Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2013

Down 1.2 lbs since my last weigh in, down 3.4 lbs in March and 17.2 lbs overall.
Checking in for the week...weighed in at 151.0 this morning. I will update with my measurements either later today or tomorrow.

Hair is still doing well. I'm currently in a PS-- wearing a faux top bun. I really like that I am really protecting my ends.
omg. straightened hair last night and it actually went well. i didn't lose a whole lot and the ends are pretty thick again finally. full shoulder length for the most part. at least thats what im claiming and i feel good about it. goal is apl.... may make it but i have to figure out what im going to do with my hair this year.... sick of wigs

ive cancelled my gym membership so that we can save money. there is a free workout center in the complex and when my hair is up however im going to do it... probably havana twists in a few weeks idk... i will get on it. i dont think ive gained. i dont know if i ve lost. it feels like it, but the scale usually doesnt move
MGA2013 said:
I need encouragement! This month is crucial. One month left to graduation!

You will meet ur goals just focus... If you have your outfit look at it to remind yourself how u want to look on that day
I fell off the weight loss wagon when I boarded a 7 day cruise...I'm back and trying the shred diet... I need new eating habits

I'm still wiggin it but I had to get my wig sew'd down so it didn't fly off now I need somebody to unsew it so I can do my regimen
Thank you! I will be buying my outfits this weekend! I started my last round of clinicals this one month, but finally made it to the gym! Did an hr of cardio!!!

As for my hair, I'm back to washing it weekly since I'm limited on time. So my wash day is tomorrow. I've been wigging it all week, but I'm going to give my hair a break from that. I plan to rod set my hair weekly for the rest of April.
I fell off the weight loss wagon when I boarded a 7 day cruise...I'm back and trying the shred diet... I need new eating habits

I'm still wiggin it but I had to get my wig sew'd down so it didn't fly off now I need somebody to unsew it so I can do my regimen

I know how it is when you are traveling and trying to's difficult.
Ooo I'm jealous jprayze. I miss home....

You will be fine. Just make sure not to go to Ali's roti shop on Fulton St. In Brooklyn... :look:

If you do, take a pic so i can live vicariously through you while I'm on this juice fast. :look:

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Ooo I'm jealous jprayze. I miss home....

You will be fine. Just make sure not to go to Ali's roti shop on Fulton St. In Brooklyn... :look:

If you do, take a pic so i can live vicariously through you while I'm on this juice fast. :look:

Sent from my SGH-T959 using LHCF

We ate at the Brooklyn diner...I got a turkey and pastrami Reuben....I didn't do THAT bad. Good news is all the walking we did today! I used the Map my walk app to record some of our walking and we walked at least 2.5 miles. My legs are feeling it now. Made me realize I really need to get my body in shape just to feel better!
Well I'm about to return home and glad to return to my healthier eating habits. I will weigh in and let you know the damage tomorrow...
Today is my 5th day straight at the gym... I've been adding more strength training... And I feel the burn.... Ooo Lord! I plan to take a day off on Wednesday. I've found my motivation by purchasing my dresses for graduation ( Thanks for the idea!!!)

As for my hair, smh I washed it last Friday. HOWEVER going to the gym frequently I need to wash it more! I just don't have time though. Ugh
Checking in for the week...weighed in at 151.0 this morning. I will update with my measurements either later today or tomorrow.

Hair is still doing well. I'm currently in a PS-- wearing a faux top bun. I really like that I am really protecting my ends.

On today (04/11/2013), I weighed in at 153.0. Last weekend's trip really didn't help me at all.

I'm wearing a twistout today and will be at least through the weekend. Trying to wait to length check and hoping I can make BSL in June 2013.
Sat there and let myself get up to 165.0 (Lots of bloat/water weight), so here I am back at my 7 day fast to try and bring it down to at least 159 (or anywhere in the 150's).
Got to definitely get my eating in check or I'll be back in the 170's where I started.
NOT GOOD! I am not overly worried about the gain, cause I know I can drop it back down quickly through diet adjusting (and exercise), and I know my body is still trying to adjust to the extra calories and is mostly stacking up water weight.
Also, got my drops again and will be starting Round 2 to get to 135-140, which is my planned maintenance weight.
I have started back my walk/jogs with my husband, so I am glad about that.

NOTE: Whenever I do the Low calorie diet, I expect to gain some of that weight back due to adding extra calories. Just NOT too much.
I got back from my week in Miami 5 pounds up. I watched my portions but mom's cooking, not able to exercise (unless you count all the walking while shopping) and all my favorite restaurants.... What can I say. :) I jumped right back into Bootcamp MWF am, walked in the park in the pm (to exercise and enjoy the brief but beautiful warm spell NJ had last week), ran on Tuesday and Thursday and I am back to pre-vacation weight. :)

My goal is to lose 25 more pounds by July. I'm continuing to eat healthy and stepping up my exercise; Bootcamp days to 4 and running outside two additional days since the weather is finally starting to warm up. I could also post here more often it really does help.
^^^That's good about your walks and jogs. Is your 7 day fast a juice fast?

Actually it's not a complete 7 day fast. Basically, I fast 18 hours the first day, 19 hours the second day, and so on. I do this until I reach a 24 hours of fasting which is the 7th day.
I've never actually done a juice fast, but I know if I did do a juice fast for 7 days, I'd not only get a good cleanse, but lose some weight. But, since I just came off a 35 day 500 calorie diet, I'm not ready for any major dieting right now. I would like to try one of these days. Maybe a smoothie fast.:grin:
Hey guys. So here's my updates:

Weight: down 4 lbs since my last weigh in, 21 overall, and in the 180's! I also have just 7 more sessions of C25K before I finish and have my first 5K schedule for May 11. So excited!

Hair: Here's a progress pic. It's hard to see, but the "and" is BSL on me. I think I'm there, but I definitely will be BSL by my next touch up. After that, I think I will either get braids or a weave for the summer.


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Hey guys. So here's my updates:

Weight: down 4 lbs since my last weigh in, 21 overall, and in the 180's! I also have just 7 more sessions of C25K before I finish and have my first 5K schedule for May 11. So excited!

Hair: Here's a progress pic. It's hard to see, but the "and" is BSL on me. I think I'm there, but I definitely will be BSL by my next touch up. After that, I think I will either get braids or a weave for the summer.

You are doing a great job!!! Good inspiration for us all!
I'm still live!

Hair: my pressed my hair out in the beginning of april and it was much thicker and even than i thought it was going to be. it looks really nice and is pretty much a full shoulder length.

i've since had to give it a trim because i got freaked out when i saw short bits of the ends all over the place. i've now realized that i have a protein overload because while straight, i've been putting cholesterol on my ends and baggying every other night. my hair HATEs protein. i can take this cholesterol conditioner like every so often, but my hair was not having it any more frequently.

well, i just realized that was my issue. idk why it took me so long to recognize it. i got regular cheapy Suave moisturizing conditioners (granted they have cones but whatever). I'm going to be baggying with either one of those pretty much everyday and doing everything i can to counteract this brittle, crunchy business.

BODY! OH my poor body. I'm officially a 36DD omg. I hate that. Its not cool. it just makes me think of fat. I think I'm still about a 180 which is where I was when I first started. I'm not going anywhere. I have to do something.

I have realized that I should try to make my workouts really short but more regular and consistent. I mean like 10 mins everyday or something like that. I will vary what I'm doing, however, but I will only be doing it for about 10 mins. maybe 15 mins and then eventually increase to 3 days a week for 20 mins. My goal is to make exercise more regular. I have to focus on that.

I need to cut out a lot of the carbs I eat too, but I don't otherwise eat very unhealthy foods, just rice or pasta noodles or something during supper. In fact, I doubt it is what I'm eating more than the fact that I just don't move my body for very long.
On today (04/11/2013), I weighed in at 153.0. Last weekend's trip really didn't help me at all.

I'm wearing a twistout today and will be at least through the weekend. Trying to wait to length check and hoping I can make BSL in June 2013.

4/24 update Hair: doing an LC for the MBL challenge in a few days. I will post pics here. I'm wondering how close I am to BSL and MBL.

Weight: I walked 2 miles this week. I exercise at the end of the day, but I'm pushing to do something most days. Weight today is 152.8. I really need to step up my game but hopefully if I do it gradually I won't get overwhelmed.
4/24 update Hair: doing an LC for the MBL challenge in a few days. I will post pics here. I'm wondering how close I am to BSL and MBL.

Weight: I walked 2 miles this week. I exercise at the end of the day, but I'm pushing to do something most days. Weight today is 152.8. I really need to step up my game but hopefully if I do it gradually I won't get overwhelmed.

5/1/13 Update

I meant to get a trim, but I left the salon with a cut. Now instead of wondering if I am BSL yet, I am now trying to get to APL by June. At least my ends will be nice and healthy.

I gained A LOT in a little over a week. The scale said 155.6. I'm not overly surprised because I did go to Coldstone and Wendy's over the weekend.:nono: I have to remember only ONE treat day. I finally started Couch to 5k yesterday and I'm excited. Also my 2nd job is slacking up so I will have more time in the evenings for exercise. When I finally get to the 140s, I will reward myself with this perfume that I have been wanting.:yep:
You ladies are so quiet! Hope all is well! Just quick update to say I finished 2 weeks of Couch to 5k. I am busy, but I can carve out 30 minutes 3 times a week. Feeling accomplished :)

Will update weight on Monday.
Updating because I see results. I have lost about 10 lbs since I started this, but I am happy about my toning. I would post pics but the forum is searchable.

Sent from my Snow White Frost Galaxy S4
I felt off for 3 weeks because of graduation, but as horrible as I ate, I lost weight! (3lbs loss). But I'm back and plan to lose 30 lbs during the summer!

My hair is doing fine, getting back on schedule with that as well. I want to braid it up in July since I will beginning a new direction in life. Hopefully I can post regularly.. Lol