Need help for my edges!


New Member
I was just wondering if any of you experience short edges around the front of your hairline like I do. I can tell that it is broken off hair because it is only in patches (basically at my temples and bang area). Anyways, what are some things I can do to make my edges grow out? Since they are so short, it is almost impossible not to get perm on the entire length of them (which I know is dangerous). Please give me some much needed advice!
I had the same exact problem about 4 months ago. I stopped relaxing my edges, I put vaseline on them prior to relaxing. I started putting cholesteral gel and WGO on them, and most importantly, I stopped brushing them.
I will definitely try this. I was wondering, how did this look when you did not relax your edges? Did they look really wavy while the rest of your hair was straight or was it not that apparent?
They looked wavy when I applied gel to keep them tamed. I just smoothed them with the balls of my fingers.
keez1979 said:
This may be a crazy question, but where can I get castor oil? From the grocery store???

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You can get it at CVS if you like. I got mine from Cedarvale it was a very large bottle and was inexpensive.
i got problems with my edges too. i think all my braids are thining them. i have to have my hair styled for cheerleading but since we get a break till basketball i'm just gonna rock my 4a/b natural, but i gotta find asolution for when b-ball season starts. pressing at home causes damage and i can't afford to got the shop. any ideas
Edges are strange! Mine were thin from braids I took out back in Sept. They started to grow back in and look full and nice, last touch up was late October. I'm stretching until January. I haven't been pulling on them or anything, then poof all of a sudden, I have broken edges around the temple area...seems like it happened over night! <sigh> I went to my dermatologist Friday, she put me on rogaine and a topical steroid.... I am going to have blood work done sometimes soon, and we will see if its hormoes or something else. Seems I take 2 steps forward and one giant one back with this hair thing.:look:
debyjay said:
I use castor oil on mine, it helped when I wore braids for 6 months.
I am going to do the castor oil thing too... I think the temple balms stuff I was using wasn't protecting them enough from rubbing and so forth, I won't wear sleeping caps any more either for a while becaue my hairline comes pretty far forward and my doc was thinking that could cause a rubbing / breakage problem...