how long should i stretch my hair in order to see my natural texture


New Member
hey guys

i have an idea of what my natural texture looks like but im not that sure.. how long do i have to stretch my hair in order to see my natural texture... like do i have to let it grow out to a certain length or what? or do i just have to actually grow it out fully to see..

let me know

You might not ever really see it....If you can stretch for 4+ months, you could probably get a good idea - but so long as there's relaxed hair attached, it will slightly stretch and distort your texture. Which will probably make it look a bit wavier than it actually it, and doesn't fully account for shrinkage. Not to discourage you, but I'd hate for you to stretch, think your texture will be one thing, BC and then end up with something completely different from what you expected. HTH.
Most would prolly say 6 mos, but it took me about 8-9 mos before I could REALLY see my texture. And by mos 12, it was extremely apparent.
when i was transitioning i was wondering the same thing... i ended up snipping a small area of hair in front down to the new growth. that's how i first found out i had such severe shrinkage, LOL :grin:

as long as that relaxed hair is hanging on, it might not let your roots show their true nature. also, you might have some scab hair to grow out. the first inch of hair i grew out was wiggly and dry, then it started coming in coily and soft.