My hair hates

Any shampoo or conditioners with Baslam
Too many products
Tooo much manipulation

My hair loves...
Leaving it alone
Too much product other than conditioners! My hair relishes in conditioner, but oils and greases weigh my hair down!

Spritz!!!!!!!!!! It's a DEFINITE no-no!!!!!!!!

My SCALP HATES RELAXER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thus, my happy transition! :)
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no shea's just not happening - hair, face, or body :( although it seems to like oils...sometimes. i used herbal oil back in high school and my hair really seemed to like it; it does ok with coconut oil now, but it doesn't seem to "penetrate" like i want it to.

glad i'm not the only one who can't use shea butter!
My hair hates a lot of manipulation, mineral oil, petrolatum, excess heat (especially direct) and sulfate shampoos
Co washing... my scalp NEEDS to be thoroughly cleaned weekly
Airdying in anything other than a rollerset
lye relaxers, they tear me up!
stretchs past 14 weeks... breakage city
Products that are too wet. Prefer oil.

Too little manipulation...needs a comb (tho not everyday), a brush every so often, and can't stay in the same plaits for days on end even if kept protected

Alas, shea butter doesn't do much for me, but shea oil is fine

Anything approaching microbraids or anything that take hours to do and tends to be tight.
My hair hates:

Daily cowashes-too many single strand Knots
Aphogee 2 step protein treatment-caused breakage
Brushing hair- loss to much hair hair hates BKT for sure!!!!!!
Also CURRENTLY hates:
no lye relaxers (why the h*ll did I switch??)
most of the hydratherma naturals collection (particularly the growth lotion and shampoo)
excessive heat/no heat protection
too many products at once
chagrin valley shampoo bars

still adding to this list...
Protein - Desert Hair CITY
Heavy Oils - Brillo Pad Hardness
Butters - Sit on my hair and make it look dirty like I've got half a year's worth of buildup :(
My hair has a dislike for coconut oil... it gets the crispy feel. But do i care? Nope. I will keep using coconut oil until my hair submits!

I will not lose.
shea butter
curl products s-curl, wave nouveau
most of the cheapie condish
products where cones are like in the first 3 ingredients??
Blow dryers
Grease (petrolatum, mineral oil)
Oil Sheen
No lye relaxers (when I was relaxed)
Phyto Relaxer :swearing:
my hair hates..dry brushing/ combing... it's starting to dislike wet brushing for this matter... When my hair is wet It doesn't care for many conditioning creams or using conditioners as leave ins.. wet needs to be water based..if not.. my hair will just look like a white mess .. I'm just finding my hair doesn't like when I go more then 3 days without washing *scratches head* and cheapie products it's starting to dislike which I could use at one point..*sighs* which means I have to go back to my pj habits and get some better products..
My hair hates:

-overnight DC with a conditioner (oils are ok)
-baggying (my strands are too fine)
-shampoos with SLS (I clarify once every 2 months or so)
-too much glycerin
-WNG's...this breaks my heart (I stilll do it a couple of times during the summer)