Mid-shaft Split Ends


Well-Known Member
What causes these?

I suffer from extremely dry hair but I’m slowly learning what it takes to keep my hair moisturized (at least feeling a bit softer). So for the last 2 months I’ve cut off the damaged ends, about 1 – 2 inches.

The problem is in some of my strands I see mid-shaft splits like 3 – 4 inches up the hair shaft. The hair has totally split in two. But as you move further toward the end of the hair, it’s perfectly 1 strand, no split ends. Also, when I apply pressure and tug at the hair, it does not break. They’re just unsightly but I don’t want to cut 2 more inches off :nono:

My hair is super coily so I assume some of it has to do with the texture and of course some of my previous bad habits. But does anything else cause the hair shaft to split directly down the middle, within the shaft? Did anyone else experience this and overcome it?
I've seen some of those in my hair, and I find them curiousities.... I have't seen them for a while, though. I think as you get your moisture ramped up, you'll see fewer and fewer of them....
I saw a few yesterday. I noticed that this is where I put my Flexi8 when I pin my hair up. So I may be getting some issues with the metal or the way I am clasping it closed.

Are you using any hair accessories that may contribute? Just a thought?

I've seen some of those in my hair, and I find them curiousities.... I have't seen them for a while, though. I think as you get your moisture ramped up, you'll see fewer and fewer of them....

Thanks JustKiya. This is reassuring. I was starting to get a little scared over here. Hopefully better hair care will reduce these.

Are you using any hair accessories that may contribute? Just a thought?

Hi RZ – I don’t use too many hair accessories. I use bobby pins a lot but the seamless ones. I used to buy the cheap ones and the rounded tips would start to lift off and snag my hair. Thanks for the suggestion.
The coils make it hard to get and keep the moisture throughout the length of hair. I'd add more moisture to your regimen and see if that helps.
I used to have a huge problem with split ends and splits in the middle of the hair. What really helped me was putting the comb down. With less combing and more moisture I have less splits.
I have them too!! But oddly, they seem to have decreased. I did an Aphogee treatment about two months ago, had braids put in, and checked my hair again after I took them out. I have a lot less split ends now - hardly any :perplexed. I am going to be braiding a lot now, as I am trying to grow my hair.
I found this from SistaSlicks article about split ends:

Other types of "split" ends are small breaks in the hair shaft known as TRICHORREXIS NODOSA these are areas where the actual hair cortex has swollen and exploded within the shaft. You can tell these types splits by the white dot or node, commonly at the very end of the hair shaft. They can also occur mid-shaft where they will appear as a hairs that bend in hard, unnatural 90 degree angles-- ready to break fully away.

Am I the only one that cringes at thinking about my poor little cortex EXPLODING?? :sad:
I found this from SistaSlicks article about split ends:

Am I the only one that cringes at thinking about my poor little cortex EXPLODING?? :sad:

I used used to have trichorrexis nodosa. Mine were caused by rough handling. Nowadays I treat my hair like fine silk. :yep: Oil rinsing helps with the dryness.
I see plenty of these when I'm doing my search & destroy trims.

I typically only use light proteins in my hair. Maybe it is time for a hard core protein.
I began noticing a few of these after I began bunning more often. And my buns are normally loose opposed to tight. I use sticks, bun clips and bun holders, and also bob pins and plastic butterfly clips. I find these upper-shaft splits more distressful then regular Y-shaped split ends, because I have to clip the mid-shaft splits so much higher up. I think I also need to step up the protein!
MAN I thought I was alone on this one!!! I was JUST looking at one of my poor broken hairs and saw a split right down the center of it with the top and bottom in tact.

Can we get someone in here to say what on earth is going on with the strands??? I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong.:perplexed
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Girl you are not alone! :nono:

So what I'm hearing is more protein to strengthen the shaft?

But I'm also hearing more moisture?

So I need both. But which is more crucial? I'm a natural so I'm assuming more moisture? :spinning:
Thanks for starting this thread. I've noticed a few, too. It is quite distressing, since I rarely use direct heat & only use "hair friendly" accessories & usually wear my hair in a bun w/sticks. I think I may be applying too much tension at the point where I twist the bun, so started wearing a banded ponytail w/holders soaked in olive oil & have increased the amount of leave in moisturizer I use. Even though I regularly use a light protein, I may be due for a hard core aphogee treatment or reconstructer as well.

Ladies I am suffering from this now and really need some help.

I have examined a couple of strands, shed hair mostly, and the splits are all the way up the shaft. If you can pic this, the splits make the one strand appear to be two thin strands under close examination. This is baffling me b/c I have been checking my protein and moisture with each wash. I did the float test and only one hair did not float of all the harvested hair I used. This particular hair had the split up the hair shaft. I was hoping that there would be an area in my head where this section was(a contained area of hair with splits up the shaft) but to my dismay it is throughout my head. Much like finding a needle in a haystack. It is only upon examining my shed hair that I find the split. I am just at my wits ends b/c I am trying my hardest not to get discouraged. I was reading a thread where someone mentioned that this happens to hair that was either previously heat damaged or natural and now relaxer but under/over processed. Both of these apply to me and I am just completely fed up with myself b/c it seems as if healthy hair is just not meant for me.What is really getting me is that if the split is in the middle of the hair shaft the top and bottom of the hair shaft are extremely thick and show no signs of being unhealthy. This is just make my want to bc and start all over b/c I have no way of examining every single hair on my head.

Ladies what should I do?

I'd ignore them, personally. The only way you are going to get rid of them is to shave your head, and I don't think you want to do that. I'd keep treating your hair right, doing the things that you know are healthy, and as long as your hair keeps growing, that 'section' of damage will eventually grow out.

Don't stress yourself over something you cannot change, ya know?