Buildup & Growth?


Well-Known Member
What is the effect of buildup on growth? Since I have been home everyday lately and have been transitioning I have learned that a mix of S-curl and Fantasia IC Gel make my hair look like I just got a relaxer. Over the last couple of days I have been spraying more and more S-Curl in my hair (walking around the house with the bottle like ppl with the Jheri Curl did:look: ) Since I have been home (about 3 weeks) I have washed my hair every 2-3 days out of boredom while I generally go about 7 days. I have a lot of buildup due to the overuse of the S-Curl but I don't want to get back in the habit of washing every 2-3 days (I washed on Saturday). I wear protective styles and I know deep inside I'm using the buildup excuse to just wash my hair but I really want to know if the buildup on my hair will stunt the growth of my hair or affect it in any way? TIA:)