Ladies who use MN, I need a little help


Well-Known Member
I was at Whole Foods today and I saw an antifungal product that was a cream and it was in a nice size bottle (~6 oz) for $7.99. I wanted to try it out since I have yet to find the Neosporin AF, but I noticed the active ingredient was 1% Tolnaftate instead of the 2% Miconazole Nitrate that I was on the lookout for.

Have any of you ladies tried it? If so, how does it compare to the MN?

I use MN. Anything ending in "azole" is an antifungal agent. I don't know about Tolnaftate if it says antifungal then it is. I found a site that says:
"Tolnaftate stops the growth of fungi that cause skin infections, including athlete's foot, jock itch, and ringworm" IMO, I don't see why it wouldn't work.