Are 'cones bad for hair???


Well-Known Member
Are 'cones always bad for the hair? I noticed that a lot of Dominican products have 'cones in them but they make my hair feel so good!

Will these eventually dry out my hair? Cause damage? Breakage, etc?
It really depends on your hair. Some peoples hair THRIVES with the use of cones and regular clarifying. Others, their hair HATES cones, and seems to be always dry and breaking.

If your hair is happy, roll on! If it's not, then you might need to start checking what you are using.
It depends. For heat styling, yes b/c you need them to protect hair from heat damage.

For natural hair styling and using very gentle shampoos, no b/c you can't wash them out (unless they are water-soluble).
They aren't BAD really.

When they build up, they are bad. If your hair doesn't like them, they're bad.

If you clarify your hair regularly and you don't overuse them, then you'll be fine.
i think it depends on the shampoo you use. if you use a sulfate shampoo then i think its okay. however, if you are on a no-poo or sulfate free regimen then i think it could be bad because it will eventually build up.