KimmayTube Hair Porn!

Her videos on her hair journey parts 1 and 2 were very inspirational for me. I can respect her knowledge about hair just knowing she started out just like me with limited knowledge of hair care.
WOW!! I LOVE Kimmay and had NO IDEA her hair grew THAT long!!! (that's what I get for not paying attention to my subscription updates xD) AMAZING!!
I love Kimmay! I was surprised to see that she has only 17,000 subscribers though! If she's making $250 a month, then how much is someone like AndreasChoice making with over 100K. (I personally think that girl's only job is being on YouTube, LOL!)
I love Kimmay! I was surprised to see that she has only 17,000 subscribers though! If she's making $250 a month, then how much is someone like AndreasChoice making with over 100K. (I personally think that girl's only job is being on YouTube, LOL!)

What video did she explain about the youtube money/financial? I missed that one :look:
^^^^The one OP references...she explains it ALL in the description under the video:

This video discusses the future of natural hair care on Youtube and how you can become a part of it too.

FYI. My videos now earn on average $200- $250 per month and I don't even have FULL partnership privileges yet. By the way, that's the TOTAL amount, I don't earn $250 per video (chile, if I did. woooo!) ;o)
^^^^The one OP references...she explains it ALL in the description under the video:

This video discusses the future of natural hair care on Youtube and how you can become a part of it too.

FYI. My videos now earn on average $200- $250 per month and I don't even have FULL partnership privileges yet. By the way, that's the TOTAL amount, I don't earn $250 per video (chile, if I did. woooo!) ;o)

TY!!!! I'm going to watch this right now. :look: Could use some extra $$$ especially since I practically live on hair boards
Can anyone give an example of what they consider to be arrogant behavior from her? I think confidence comes in all forms, some that are more endearing than others. But to say that someone is arrogant is to say that they demonstrate a belief that they are better than or superior to someone else. I really don't get that from her.
^I think the arrogance excuse comes from the way how she talks in the way that she sort of slows down her speech so that everyone can understand her. To some people that might come off as arrogant? I don't know. Most of the time when she has a slightly confrontational tone, its because some idiots left yt comments bawwing about how baking soda is their bff and how she is an idiot for bashing it.

I dont know, I like her a lot. I especially like her professionalism. I hate when people make yt tutorials and they are in their house with bad lighting and a crap camera and then they mumble their way through the tutorial.

I think she was brave for telling her goals on youtube, because you know there's going to be a million people going 'yeah right'
Thanks OP for the link. I had never heard of her. I only watched a couple videos but so far I like her.

She has great shoulders and arms too. I wonder if she has any fitness related videos. I'm going to check out her channel when I have more time.
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Can anyone give an example of what they consider to be arrogant behavior from her? I think confidence comes in all forms, some that are more endearing than others. But to say that someone is arrogant is to say that they demonstrate a belief that they are better than or superior to someone else. I really don't get that from her.

When I stated the arrogance in my post I was referring to a few videos when she seems to be bragging about random things that she owns. It has nothing to do with the way that she talks or the confidence she has. I think that aspect of her being, her ambition, and her success is more of what we need to see in Black women period. I don't mind the way she speaks at all. It's an informational video ( it sets the tone/bar for her series' professional standards) and is not the A-typical YT hair video.

Saying that I have these things because I worked very hard for them is one thing :yep: , but saying I have thiiiiiiis and thiiiiiis and thiiiis and this :look: Not so much. Some things are better in small doses. I guess it's a way to get the attention of a materialistic society and then give them information that can make a difference. And that's fine. But for me personally, I don't care how much or how little you have. Knowledge is knowledge. At the end of the day, I will remain subbed because I can really dig what she's saying and doing. Her goals are inspirational so don't think that I'm getting into the "hateristic tendencies" state of mind lol.

As I've said before it's not in all of her videos just a handful. With that said...

I think my absolute favorite vid happened to be the series on finances where she addressed her "younger selves" on random financial decisions. Next in line were the alkaline testing vids. :lol: I could see that not only was she learning, she seems to be the type to have fun in the process. She made sure of her findings then she shared them. I REALLY enjoyed that. :yep:
This is why some people never reach their goals (hair or otherwise). Because we don't like the way some people talk or we infer something about how we THINK they talk to us...we discount what they say and the information they have.

With 17,000 subscribers, even if 10% of them acted ugly, how would you respond to 1700 people talking ish to you?!?!?!? Yeah, even the most patient person will get flustered. And frankly, some of the people asking questions and leaving comments just don't listen. Or don't want to try something for themselves. Just like Kimmay came up with this can all of us!

But none of this negates the thoroughness of her videos. Frankly, she could have packaged up that leave-in and tried to sell it...but she gave the recipe for free...and some of you still aren't satisfied. *sigh*
Can anyone give an example of what they consider to be arrogant behavior from her? I think confidence comes in all forms, some that are more endearing than others. But to say that someone is arrogant is to say that they demonstrate a belief that they are better than or superior to someone else. I really don't get that from her.

Check out the "Naturals Need to Grow Up" video - a good 8 minutes or so of condescending arrogance at its finest.
This is why some people never reach their goals (hair or otherwise). Because we don't like the way some people talk or we infer something about how we THINK they talk to us...we discount what they say and the information they have.
I'm confused here. I've read through this thread and even the people who said they didn't enjoy her tone never refuted or discounted her knowledge on natural hair care. Do I think her tone can COME off as condescending? yes I do. Does that mean it is her intention to do so or does that lessen the informational value of her videos? no not at all. Also I don't know that she has grown big headed as one poster said, however, as someone who has subscribed to her channel from the very beginning EVEN the one on home renovations, I will say that her tone has changed. Also someone said she is just confident. I agree but IMO I feel she lacks graciousness. (Think KeKe Palmer vs. Naomi Cambell. Both are great at what they do, one is a tad more gracious than the other) (just my opinon) Anyway I'm not trying to argue over something as subjective as tone, what is indisputable is the fact that she has gorgeous hair.

But none of this negates the thoroughness of her videos. Frankly, she could have packaged up that leave-in and tried to sell it...but she gave the recipe for free...and some of you still aren't satisfied. *sigh*
I get what you're saying but that leave-in recipe is not original to her. If you go to motown girl you will see a version very similar and there is an exact version of that leave in on a nappturality thread. However I do appreciate Kimmay for gathering research from others and making it available in one nicely edited video. :yep:
I was also confused as to what you all were referring to as arrogance. thanks for clearing that up cause I sure was about to ask when I got to the end of this thread.
I love Kimmay, she's so cute and I especially love her clothes. She got some serious growth in such a short amount of time. Yeah she tilted her head, but she you can still see that she had a tremendous amount of growth. Shrinkage is crazy! I never would have thought her hair was that long. I bet if she flatironed a section it would be past MBL.
I love Kimmay...I tried her leave in conditioner after viewing the video she made and my hair loves it.
Wow. Watched that naturals grow up video and I am shocked! I have never seen her act like that. I am subbed to her, but I will admit I don't watch her, because the tone of her videos isn't my style, but neither are a lot of other people. I have a hard time focusing and watching her videos just kinda makes my mind wander.

Back to the topic at hand...her hair has grown soooo much!
She does have that 3 grader teacher tone... but her video is informative and she knows what she doing.. how nicely her hair is growing. Look like she is retaining every little bit. I hope she keeps doing what she is doing
Check out the "Naturals Need to Grow Up" video - a good 8 minutes or so of condescending arrogance at its finest.

ETA: Back to the poster who said something about us discrediting her. I don't discredit her, believe it or not, i respect what she does and how she presents information. Her thoroughness can't be denied, her hair is beautiful, and she puts a lot of work in it but i just can't get with the way she talks. I have nothing against her but her tone is just not my cup of tea :)
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well i like her condescending and arrogant tone. i feel that she gets her point was needed to be done. someone had to say it.
ETA: of course the annotations were a bit much and actually drew away from her actual point. that in fact was unnecessary but what she was saying...i agree with her.
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Check out the "Naturals Need to Grow Up" video - a good 8 minutes or so of condescending arrogance at its finest.

Yeah, I saw that video and I didn't get arrogance from it. Frustration yes, but not arrogance. I have a high tolerance for conflict though. I generally don't mind it, if it's balanced.

I think she had enough disclaimers in there to state that she wasn't attacking a person, but a mindset. That she's frustrated with the state of the natural hair community and its in-fighting. I can only imagine the comments she's gotten.

Thanks for responding though. I understand better how she offends. It's not a video that I would have made - but I understood and imagined her frustration.
When I stated the arrogance in my post I was referring to a few videos when she seems to be bragging about random things that she owns. It has nothing to do with the way that she talks or the confidence she has. I think that aspect of her being, her ambition, and her success is more of what we need to see in Black women period. I don't mind the way she speaks at all. It's an informational video ( it sets the tone/bar for her series' professional standards) and is not the A-typical YT hair video.

Saying that I have these things because I worked very hard for them is one thing :yep: , but saying I have thiiiiiiis and thiiiiiis and thiiiis and this :look: Not so much. Some things are better in small doses. I guess it's a way to get the attention of a materialistic society and then give them information that can make a difference. And that's fine. But for me personally, I don't care how much or how little you have. Knowledge is knowledge. At the end of the day, I will remain subbed because I can really dig what she's saying and doing. Her goals are inspirational so don't think that I'm getting into the "hateristic tendencies" state of mind lol.

As I've said before it's not in all of her videos just a handful. With that said...

I think my absolute favorite vid happened to be the series on finances where she addressed her "younger selves" on random financial decisions. Next in line were the alkaline testing vids. :lol: I could see that not only was she learning, she seems to be the type to have fun in the process. She made sure of her findings then she shared them. I REALLY enjoyed that. :yep:

When did she do that? Can you post a link because I don't recall her ever having any type of braggy attitude... but if she does I'd like to see it b/c that may or may not change my stance on her.

PS: another Kimmaytube STAN checking in.... relaxed and all :grin:
Yeah, I saw that video and I didn't get arrogance from it. Frustration yes, but not arrogance. I have a high tolerance for conflict though. I generally don't mind it, if it's balanced.

I think she had enough disclaimers in there to state that she wasn't attacking a person, but a mindset. That she's frustrated with the state of the natural hair community and its in-fighting. I can only imagine the comments she's gotten.

Thanks for responding though. I understand better how she offends. It's not a video that I would have made - but I understood and imagined her frustration.

100% agree, thanks for stating
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Check out the "Naturals Need to Grow Up" video - a good 8 minutes or so of condescending arrogance at its finest.

Thank you! I'm subscribed to her as well and I watched half of that video and just turned it off. That's not the first video like that she has showcased that attitude. I actually agree with what she is saying btw. It's just the way she addressed her points rubbed me the wrong way. I just over look them because she really does make excellent videos.

Thankfully all her videos aren't like that. Her good videos definitely out weigh the ones I consider a bit much for me. I wish more people took her approach to making videos. Her videos are easy to understand and contributes to an overall positive viewing experience. I like that she talks slow, clear and in a direct manner. I don't see that as condescending at all. I think she wants to make sure that her audience understands her. The format of her videos is how I wish every hair video was done on you tube. She really has set the bar high for youtube videos imo.

Anyhow, her hair looks great and I'm glad she has continued to reach her goals. She definitely is proof that her methods work.
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DH is a Kimmaytube fan. We watch her all the time.

DH said "isn't that the girl who did that cool tube with the flaps & rinsing in cool water to close the cuticles?" LOL LOL LOL Ever since then DH has his stylist rinse his conditioner off with cool water to close his cuticles. He has locks, nearly waist length at the longest layer.

We love her no nonsense attitude. DH is not a fan of some of my other subscriptions but Kimmay, he will sit & watch with me.

This just goes to show how differently some people can perceive the exact same material. We do not find her condescending at all.