How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
I still can't seem to consistently take these supplements...oh well,maybe I will start again in April :look:

Do you have trouble remembering to take them? If so, try setting a reminder on your cell phone or leave them next to the sink where you'll easily remember. I often carry my supplements to work with me because I know I'll remember at some point througout the day.

Good luck.
After a little over two weeks, detox symptoms finally hit me- blah! I was so looking forward to it because I wanted to know the chl was working and now I'm like :wallbash: go away detox, I know the chl does what it says it does now!!

Now that I'm experiencing the detox just wanted to share some tips for easing those pesky detox symptoms:

1)milk thistle: milk thistle helps the liver by protecting it and helping it to perform, the liver is the dumping ground for toxins in the body & detox symptoms can indicate your liver is having to work a little harder to get them out. You can do your own research, but here's a link I found @ op, milk thistle is also good for those who have been exposed to a lot of medications

2)a banana or avocado- these help to slow the cleansing process making it easier to endure, they also are slow to digest & regulate blood sugar levels

3) dry body brushing- gets the lymp systems moving and helps remove toxins via our biggest organ, the skin.

4) drink lots of water- water will help flush the body out

5) Omega 3,6,9 supplements (thanks to hairhustla for recommending this one) this one helps tremendously for those who experience sleep problems with chlorella.

Hope this helps someone, it helped me.

Happy chlorella'ing,

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I've been taking chl going on 3 weeks now. And this past week I have been super gassy and bloated, to the point of discomfort. I also got a nasty pimple on my forehead and a little one of my cheek. errr. My BM's are still a dark almost black green. Which is good I think? I've only been taking 2gs daily, but plan on upping my dosage to 4gs once I'm done with this 30 day supply.

Positives: my nails seem super strong and I don't know if my eyes are playing tricks but my hair seems longer and stronger.

I will continue taking it with the super protein drink.
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After a little over two weeks, detox symptoms finally hit me- blah! I was so looking forward to it because I wanted to know the chl was working and now I'm like :wallbash: go away detox, I know the chl does what it says it does now!!

Now that I'm experiencing the detox just wanted to share some tips for easing those pesky detox symptoms:

1)milk thistle: milk thistle helps the liver by protecting it and helping it to perform, the liver is the dumping ground for toxins in the body & detox symptoms can indicate your liver is having to work a little harder to get them out. You can do your own research, but here's a link I found @ op, milk thistle is also good for those who have been exposed to a lot of medications

2)a banana or avocado- these help to slow the cleansing process making it easier to endure, they also are slow to digest & regulate blood sugar levels

3) dry body brushing- gets the lymp systems moving and helps remove toxins via our biggest organ, the skin.

4) drink lots of water- water will help flush the body out

Hope this helps someone, it helped me.

Happy chlorella'ing,


Thank you so much for posting this, I am going to keep this in mine when the dreaded detox comes my way:borgsmile:bah:I am scared of it but know that it is necessary to bring my body into optimal health!
Man the powder seems sooo much stronger than the pills. I didn't even feel I was detoxing when I was just on the pills. Now I've got all the symptoms and it's bitter sweet. I'm taking Aloe to help move things along better. I have a big pimple on my face today. I will hold at 6gs until I have a BM. I still have no personality and my attitude isn't as good as it was. On the bright side, I am sleeping very well and the pain from my pinched nerve is gone. I used to have alot of pain in my neck and back especially when I got up in the morning, but no more...Chlorella has made a difference.
Thank you for your concern ladies. :needhug: I don't think it's the chlorella. It's my life in general and my financial situation in particular which are causing me to get depressed. I know the economic depression affects everyone and my boyfriend keeps telling me that some people are worse off than me, :blah: :blah: :blah: :yawn: I heard it so many times during the past twelve months that I don't want to hear it, because it's not getting better, it's simply getting worse for me. I graduated last year and I hoped to find a job, to no avail and most of the students who graduated with me (with the same B.S. in Education) haven't found a position either. :wallbash:
I don't like to give details about family matters online, so let's just say that my family treats me like a child and they still do not treat me like the 25 y.o. WOMAN that I am and have been for a while now... They're always talking about me as if I was crazy or going on drugs or having a child OOW. Although I keep telling them that none of the above apply to me, they insist that I must do as they say, because I am living at my sister's house rent-free (only because I don't have anything to pay rent with). Thus, the need for me to get independent... I even worked with a temp agency which scrued me when I went back to school in Jan. :angry2:
Last night, I had to stop myself from doing a big chop and start anew with my hair because I was so depressed and frustrated... Have any of you ever felt like that? It's like I'm so mad that I want to hurt myself, but I'm a sissy...:look: Can't take pain or don't want to take my life away unless God says it is time for me. So I wanted to cut my hair badly... I have always been a pessimistic person, so when the best happens to me, I always look calm because I just can't believe it, which is the reason why I don't think chlorella is to blame.
My financial situation has gotten to the point where I have to choose between paying my bills and buying groceries (chlorella was the last thing I bought for a reason other than the two I mentioned above). :drowning: My parents come to my "rescue" everytime they sense that I can't manage but I feel bad, because that's the kind of thing that encourages their attitude toward me...:ohwell:
As for my boyfriend, the situation gets to him more than it should. He complains that I am not as talkative as I used to be, that I am beetchy...and I was honest with him. Right now, I'm having some difficulties that only a job or the lottery could solve so I still love you, but stop taking my depression personally. He even asked me where we were in our relationship last night :rolleyes: Men can be such babies... I haven't argued with him, or even yelled at him, so he has no reason to worry about our relationship status which has been like that for 3 years already and isn't about to change... :nono:
Anyhow, maybe I just need a good sweat to relieve my tension... Like my boyfriend said, some people are hit harder than me by this economy.
Off to hit the books for my tests. Later.

Hey, I know exactly where you are coming from. I live in Ohio and here we are extremely overpopulated with teachers. I teach at a charter school. You should definitely look into substitute teaching and sign up in a few districts, or even try to get in somewhere as an assistant. As for the depression, try some St. John's Wort. I call it my happy pill. My family has a history of depression and so do I. Without putting my buisness out there, we are also struggling through some of the same financial difficulties. Keep us updatecd on how you are doing. It is a very difficult time right now, this too shal pass.
Man the powder seems sooo much stronger than the pills. I didn't even feel I was detoxing when I was just on the pills. Now I've got all the symptoms and it's bitter sweet. I'm taking Aloe to help move things along better. I have a big pimple on my face today. I will hold at 6gs until I have a BM. I still have no personality and my attitude isn't as good as it was. On the bright side, I am sleeping very well and the pain from my pinched nerve is gone. I used to have alot of pain in my neck and back especially when I got up in the morning, but no more...Chlorella has made a difference.

Please hold at 6 even after you bm for a while so that you can make sure that you are consistently having one. Only increase when you aren't constipated anymore. Please wait at least around a week, give or take a few days.
My hair texture naturally wavy/curly seems looser and straighter than before. My son was giving me a head massage last night and even he commented "wow! mom your hair is growing crazy long!". About a month ago I was pulling for full waist length, I am definitely there. Perhaps a little beyond, the growth is noticible.

Usually I don't wear my nails long, because of breakage, but these are so strong and long tough to break, they are so pretty!

More importantly, I am fully enjoying all the great benefits of being green. The weather here was superb yesterday and I was fully charged and enjoyed a long full day with my kiddos! They commented yesterday was the best day ever! Normally I don't have the energy to last all day after a long night of work. Yeah GREEN!

That is great Mariofmagdal!

I am just as excited I spent all day with my 2year old DD and my 3 yo sis and never ran out of energy!!! yay.

Also, while my husband and I were out enjoying our nice day he looked over at me and said it looks like your hair is getting longer.:grin:
I wish i was getting this energy boost a lot of you are experiencing. I actually feel more sluggish. I don't know if this is from the chorella since Ive never really been a very energetic person but i was hoping the chorella would change that. I noticed some people were saying spirulina keeps them up and i wanted to try that since i will be starting a night shift job soon. Any brand suggestions??
In reading through the thread, I've noticed what the detox symptoms are, but I haven't seen anyone mention itching. My skin has been itching terribly (arms, legs, back, and even my scalp). :perplexed Chlorella is the only new thing I've introduced into my diet. (I am taking 6g of Now Chlorella tablets). I haven't changed soaps, detergents, or hair regimen. Has anyone else noticed this, or do I need to try and find another source for the "itchies". Thanks!
I wish i was getting this energy boost a lot of you are experiencing. I actually feel more sluggish. I don't know if this is from the chorella since Ive never really been a very energetic person but i was hoping the chorella would change that. I noticed some people were saying spirulina keeps them up and i wanted to try that since i will be starting a night shift job soon. Any brand suggestions??

My extra energy comes from the Spirulina. I also work at night. is where you can find info about the brand I use. I selected them because they manufacture it themselves, it's their specialty.

You can purchase it reasonably at or, it has been noted the shipping is really quick and you can place them on auto ship.

Have a happy GREEN day!
In reading through the thread, I've noticed what the detox symptoms are, but I haven't seen anyone mention itching. My skin has been itching terribly (arms, legs, back, and even my scalp). :perplexed Chlorella is the only new thing I've introduced into my diet. (I am taking 6g of Now Chlorella tablets). I haven't changed soaps, detergents, or hair regimen. Has anyone else noticed this, or do I need to try and find another source for the "itchies". Thanks!

I haven't really had itchies, but I have felt my scalp twitch a bit. Your itchies are probably just detox and I would think it should go away once you make it through.
In reading through the thread, I've noticed what the detox symptoms are, but I haven't seen anyone mention itching. My skin has been itching terribly (arms, legs, back, and even my scalp). :perplexed Chlorella is the only new thing I've introduced into my diet. (I am taking 6g of Now Chlorella tablets). I haven't changed soaps, detergents, or hair regimen. Has anyone else noticed this, or do I need to try and find another source for the "itchies". Thanks!

Skin breakouts/irritations are a sign of liver detoxification. Toxins are pushed out from internal to external. Continue at your current rate, use a mild topical cream to soothe skin. Drink more water to speed up detox. If it is severe lower your dose and increase when regular again. My daughter had a slight rash initially, she also suffers from eczema, so that was to be expected, but it cleared right up. I hope this helps.
PGIRL, with regards to your detox symptoms, they all point to insufficient water being consumed. Tired, fatigue, headache, and constipation.

Once you have taken your dose, be sure to follow up with another large glass of water. If it persists you can take a smaller dose more frequently. Most important, up that water intake. Happy being GREEN.
I've been on Chlorella for a month now 7g at the most and I feel fabulous! I straightened my hair yesterday and even that was FABULOUS. I definatly gained at least an full inch and I can tell because I've been trying to grow out my bangs. My bangs went from wispy nasty to 1 inch before the length I would want them to be and FULL. I was like WTF roomy look at my hair! OMG! I was so excited. I will be showing pictures in another week. I had the most fabulous hair day yesterday and I can't wait to show everyone. I was a gassy farty mess for the first 3 weeks. And now that part is over. I thought it would never end it felt like forever.

I am going on spring break so I will be taking a break from the Chlorella for a week because I'm scared if I take the powder in a little baggy they'll think I'm carrying drugs, and I don't think the pills work as well, just my opinion. I'll probably drink a little Naked Juice sense it has Chlorella in it if I find it while there but that's about it. I might just bring my old multi vitamins...... Anyone think it will help me have a growth spurt? LuckiestDestiny where ya at?
I dunno, IndianAngel. That's a quarter inch of growth you could be giving up. And a possible detox again? No way, Jose :nono: At least, not for me.

Why not take the tablets? You can get them crazy reasonably. They ship super quick. With Vitacost, I placed my order 1 day at 4pm and got it the next day by 4 pm, standard shipping. And you can take them with ease without the mess of the powder.

Either way, your hair should do just great! I don't think you'd so much have a growth spurt, though, because it seems with chlorella the growth results are pretty stable. Meaning, you get more growth, consistently.
has anyone noticed sluggishness?

Tired, fatigue, sleepy, sluggishness, and drowsiness are signs of Liver detoxification. Body recovery/repair is taking place. Insufficient water consumed. Continue with your dose, take with a large glass of water. Increase your water intake. You should have at least 8 glasses of water per day. Yes, water outside of juice and smoothies. Hope this helps, once the detox passes you should feel fresh, rejuvenated, and re-energized! Happy to be GREEN!
I've been on Chlorella for a month now 7g at the most and I feel fabulous! I straightened my hair yesterday and even that was FABULOUS. I definatly gained at least an full inch and I can tell because I've been trying to grow out my bangs. My bangs went from wispy nasty to 1 inch before the length I would want them to be and FULL. I was like WTF roomy look at my hair! OMG! I was so excited. I will be showing pictures in another week. I had the most fabulous hair day yesterday and I can't wait to show everyone. I was a gassy farty mess for the first 3 weeks. And now that part is over. I thought it would never end it felt like forever.

I am going on spring break so I will be taking a break from the Chlorella for a week because I'm scared if I take the powder in a little baggy they'll think I'm carrying drugs, and I don't think the pills work as well, just my opinion. I'll probably drink a little Naked Juice sense it has Chlorella in it if I find it while there but that's about it. I might just bring my old multi vitamins...... Anyone think it will help me have a growth spurt? LuckiestDestiny where ya at?

You will not get any less results taking the pills. Powder is used for it's cost effectiveness, cooking/mixing. Powder does get into your system faster. People on the go take tablets all day long. If you think a tablet will be that much different, you can always get capsules.

Your idea of taking a week off is not so far fetched. Many people who intend to use such a supplement long term take one week off per month just to give the body a rest and a chance to notice changes in their body.

I do not use powder for my intake, I am thinking about buying some to cook with.

Have a happy Spring Break!
Tired, fatigue, sleepy, sluggishness, and drowsiness are signs of Liver detoxification. Body recovery/repair is taking place. Insufficient water consumed. Continue with your dose, take with a large glass of water. Increase your water intake. You should have at least 8 glasses of water per day. Yes, water outside of juice and smoothies. Hope this helps, once the detox passes you should feel fresh, rejuvenated, and re-energized! Happy to be GREEN!
thanks! I drink 2 litres a day. I will try to up it to three
Is anyone taking this brand, Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella 300 Tablets? I have this but can't find the CGF info on this. Currently taking 4000MG which is 4 tablets.

I am thinking of switching to the capsules and wasn't sure if it would be better to order the Yaeyama Chlorella, 400 mg 150 capsules, Jarrow Formulas brand which has 424CGF or just stick to the one I have?
I dunno, IndianAngel. That's a quarter inch of growth you could be giving up. And a possible detox again? No way, Jose :nono: At least, not for me.

Why not take the tablets? You can get them crazy reasonably. They ship super quick. With Vitacost, I placed my order 1 day at 4pm and got it the next day by 4 pm, standard shipping. And you can take them with ease without the mess of the powder.

Either way, your hair should do just great! I don't think you'd so much have a growth spurt, though, because it seems with chlorella the growth results are pretty stable. Meaning, you get more growth, consistently.

Well I can't do that now because I leave in the morning. Maybe I can just put my Chlorella powder tub in my suitcase and get through? You think they'll make me remove it? It's just Chlorella lol. I just don't want to get in trouble before getting on the plane
Hi ChichiStar, I am banging my head, right now, because this was covered earlier in the thread but I cannot find it! Aggh! lol I'll keep looking but I remember there being several emails by LD to VitaminShoppe regarding the CGF amount in their chlorella. While friendly, I don't remember them ever actually responding with the answer from the manufacturer. If anyone has these responses from Vitamin Shoppe regarding this info, can you share, pretty please?

Hey IndianAngel, I wouldn't risk it, dear. If they took my powder at the airport I would cry my eyes out. Then I would pay the outrageous shipping prices to ship it to myself back home. :-/
Hi ChichiStar, I am banging my head, right now, because this was covered earlier in the thread but I cannot find it! Aggh! lol I'll keep looking but I remember there being several emails by LD to VitaminShoppe regarding the CGF amount in their chlorella. While friendly, I don't remember them ever actually responding with the answer from the manufacturer. If anyone has these responses from Vitamin Shoppe regarding this info, can you share, pretty please?

Hey IndianAngel, I wouldn't risk it, dear. If they took my powder at the airport I would cry my eyes out. Then I would pay the outrageous shipping prices to ship it to myself back home. :-/

I would not risk the powder at the airport either. ;0(
Hi ChichiStar, I am banging my head, right now, because this was covered earlier in the thread but I cannot find it! Aggh! lol I'll keep looking but I remember there being several emails by LD to VitaminShoppe regarding the CGF amount in their chlorella. While friendly, I don't remember them ever actually responding with the answer from the manufacturer. If anyone has these responses from Vitamin Shoppe regarding this info, can you share, pretty please?

Hey IndianAngel, I wouldn't risk it, dear. If they took my powder at the airport I would cry my eyes out. Then I would pay the outrageous shipping prices to ship it to myself back home. :-/

Hi! I am coming out of lurk mode to say that I take VS Super Chlorella. I inquired with their research department about this info and the women did not have the amount of CGF. She did say that the cell wall is cracked though.:sekret:
PGIRL, with regards to your detox symptoms, they all point to insufficient water being consumed. Tired, fatigue, headache, and constipation.

Once you have taken your dose, be sure to follow up with another large glass of water. If it persists you can take a smaller dose more frequently. Most important, up that water intake. Happy being GREEN.

Ok you got me! I hate drinking water and I haven't had near enough. As a result I feel bad. I'm guzzling water right now. I will do better. 8 glasses...oh's worth it though :yep:
I was daring yesterday and pressed my new head of natural hair. I can definitely tell that it has grown and either too much Mega Tek or MSM has made it feel different (not good either).

Anyhow, yes, it's grown and I'm happy about that. Thanks CHL!! Now, if only CHL could keep it from reverting. It puffed up, even with Sabino MB.
Today was the first day taking the powder (I took pills prior). OMG it was horrible! At first I mixed 2 tsps with applesauce and mixed it! I couldn't even eat it so I threw it away. Then I got more applesauce and would put 1 tsp on top of the applesauce portion I was going to put in my mouth! EWWWWWWWWWWWWW! :perplexed OMG The applesauce was trying to come back up I swear! I had to chase it with water and with juice! I was actually gagging! It was sooo gross and the texture didn't help at all. Today I'm going to get some green juice, because the applesauce is a nono for me. :nono:

If that doesn't work I may have to go back to the pills. I'm hoping I don't, but I can't be gagging and feeling like i'm going to throw up every time I take Chlorella. :sad: