Has your SO/BF/close male friend ever made you feel...


Well-Known Member
like your (short) hair was the missing link to the totality of your beauty?

BEWARE: This is quite a long post..

Let me elucidate my reason for posting this. Lately, it has occured to me that black women who wear no weaves/wigs/extensions and their own hair is of considerable length (shoulder length and beyond) are the next best thing to hit the block up since the discovery of white girls with booty. All of a sudden, I have finally grasped the average black man's standard of beauty. Physically they want someone who is naturally beautiful. And long healthy hair seems to be a good indicator if a black woman maintains themselves physically, which to some degree I do agree.

But if you have ever been in the room when a group of guys are watching a beyonce, janet jackson or cassie video from their comments you can tell most of them have set the standard for other females based on these stars, who for the majority wear some form a hair piece whenever on TV! It seems extremely unfair to be scrutunized about my hair being real, when these women have hair stylists to make their hair appear real (most men have no idea of this).

My rant is obviously inspired by a close male friend I have feelings for and at times he makes me feel like I don't measure up to his past girlfriends who have either been mixed with african american heritage and some other non-black ethnicity or hispanic. And ladies, lets be real these girls hair is no where near 4a/4b hair, you feel me? When he mentions the qualities about his past gfs' hair---my hair becomes an issue.( I currently wear a wig for variety and with my hair i follow a low maintenance up keep with daily mosturizing and weekly washing/conditioning.) And then the questions ensue..."How come I never see your hair? I feel like I can't see the real you b/c I haven't see your hair". And then with great intense inspection of my hair---he gives the puzzled look most white people get when they are itching to ask---How do you get your hair like that or is that your real hair? And at times I ignore him and excuse his ignorance of black female's hair b/c his sister never wore weaves.

Sorry...about the length......

But the incident that really did it for me occured a couple days ago. He wears cornrows all year round basically and when he takes it down to redo them is the ONLY time he washes/conditions it which is about every 6 weeks. When he takes it down he has major breakage and knots and its a wonder to me he even retains length and his hair although shoulder length is suffering from major anorexia issues (super thin after pressed..no body). And the worst part is that he takes so much pride in his hair b/c he feels that it is longer than most black females and he feels blessed that his hair is not "too african" (hes kenyan and im nigerian--both first generation) and on top of that females on campus don't make his hair ego any better b/c they call him "the black guy with the really long hair". Due to the excessive breakage I saw I recommended a protein treatment: 1) to stop breakage 2) add thickness. And he blantly told me that he didn't trust me with his hair b/c he had never seen mine and I almost wanted to cuss him out but before I did I was like "damn, I feel the same way". If I had never seen progress from a LHCFer I didn't take their advice for all it was worth. But I think what hurts most is that I know that (and he has made comments) insinuating that I don't know how to take care of my hair. I am a rock...and besides this touchy subject all other aspects btw us are cool. We are not bf/gf and after he makes comments like that I am glad we are not sometimes. But he has really truly catalyzed my hopes of accomplishing my goals to prove him wrong and show him what healthy,thick, black african hair can be very beautiful.

So ladies tell me your input on this topic? How does it make you feel when this happens?
I agree that many black men believe a woman's beauty is in her (long) hair. One personal experience in particular comes to mind. Years ago I got a very short hair cut after keeping my hair well past shoulder length. When one of the guys at work saw my short haircut, his response was "Wow, your beauty is NOT in your hair." I was flattered but more importantly, surprised at his reaction because I never made a connection between beauty and hair length and was not aware that others did. Since then, I have come to realize that many people, not just men, believe that long hair makes a woman beautiful/more beautiful, and that belief is not going to change.

The only advice I have for you is this: I know it's difficult, but do not internalize other people's standards of beauty. Know for yourself that you are beautiful no matter how long your hair is. How you keep your hair and carry yourself is much more important. You really have nothing to prove to anyone but yourself.
virgo_chinwe said:
like your (short) hair was the missing link to the totality of your beauty?

No my hubby actually prefers my natural hair shrinkage and all vs. my lacefronts or any weave.
how do i feel when this happens? pissed off and inspired. i don't wear weaves/wigs/ or cornrows. i've always worn my short hair. i've never had any guy complain about my hair though. they do always tell me i should wear it down more often and to stop cutting it so it can finally grow. the dude you describe to me sounds like he's never seen a full black woman with really long hair before. he needs to get out more.
First let me start off by saying you ARE BEAUTIFUL....and don't ever let a man,(or a woman for that matter) black, white or green tell you otherwise:D My s/o who just happens to be white, loves me for me, not for what my hair looks like, and let me tell you , it can get pretty scary at times:lachen: He loves my new growth and would like to see my hair in its natural state. although he does prefer long hair, it doesn't matter if it is or not. and be honest, if WE didn't like long hair ourselves, we wouldn't be on LHCF:D

I think you are dealing more with an immaturity issue with your friend, and by all means, let him know it!!!!
tld723 said:
First let me start off by saying you ARE BEAUTIFUL....and don't ever let a man,(or a woman for that matter) black, white or green tell you otherwise:D My s/o who just happens to be white, loves me for me, not for what my hair looks like, and let me tell you , it can get pretty scary at times:lachen: He loves my new growth and would like to see my hair in its natural state. although he does prefer long hair, it doesn't matter if it is or not. and be honest, if WE didn't like long hair ourselves, we wouldn't be on LHCF:D

I think you are dealing more with an immaturity issue with your friend, and by all means, let him know it!!!!

ITA! Its his issue not yours unless you internalize it. Society will not change but we can! When all is said and done you can only control yourself and other people are entitled to their opinions (even if they are wrong :) )
Your beautiful! Limit your time around anyone who doesn't embrace that.
Although I think your friend is a bit insensitive, he raises a good point. Alot of men don't care if your hair is short or long, they just want it to be fly. Further, in spite of what we seem to hear, alot of men want an all natural women who is fly. So, that means no wigs, weaves, extensions, gel tips or padded push ups. They want to know to know that what they see is what will they get, with no surprises.

That being said, if you choose to enhance your look with a little help, then work it!! Don't worry about what others think, as long as you are happy with it.
i think my post didnt work??

He obviously has some hair issues himself to be happy that his hair is less African. I would just ask him why he feels hair needs to be long and straight in order to be beautiful and healthy. I would ask him if he seriously must feel the need to conform to the western standards for beauty. He is most likely brainwashed into too much BET and it’s got his standards all twisted.

With that being said he may seriously want to see your hair, and maybe that’s why he is being so offensive with you when it comes to it because he feels like you do not trust him enough to show him all of you.

It’s funny because my fiancée has 4b coarse hair and I am somewhere between 3b-4a and he always teases me about my hair, he pretty much makes me feel like it is not African enough for him. But the funny thing is I have darker skin than him so I will just comment on his lightness when he makes a comment about my hair being not kinky enough Overall I think this is us just playing around.

In general I would say men have messed up hair standards because of my hair length and texture I am asked what ethnicity I am a lot, one guy at work has asked me 3 times like somehow my answer is going to change from black??? I think men just don’t know a thing about hair care and for the most part people in general do not esp black people because many have it in thier head that thier hair will be unmanagable without chemicals to straighten it.
Hey everyone,

I don't really have a SO or boyfriend right now, but most of the men who approach me speak on my hair. Typically, they'll look at it hard, trying to see if it's a weave. When I say no, they often ask if they can touch it.

However, I have to admit that I love being a chocolate girl with long hair.

I double dog dare a man to say snide and subtle condescending 'comments' about however I have my hair. I've been there before and it took years for me to build my self-esteem and realize that no one defines me but me.

I bet your natural hair is beautiful! I'm new to this board but I've noticed that the women on LHCF are all divas because they take pride in themselves and their hair, whether it's natural, texlaxed, relaxed, or lyed, fried and laid down to the side!

However your hair is rock it! Some insecure men can really zero in on whatever it is abotu ourselves where we don't feel 'good enough'. it's not about him, it's about YOU feeling 'good enuf'.

If I shaved my head bald I would still be fly, but I'm divaliscious and that's how I carry myself. I've had a twa, a weave (wearing now) short bob, wigs, falls, long, Angela Davis afro, etc.
It's all love cuz I tell him him and/or his breath stank, he needs to moisturize more, he's skinny, etc... And once I cut my hair I heard that I should get a weave and once it started growing, he said he was glad... Either we're really honesty or a little cruel to each other :look: !
Don't hang around people that tear down your self esteem whether it be a man or a woman. You don't need that.
Good post :)

Did you say you don't take advise from those without progress pics? or did i read wrong... i hope i read wrong, no time to re-read will come back later
My SO loves long hair because ALL of his NINE sisters have GOREGEOUS long hair (I mean it doesn't even look real kind of hair). The youngest sister does whatever she wants with her hair (she has bleached it light brown, colored it black, and put brown highlights in it all in ONE MONTH!) and it stays long and beautiful and gorgeous (though it doesn't have that shine that it used to have). Sometimes I'm self conscious around his family because of the gorgeous heads of hair and I've told him that, but he says that I have nothing to worry about even though my hair isn't as long as theirs. He's just happy that I take care of it. (He actually helps me out when we're being...ahem, "intimate" by putting my scarf back on if it comes off:lol: ). I'm glad he doesn't focus on that kind of stuff and you shouldn't be with a man who does. If my SO can have all of those sisters with gorgeous long hair and still love me even when mine was above SL, then there are plenty of other guys who can be the same for you! Ladies, all men aren't like that!