I Just Put Coconut Milk In My Hair.......


Well-Known Member
Thanx 4 the tip! Do you have to let the mix sit over night or can you mix it up and apply right after? TIA

My Friend

New Member
and it feels amazing. If my hair feels like this everytime I do this then I may not use relaxers again. It straightened my hair that good. I put this in another post but no one answered it. I have a question on how long I can keep the milk in my frig. Will it go bad just like regular milk or can I keep it for about a week or so. Any info that anyone has will be greatly appreciated.

My carton of coconut milk as an expiration date. It was 3 weeks after purchase.


New Member
I use coconut cream or milk with bentonite clay. My hair is clean and wonderfully soft. I am yet to try it with lime but I dont want my hair straight yet so this may be in the summer.


New Member
I do the coconut milk with lime juice treatment on my hair about once a month. My hair is mostly 4b, I don't notice any straightening. I do notice less shrinkage & more defintion with my hair afterwards.


New Member
I've used canned coconut milk (only, no citrus juice added) before for conditioning, and it did make my hair feel good! I didn't notice any straightening, but then again at the time I had a bone straight relaxer. I haven't used it in years, but would definitely like to revisit!