Long time lurker with major hair loss...


New Member
I've been lurking here for a while and have learned so much about hair care already that I never knew. Despite horrible treatment of my hair for a short while in college (frequent relaxing, hair coloring, heat, etc.), I've always had BSL thick hair. I recently had a baby and while I was pregnant, my hair got even longer and thicker. I haven't had any recent color and stretched my relaxer for 4 months during pregnancy. After my first relaxer after the pregnancy, my hair was mid back length and pretty healthy. Well, now it's coming out in clumps. I got so frustrated a couple weeks ago that I chopped off a couple inches. Every time I touch it, it falls out. Washing is a nightmare...I know that this is normal after pregnancy. I'm planning to try the baggy method and wear falls for a while but I have a few questions. Do I have to wet my hair before baggying? Or do I just add a moisturizer/oil and then put the baggy on? What are the best products to use? Does anyone have any other suggestions??
Hello there. :wave: Welcome aboard. :)

Do I have to wet my hair before baggying? What are the best products to use?

When I did the baggy method (years back), I did not wet my hair first. After moisturizing my hair, I would place my hair in a bun or a ponytail, then I would place the baggy on the bun or tuck my ponytail in the baggy. I only did this when I got home from work (as I only wore the baggy while at home).

What are the best products to use?

Do you have a favorite moisturizer that works well for your hair? If so, you can use that. One of my favorite moisturizers is BB Oil Moisturizer Hair Lotion with Castor Oil and Aloe. It works well on my hair when I wear my hair in a bun or similar style. xx
Hi and welcome!

If you recently had a baby you may be interested in these threads.




It appears to be pretty common that after childbirth a woman does shed more. I can't really offer much in that regard except to give you a hug and hope that the shedding will slow down.

In the first thread I posted someone said there's a product that worked for her and she listed a website. It could be worth a look.

Hang in there!

It's totally normal for your hair to shed a LOT after giving birth. Your hair doesn't shed much during pregnancy so when your hormones start to regulate after the birth then all of that hair that was scheduled to shed but didn't, starts coming out.

You won't go bald, probably won't even have noticeable thinning. Remember to treat your hair like fine silk so you don't accidentally pull out more than necessary. The shedding WILL slow down.