Itchies update: No more!!!!


New Member
Hey, ladies!!!

Just wanted to give an update on my itchy scalp solution. It has been nearly a month and I have not had itching scalp any more!!!!

This is just in time for my relaxer touch up too because I suffered greatly in December. I didn't scratch for 2 days prior to the relaxer, but because I had been scratching for so long, it didn't even matter. I knew that I had to do something before my next touch up, especially since I'm going to use lye this time.

For those who don't know whats goin on with me, here's the scoop:

I have a certain area on my head that itched like C R A Z Y. Nothing I did seemed to work. For a while rinsing worked but the itchies came back with a cruel, painful vengeance. I had already tried topical treatments and shampoos but those didn't work.

Let me emphasize that this is only on a certain area of my head. It's the middle back. I also noticed that the hair that grows there is different from the hair on the rest of my hair. It's very very fragile and more prone to breakage compared to the rest of my hair. It's also more susceptible to the line of demarcation which is why I can't stretch past 3 months. One last thing: it's the exact spot where I busted my head open when I was two years old ( jumping on the bed). I had to get like 20 stiches. It was bad.

A n y w a y, about a month ago I was at my wits end trying to stop the itching when I decided to change how I did my hair. Usually, when my hair is not flat ironed, I do a CW and rinse and then add more conditiner to help with detangling and curl definition. I never add a lot, just enough to get the comb through:) Well I decided to add the conditioner to every area except my problem area.

That was the trick!!! NO product on that area with the itchies. Not only did the itching stop but I think the scalp is healing. In the past when I wasn't itching, my scalp would hurt there if I touched it. Now it feels like the rest of my scalp. Now, I make sure not to put any product on that area. For uniformity, I may add a little to the hair but I make sure its far away from the scalp area and usually after the product has been in the rest of my hair.

HTH someone with the same problem. I'm so happy, excited and relieved!!!!
I'm happy you found a solution! That's what I hear, avoiding putting conditioner on the scalp is supposed to work wonders. I need to try this myself since I heap conditioner on, and unfortunately my scalp isn't as grateful as my hair is.
I try to avoid putting conditioner on my scalp also.

Glad you got it stopped. The itching can be unreal!