Help needed please


New Member
I need some advice on my hair. Can someone give suggestions?

I want full, thick hair with body. I don't want my hair to get soo straight that it has no body and lacks texture and lays limp after a relaxer. I know that lye relaxers don't get the hair bone straight and leaves the hair looking full and with texture and alows the conditioning treatments to better inter the hair and therefore helps to keep the hair conditioned ANd that no lye relaxers gets the hair straighter than lye, may cause dryness due to the chemical blocking the conditioner entering the hair and may lead to hair breakage due to the hair not getting the proper conditioning-at least this has been my case after returning to chemicals.

I started relaxing again 9-04 after 16 months natural. I used affirm fiberguard lye. It made my hair soft, allowed my conditioners to moisturize my hair well, left my hair with fullness, curls, made my hair more managable and provided me the opportunity to do roller sets unlike my natural hairs thickness and curls. The fiberguard even left my hair with most of it's natural strength just like they claim. One month later my hair reverted. It looked less straight than initially which I attribute to the use of protein I think. I wanted it to be straighter but keep all of the other qualities it had with the fiberguard lye. So silly me applied a Phyto no lye relaxer on top of my already processed hair at 15 wks post relaxer. Afterwards my hair was dry and tangled. It still had body and fullness and I didn't loose any hair afterwards due to the overprocessing. It was a lot straighter and stayed straight and never reverted. But my hair was soo dry that it alarmed me and I decided to stop using Phyto and I didn't like the fact that while mixing the relaxers ingredients together I had a hard time getting the two ingredients to mix well and come to a smooth texture without lumps. After the relaxer I had a couple of orange/copper strands of hair due to the fact that the relaxers consistency was not smooth and obviously this was the result of that. Then at 12 weeks post relaxer I completed a touch up with affirm lye regular. I got scalp burns for the first time and underprocessed hair which is hard to comb.

At this point i am 4 wks post relaxer and thinking I would make an exception this time and just go to 6 or 8 wks and then get a touch up cause of the underprocessed hairs inability to be combed. I don't know what to do. I don't know what relaxer to use that will straighten my hair enough so that it does not revert, does not restrict my conditioner from entering my hair and doing its job, leaves my hair with it's fullness and doesn't make it lymp after my relaxer service. It sounds like to me that I would have been happy with the fiberguard had it not reverted. What do you ladies think? What relaxer will give me these benefits?

I'm not an expert on relaxers, as I've used the same product for years (cream of nature). My concern is that you mention that you said that you are gong to "make an exception this time and just go to 6 or 8 wks and then get a touch up" Do you typically get a touch up every 4 weeks? If so, that could pose as a problem. That's just way too frequent, IMO.
webby said:
I'm not an expert on relaxers, as I've used the same product for years (cream of nature). My concern is that you mention that you said that you are gong to "make an exception this time and just go to 6 or 8 wks and then get a touch up" Do you typically get a touch up every 4 weeks? If so, that could pose as a problem. That's just way too frequent, IMO.

Hey Webby,
thanks for your reply. no, i've never gotten a relaxer at 4 weeks. since returing to the chemicals, I wait about 12 wks. after my first relaxer I waited 15 wks, second relaxer 12 wks and now I'm on my 3rd relaxer and I'm at 4 wks now and thinking about relaxing at 6 or 8 wks as something I'd prefer not to do but would only do so cause I have underprocessed hair. Once I figure out what chemical to go with I plan to go to 12 wks.

Can you email me your pass word to your album? Is cream of nature lye or no lye? and where do you purchase it? I didn't know they had a relaxer.

I hope I get some more responses.

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I also use Fiberguard with lye. How long was it left on? I have never had any problems with reversion. You may want to wait before you apply another relaxer. I would just condition and baby the heck out of my hair and strengthen it before I apply another relaxer.