Is my hair type 4A or 4B?


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to make a decision about transitioning and I'm trying to figure out my hair type. I have a "s" type pattern on my new growth and my hair is very thick.

I don't have any pics of my new growth to post but it's in my video on youtube. if you fast forward to the 1:03 mark you can see my hair parted down the middle with the new growth.

Can anybody help me out and tell what type I "might have"???? I'm thinking a mix of both but I just can't tell. Any help is appreciated!!!!

Ya know, I often wonder the same thing. I think I have a little of both.:yep:

ETA: but this isnt about me (sorry :giggle: ) Sorry I cant offer any help, im at work and I'll get stoned if I try you-tubin' at my desk. I know you'll get some help from someone though!
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I checked out your video and IMO that's not really enough new growth to be able to tell. I'd say you were a 4something. But, you won't truly be able to tell what your natural hair will look like unless you cut off the relaxed ends. The wait of the straight ends makes a difference. So you could be a 4a or 4b. More than likely you have a mixture like most people.
Re: Starting a Thread

How do i start a thread? :perplexed can you help me please Foxglove?

When you go back to the main Hair Care Tips Discussion Forum index, at the top where it says Forum Tools is a drop-down menu that has the option to Post a New Thread.

ETA: OP, I don't think it's easy to tell a hair type when the relaxed hair is still attached. The weight of that hair, and maybe that hair people call scab hair, does give a different impression from what the actual natural hair would look like. Besides, just knowing it's 4-something really is all that matters coz unless you're wondering whether to WNG or style it in a way that works for that texture, that info isn't really useful IMO.
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