Has anyone heard of Africa's Best Ultimate herbal oil


Well-Known Member
wanna know if anyone tried this.....here's a list of ingredients

Soy Bean Oil , Walnut Seed Oil , Kiwi Fruit Extract , Olive Fruit Oil , Castor Seed Oil , Sesame Seed Oil , Jojoba Seed Oil , Carrot Seed Oil , Sweet Almond Oil , Tocopheryl Acetate , Safflower Oil , Calendula Extract , Yarrow Extract , Cucumber Extract , Carrageenan Extract , Ginseng Extract , Sage Extract , Comfrey Extract , Aloe Extract , Fragrance
I used it in the past. It was decent - can't go wrong with a natural oil mix.
I prefer the Ginseng Wonder 8 Oil though.
Yeah. It was okay.
I prefer Hot Six oil, though (even though it doesn't have as many oils in it). I love the stuff!
I've used it. To me it felt as though it wasn't sinking in my hair... kinda just sitting on top. :perplexed It felt really greasy after a while.
I mix this with my dc/poos/and conditioners since it's so cheap. It's decent. I have yet to try wonder 8 though.
i have it. dont really use it much but when i did it was good. i prefer coconut oil over all other oils.
I have 2 bottle in the cabinet collecting dust. I used it for body and hair, its pretty good, but i don't use it that often. Smells like baby powder.
I just used some of this. I wanted to dampen my hair before doing flat twists for a twist out. I mixed water, aloe vera gel & some of this oil. I have never used it alone so I can't really say if I love it. I purchased it because its cheap & I liked the mixture of oils.
i've been using this as my hot oil treatment...works well for me
although someone said it smelled like i had green dax grease in my hair lol
thanks for input peops........bought it cuz it was cheap haven't used it yet tho, prolly will tomorrow when i condition hopefully it works for me