. HTH

Hope I'm not asking for too much?

ETA: I forgot to add, keep my appt times long enough to do my hair w/o overlapping my appt w/ someone elses.
Sounds like a GREAT idea to me! I would want to learn about the importance of getting adequate moisture and protein..... I would love to learn about eating healthy and drinking water, along with food recommendations..... I would love to learn about avoiding breakage and why this is important, I would love to hear about wearing protective styles as one method of doing this. To me, these are all very "common sense" things, but yet I had NO idea of such notions before LHCF. It is only fair that ALL black women are educated in this way.... what they choose to do w/the information afterward is on them, but at least ignorance will no longer be the #1 factor so many AA women have shoulder-length and above hair.

You are welcome to use my real name in your paper.
macherieamour said:
Hi Everyone!

For my entrepreneurship class in grad school, I decided to write my end of module paper on my business idea. I want to start an international salon franchise for African American women. Basically, I want to create a chain of salons that are 1) accessible to everyone around the US and abroad 2) heavily focused on customer service and continuous stylist education and 3) dedicated to helping clients retain length.

But before I go any further, I want to ask for your input! Does this sound like a good idea?? If you were a client, what would be your particular wants and needs???

P.S. I would like to add your names into the paper as "real potential consumer feedback".

Yes, it is a good idea. I would be concerned about excellent customer satisfaction because if you are good word will travel but if you are bad word will travel much faster. I would address the fact that customer service is available 24/7 so clients can call at any time to address hair issues because emergencies are bound to happen. I also recommend that your employees receive training in how to handle customers face to face and over the phone so if a situation occurs your employees would know how to handle it accordingly without leaving a negative impact on your business. That is all for now. HTH:)
I agree that it sounds like a good idea and an interesting read.

As a customer one of my main concerns would be at home care. Of course we have LHCF but everyone who may frequent this salon may not have the resources or time to read up on hair care.

I would want the salon to be sort of exclusive, meaning no walk ins, set appointments and making sure those appointments were respected. Bascially a classy & professonal salon.

I would also like the opportunity to purchase the products used by the salon for my at home use.

I think it's a great idea. Starting off in the states and then see the potential for going intl.

Here are some of my wants/needs

I would love to have a stylist that is similar to a nutritionist of sorts. The stylist can give the client a daily/weekly/monthly schedule to follow after examining his/her clients current hair health and goals.

The hairdresser should be open to learning new things and taking classes if available. The hairdresser should think about hair health/goals first before agreeing to do any service that may hinder it and should disclose the risks/benefits of certain styles.

The hairdresser should always have a book of clients hair that shows a gradual improvement in hair health over a certain time span.

When I come for an appt I want to be serviced at the time I schedule-without the hairdresser rushing and doing a shoddy job on my hair.

If there is going to be a wait, the client should know how long it will be and it should not be over 15 min. If the client has to wait up to 15min, they should get a complementary deep conditioing treatment or whatever-next time they come in.
My particular wants and needs would be....

1. using quality products
2. Only ONE person touching my head.
3. stlyist that know not all products work for every person and just because your black doesn't mean you have to stick with black products
4. Stylist who are to date with the latest products

That's all I can think of right now
Well, you are on the right track.... Hair salons come a dime a dozen, but if you can offer services that other salons dont offer, then you will be head of the class...just some things at the top of my mind.
1stly i went to a salon faithfully every 2 weeks, so it is true that no matter how much you go to a salon, your hair health depends on how well you take care of your hair at home, not at a salon. I had nice swingy hair but i kept having to get trims often because of breakage. So I need a stylist to recommend/sell products to be used at home, based on my hair goals and my hair condition.

I want my stylist to specialize in haircare, and not hair styling. cause the majority of the time when i go to a salon, i don't care about a style, i just want my hair to be deep cond and rollerset.

Communication is important, i want my stylist to ASK me what are my hair goals. And she should write down my customer profile so when i visit she'll remember what my hair likes, and what i want. She should tell me the condition of my hair and what products she think i should use at home and how often. I have never been told by a stylist nor anyone for that matter, about protein and moisture balance, nor about moisturizing daily/often stops breakage. I didn't know this and it upsets me that this is the 'secret' that stylists keep from you. they tell u to moisturize, but no one said to do it dialy. :mad: So she should be vocal and be able to clearly convey the fact that the only thing that grows hair is 'habit', and likewise the only thing that destroys hair is 'habit'. I've never been told this...i had to find out the hard way. And a stylist should communicate her method BEFORE performing a chemical service. Like I want to know if you can do my relaxer in 12mins like i like it and if you are fast and careful not to overlap. Some stylists don't believe in doing 12mins..theyll leave in for like 25mins and plus they like to i need to make sure we are on the same page...

I understand time is money, so it may not be wise for her to have a 24/7 line, but it would be nice for her to have an email so i can email her if one day my hair is breaking badly etc etc. And her response wait should be no longer than 2 or 3 days.

Someone suggested a hairbook that showed progress. I think this would be sooooo beneficial to a stylist because it would motivate clients to keep coming back. I think one look at this book and BAM, she'd have customers for life. Or perhaps hang before/after pics on the wall! that is a great idea.

And yes customer service is important, I want the staff to be friendly. U ain't gotta be my best friend, but a friendly hi at the door is appropriate. I would like to feel comfortable talking to you about my hair without you rolling your eyes. And you doing my hair without chatting on the phone or gossiping with erbody there. that is important. The entire ambiance of the salon should be warmth and prosperity.

And by all means, please use salon quality products!!! I went to my usual salon (hair cuttery) and they usually use mizani, dudley, or arosci products on black hair.... how about this woman pulled out a can of the Isoplus oil sheen, which is the HEAVIEST sheen i have ever used. Man i was bobbin and weavin trying to stop her from spraying my hair...

Mizani_Mrs said:
Well, you are on the right track.... Hair salons come a dime a dozen, but if you can offer services that other salons dont offer, then you will be head of the class...just some things at the top of my mind.
1stly i went to a salon faithfully every 2 weeks, so it is true that no matter how much you go to a salon, your hair health depends on how well you take care of your hair at home, not at a salon. I had nice swingy hair but i kept having to get trims often because of breakage. So I need a stylist to recommend/sell products to be used at home, based on my hair goals and my hair condition.

I want my stylist to specialize in haircare, and not hair styling. cause the majority of the time when i go to a salon, i don't care about a style, i just want my hair to be deep cond and rollerset.

Communication is important, i want my stylist to ASK me what are my hair goals. And she should write down my customer profile so when i visit she'll remember what my hair likes, and what i want. She should tell me the condition of my hair and what products she think i should use at home and how often. I have never been told by a stylist nor anyone for that matter, about protein and moisture balance, nor about moisturizing daily/often stops breakage. I didn't know this and it upsets me that this is the 'secret' that stylists keep from you. they tell u to moisturize, but no one said to do it dialy. :mad: So she should be vocal and be able to clearly convey the fact that the only thing that grows hair is 'habit', and likewise the only thing that destroys hair is 'habit'. I've never been told this...i had to find out the hard way. And a stylist should communicate her method BEFORE performing a chemical service. Like I want to know if you can do my relaxer in 12mins like i like it and if you are fast and careful not to overlap. Some stylists don't believe in doing 12mins..theyll leave in for like 25mins and plus they like to i need to make sure we are on the same page...

I understand time is money, so it may not be wise for her to have a 24/7 line, but it would be nice for her to have an email so i can email her if one day my hair is breaking badly etc etc. And her response wait should be no longer than 2 or 3 days.

Someone suggested a hairbook that showed progress. I think this would be sooooo beneficial to a stylist because it would motivate clients to keep coming back. I think one look at this book and BAM, she'd have customers for life. Or perhaps hang before/after pics on the wall! that is a great idea.

And yes customer service is important, I want the staff to be friendly. U ain't gotta be my best friend, but a friendly hi at the door is appropriate. I would like to feel comfortable talking to you about my hair without you rolling your eyes. And you doing my hair without chatting on the phone or gossiping with erbody there. that is important. The entire ambiance of the salon should be warmth and prosperity.

And by all means, please use salon quality products!!! I went to my usual salon (hair cuttery) and they usually use mizani, dudley, or arosci products on black hair.... how about this woman pulled out a can of the Isoplus oil sheen, which is the HEAVIEST sheen i have ever used. Man i was bobbin and weavin trying to stop her from spraying my hair...


Having a hotline number to call would probably be a step above the other salons and the reason why I mentioned a 24-7 hotline is because some people might need help ASAP and emailing just don't cut it. I personally prefer calling vs emailing in getting responses.JMHO:)
macherieamour said:
Hi Everyone!

For my entrepreneurship class in grad school, I decided to write my end of module paper on my business idea. I want to start an international salon franchise for African American women. Basically, I want to create a chain of salons that are 1) accessible to everyone around the US and abroad 2) heavily focused on customer service and continuous stylist education and 3) dedicated to helping clients retain length.

But before I go any further, I want to ask for your input! Does this sound like a good idea?? If you were a client, what would be your particular wants and needs???

P.S. I would like to add your names into the paper as "real potential consumer feedback".

"Macherieamour says" may confuse the readers,lol.

This sounds like an awesome idea to me. If black women could know that coming to one particular chain off salons means consistency and healthy hair it would be wonderful because no matter where you traveled you could know that your hair would be cared for. I think it would be awesome too if the salon kept a database of the clients past procedures and information about their hair for stylists in shops at other cities.

You guys!!! Thank you sooo much, this is sooo helpful for me. Im gonna print this an incorporate this into my paper.

The names will be changed to protect the innocent:lol: