Carol's Daughters Hair Milk & Mimosa Hair Honey


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Carol\'s Daughters Hair Milk & Mimosa Hair Honey

Has anyone tried using Carol's Daughter Hair Milk or Mimosa Hair Honey?

Are these products greasy and heavy or are they light? I'm looking for something to add more moisture when I'm wearing my wash n go and to help smooth down my edges without making my hair greasy or heavy. Would these get the thumbs up or down?

Re: Carol\'s Daughters Hair Milk & Mimosa Hair Honey

i use both. i use the hair honey on occassion for a lil added shine (but rarely need it) the hair milk i use as a light moisturizer while wearing 2 strand twists. (thats after a rinse in the shower)

both products are rather light in my opinion...and a little goes a long way.
Re: Carol\'s Daughters Hair Milk & Mimosa Hair Honey

Both are pretty light the smell takes more getting used to then the actual product.

The lady that does my two strand twists uses a mixture of the healthy hair butter and the mimosa hair honey, that combo seems to works well when I wear my hair out as well
Re: Carol\'s Daughters Hair Milk & Mimosa Hair Honey

I use the Mimosa Hair Honey for shine and I love it. You do have to get used to the smell as CocoaButterflyy mentioned. It's light but a little goes a LONG way so the jar I have should last for eternity.
Re: Carol\'s Daughters Hair Milk & Mimosa Hair Honey

Carol's Daughter Hair Milk: Because this arrived nearly frozen, I figgered the smart thing (later determined not to be a smart thing) to do would be to put it in some warm (read: probably too warm) water. It separated a little bit, but I figured it would have happened sooner or later because others were complaining of separation.

This did not affect the performance, however, just the aesthetics. I applied this to freshly washed and deep conditioned hair and it glided through like butter. I was careful not to overdo it because a smidgeon too much will result in greasiness. My hair was easy to comb through, soft, moisturized.

That was yesterday. This morning, as my hair is now dry, it doesn't feel as moist as it did yesterday. But in terms of "Would you say your hair is moisturized or not?" I would have to say "Yes, although it's nothing to scream about."

Complaints: Strange separation issue. Smells like cheap lemon scented dishwashing liquid. It drove me nuts. I was almost ready to wash my hair again. Moisturizes the hair, but the level seems to change depending on how damp the hair is. Easy to over-grease. For this product, a little goes a long way.

The Verdict: 4 out of 10
I can honestly say that my tried-and-true staple, Salerm Silk Protein Leave-in Conditioner, has performed leaps and bounds better than Carol's Daughter Hair Milk. Even days later, the Salerm leave-in keeps my hair moist, wet or dry.

I won't be using this product again. I'm going back to my Salerm leave-in.
Re: Carol\'s Daughters Hair Milk & Mimosa Hair Honey

I like the Hair Milk except for the fact that it separates. As she states on her website, it almost acts as a texturizer. It is moisturizing.

Mimosa Hair Honey doesn't seem moisturizing...just kind of like a shine product. Smells wonderful, too!