
Well-Known Member
Ladies after reaching APL, how long did it take you to reach BSL??? Inquiring minds want to know!!!!


Well-Known Member
I wan't to know this as well. It seems like its taking me forever to get to bsl (even thought I have been slightly scissor happy :look:). It shouldn't have affected my retention this much


Ladies after reaching APL, how long did it take you to reach BSL??? Inquiring minds want to know!!!!

TLC, you are almost there. You'll be there in no time. But I still would like to know.

I get about 2 inches every three months, which means 8 inches a year. This is without growth aids but just 1 multivitamin, 2 UltraNourish hair.

Now, I've upped it to 1 multivitamin, 2 UltraNourish hair and 1 MSM including MTG'g. I know my growth should increase but I really won't know how much until next year.

I think kinikakes has a good album you can look at too. Her hair grows pretty quickly.


Well-Known Member
just measure from ur armpit to ur brastrap in inches and figure that normal growth rate for hair is 1/4 - 1/2 inch per month and you have a round about of how long i will take.


Well-Known Member
Thanks ladies...
I believe I have 6 more inches to go if measured correctly.. Guess I'll see when it happens.. Eisani there is a BSL and beyond 08 challenge going on b/c I signed up for that one you will have to do a search though...


Well-Known Member
Thanks ladies...
I believe I have 6 more inches to go if measured correctly.. Guess I'll see when it happens.. Eisani there is a BSL and beyond 08 challenge going on b/c I signed up for that one you will have to do a search though...

Found it, thanks.