CO washes/Touchups


Well-Known Member
For the past 3 weeks I have been doing co washes every 2 days.
I use Humecto followed by MM+. My hair has so much skip that I don't need a detangler. I just checked my calendar and see that my touchup is due next Saturday. My question is- should I use a clarifying shampoo (plus a conditioner) for my last wash prior to my touchup or should I just condition wash again? I was thinking of doing the co wash and just adding GPB. Suggestions, anyone?
I don't think you have to clarify before you get your touch up, but you will have to shampoo your hair after you get your hair processed.
Hi Fletgee

Do your hair strands feel as though they have some build up on them? Before I get my relaxer touch-ups, I like to make sure my hair strands don't have any build up on them.
Hi organicevolution!

Hey Allandra!


I always shampoo and re braid my hair 2 days after my touch-up. I do have a clarifying shampoo, but have never used it because I never felt any build up. Come to think of it I don't know what buildup feels like. Maybe I should consider doing the clarifier once a month since I will be continuing to do the co washes. Thanks ladies!

I think clarifying shampoos are very drying to the hair since its basically stripping all the build up. I think its best to use anything that will add moisture to your hair before you relax since relaxers are drying. Condition washing is very moisturizing. I always do one three days before my touch up.

Tee Tee
I don't think you need to clarify either. Regular shampoo should do the trick.

You want your hair clean but not necessarily stripped right before a touch up. I add oil in small amounts gradually before I touch up. Be sure to condition well after - whatever you do.

I use clarifiers. But never before a retouch. It just makes me nervous that my hair is too naked..