Finding split ends


So I haven't trimmed in probably over a year and a half......I was just really paranoid about stylists cutting off my progress.

I was looking at posts on the search and destroy method, as I thought that would improve the appearance of my admittedly uneven ends. However I can't make out any splits. I've seen a couple very helpful diagrams but I just can't see anywhere where a strand is split in two. Is it possible that all the splits have travelled so far up my head that I can't see them? And that one day they're just all going to fall out en masse leaving me with half a head of hair? :nono:

It's entirely possible I'm just blind, so should I just go ahead and do a normal trim? How do I know how much to cut?

Thanks ladies!
You might not have any or so few that they aren't visible. Not everyone has split ends.
Oh hmmm...I just assumed everyone had them lol. My stylist always used to go on about how bad my splits were. But it's possible he was just talking about my ends being uneven (which they definitely are).