My Free Samples from Kenra!!!


Nubian Girl
Hi ladies I just wanted to let ya'll know that I recieved my free samples from Kenra a week ago. I had emailed them requesting samples and told them about some issues that I was having with my hair. They are generous with their samples. A week and a half later I recieved.....:D

~2 tubes of Kenra Moisturing Shampoo
~1 long tube of Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner
~1 mini can of Kenra Mega Hold Hairspray
~1 tube of Kenra Styling Gel
I recv samples quickly also. I think the same ones. I haven't inspected it yet. I want to try the moist cond after my next emergencee treatment.
my samples took to long to get to me so i broke down and got kenra MC. I love it so much, ive abandoned my litre of humectress. I went to get the emollient treatment today and cant wait to wash my hair tomorrow.
I got samples from Kenra yesterday. I was impressed that they shipped so quickly and with UPS too!

I got a generous sample pack as well as Elasta QP samples. (I LOVE EQP products)

I can't wait to try the Kenra Moisturizing conditioner!
I got my free samples on Monday. I used them last night.
I did a pre-shamp treatment mixing olive oil and the Kenra conditioning for 20mins ( because of drying from Fantasia IC Mosturizing lotion, which I'll never use again). Then I washed with Kenra Shampoo twice. Followed by conditioner for 30 mins. Then a Profectiv Leave-IN condioner. I am still using the heat on my hair because by hood dryer is broke and I can't get another until after my move.

I was very impressed with the Kenra product. I can't remember the last time my hair felt this soft and it has never looked this good and health after a wash. I will certainly add this to my staples but I won't use it all the time. I have a feeling I won't be to afford it along with my other products and I just purchased a huge bottle of CofN.


Don't use Fantasia Ic Mosturizing Lotion.
Hey, I got the same sample pack that you got. They were quick about it too. I'm really loving the Kendra line. They had a sale recently and I bought two liters of the conditioner for @$22. The conditioner works very well with elucence poo. I also got the leave-in conditioner too. These products made my hair so nice.