Carol's Daughter's products are awesome

Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

I posted it about my Hair milk seperating in the other Carol's Daughter thread b4 I say this one.

Hairlove - How long do you microware the product for? I have tried shaking it witout microwaving and it did not help at all.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

I would just microwave it for a few seconds - like maybe 20 (not sure how strong the bottle is). Then I'd try shaking it...or maybe you could put it in hot water.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

Okay i will try that. Thanks. Shaking it on its own sure was not helping any.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

I use the Marguerite's Magic every other day to put my hair in a bun. I use it more now since it is cold outside to keep from wetting my hair with S-Curl. The Kizzi I put on after my hair is up in the bun to keep the back hairs from flying out and give it a great shine.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

Thanks, Shawn.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

I called a salon the other day trying to locate HHB and the stylist recommended Marguerite's Magic as good substitute replacement for HHB. Does any one find this to be true?
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

OH YES! Well, I shouldn't speak TOO soon. But, I used Some of Marguerite's Magic today to just smooth my hair a bit and put my scarf on. I usually do that with HHB and this MM worked exactly the same. And the smell! The smell is wonderful! I wanted to wait to try it on my new growth before posting but it seems to ACT in the same way as the HHB. So YES, I think it would be a good replacement. And I think you are guaranteed a "creamy" version!
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

Ooooo, that sounds great! Thanks Hairlove for the review. Please let us know how it turns out on the new growth when you try it that way.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

Just wanted to let you all know about the holiday specials: Today I went to the site and she has specials on some of her items. I ordered a Jamaican punch kit, a fragrance kit and also a set called the Saturday after special,which came with a selection of her hair products. In all I spent 60.00. Go check out her specials!!
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

I just ordered the Cocoa Butter Body Souffle which can also be used as a hair moisturizer. I really like the ingredients and it looks very light and creamy. I can't wait to try it on my hair. I should have it tomorrow. I wanted to try something w/o beeswax and that was a little lighter than the HHB to see how my hair likes it. I'll let you all know how it works out.

Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

Wow,Topazz. I just purchased some of her body products,too. I purchase her fragrance oils and a Jamaican punch set. The Jamaican body jam ingredients are for the hair and body and talk about the smell
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

Wow, I may have to try one of the jams too...sounds delicious. My cream should be here tomorrow. I can't wait to try it out. I love CD!
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

hey ladies
I just order the ch healthy hair butter hopefully it would be here by next week
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

I'm madly in love with HHB and the hair milk!!!!
Thanks guy for posting about this. i would have never known about this wonderful products.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome



I'm missing my CD Milk so bad right now. I found a salon here in L.A. that I'm gonna finally get it from tomorrow *crossing fingers*.

I didn't want to make a new thread, but... for those who do conditioner washes--is the CD Healthy Hair Butter hard to wash out with conditioner? I had this problem and I'm wondering if anyone else did? If they could make the product without the beeswax, I'll buy it in a heartbeat.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

I use CD Hair Milk and do conditioner washes. I didn't have a hard time washing it out at all.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

I'd love to re-order some of her products , but the turnaround time was soooo ridiculous the last time, that I have not wanted the irritation of waiting...waiting...etc..

Any positive comments on the customer service & turnaround times...please share's been a year since I last ordered.... I miss her Khoret Amen Hair oil---
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

My first two orders arrived in a nice amount of time but they promised to send me a replacement for my hair milk and it took over a month for me to receive it.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

This salon I found carries so many different CD products--they definitely are a keeper. I'm just really happy to have this Hair Milk back in my life
But I'm with you ladies... if CD took that long to send me my order, I'd just have to find a replacement for them.

Hairlove, I think you said b/4 that you ordered the CD HHB once... was it easy to wash out with conditioner washes? I love the CD Hair Milk though 'cause I never have a problem washing it out.

JFemme, how did you use your Khoret Amen Hair Oil? I have some, but the only way I used it was to massage my scalp (once in a blue moon) because it spread so quickly. Actually, tonight I'm going to heat it up with some 100% Shea butter to see what it can do.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

Has anyone tried her Hair balm? It seems that it is similar to the Hair milk,but I heard the smell is better and it looks like it won't seperate like hair milk.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

I didn't have a problem washing out the CD least, I thought!! But, now I've stopped using it b/c I suspected buildup from the beeswax.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

pookeylou said:
Bumping this up...for more comments about the hair milk.

[/ QUOTE ]
im waiting too... i did a post about it too
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

i just read this whole thread lookin for details about hair milk, every single page too...i see y'all love it but no details.....not even sure what i wanna know eitha lol...just wanna know more about it....anything at probably just gonna get it though...tell me i will love it so i can really justify buying know us PJ's need a little prompting to get over the guilt, and justify making the purchase lol
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

Addrienne - Your hair is absolutely gorgeous!! I've have been trying to look for people on this site with 4a/4b type hair that is long like yours and you have given me much inspiration! I wish I would have done the same thing so many years ago but I kept going through my Beyonce phase of going blonde! I'm going to print and hang up your progress pictures to keep me going when I get really frustrated with my hair growth. Thank you!
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

Does anyone know the shelf life for her products..I just got some $$ for my bday and I'm gonna make a CD order..I'm sooooooo excited!!
I was trying to figure out if I should go ahead and get the biggest size for some of the things I will be getting..or if the shelf life isn't very long..if I should go for the smaller sizes.. does anyone know? Does anyone use any of her body products? There is a place here that sells her stuff..but she doesn't have everything that I want so I'm just going to order online.

Thanks for any help!
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

Hey RushGirl... that's great that you're gonna give her CD Hair Milk a try
. I bought her small 4oz. back in November and it lasted me until 2 weeks ago, so that's about 6 mo. I did notice that the oil started separating from the Hair Milk. But all I did was drain it into another container. I don't think my CD ever spoiled though, that separation was natural.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

It lasted that long eh? I was gonna get the biggest size.. do you think if I get the size that big if I should keep it in the fridge? or I won't need to do that?? Has anyone ever used the Hair Balm???? or the Marguerite's Magic I need to know if I should put that on my list..
If I get the HHB do I "need" the magic stuff? So far, I'm gonna get the Hair Milk, the HHB, the Mimosa hair honey and the Tui Shea butter Hair Smoothie.. I just can't wait to smell this stuff..
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

I just got the huge 8oz this weekend, mainly cause I know I really like the product and it works for my hair. If you're experimenting and don't want to spend too much mula, the smaller sizes might be better. I also got the "tiny" 4oz HHB and Mimosa Hair Honey, but ended up trading them because I didn't have a need for them. Only once did I put my Hair Milk in the fridge to "cure" the separation of oils, but it hardened the whole thing. You really don't need to refrigerate the stuff, but I've heard 1 or 2 members saying that they do, but it's all preference.

As for the "Magic stuff", lol, it looks like the HHB but I've never used it. I've heard of some members using that stuff, so hopefully they post about it here...
Re: Carol\'s Daughter\'s products are awesome

I am experimenting..but I'm using money that I got for my I feel like it's not really coming out of my Also, I wanted to get bigger sizes so that I didn't have to order it again for a while.. If I don't like something...I can trade it or sell it or something..and, her prices are going up as of May 1st..which sucks because they aren't cheap that's for sure! I'll do a search for the "Magic Stuff" and see if I can find anything..but hopefully someone will post an answer anyway..hint hint..LOL

Thanks for your help Sweety!