2013 Relaxed Hair Buddy Thread

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Oh my, that was a total snub...I'm on the buddy list, too. :(

There is so many of us, lol! I typed the @ sign in front of all your names in my notes app on my phone and made a list. When I'm tagging our whole group, I just copy and paste the list and I'm done. There is no way I can remember the spelling of all your names at first but now I got it...that is until we got our newest member yesterday ;-).

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I hope you can make your goal but please keep in mind that 4 weeks is a big difference. Don't hesitate to relax if you start having major tangling and breakage by 12 weeks. At least by then you will have surpassed your own record of 10 weeks :).

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Thanks yeah I can't wait to see how it goes. I just co-washed and installed some Bantu knots. On Thursday I'll shampoo wash and deep condition. I think washing twice a week might help with my stretch...we will see..

I am starting to run out of hairstyles though...I'm not big on buns at my current hair length.

I'm going to need tips on those Bantu Knots. Your's always come out so beautiful :). The last time I did a set my SO said the left side of my hair "Looks like it lost its best friend" then proceeded to make a sad face :( :rolleyes: :lol:......Ole' Joker lol.
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@Mande30: I saw your reveal pics, very nice! I really want to stretch 12 weeks, but not at the expense of my hair health. I was starting to experience breakage at week 9. So I'm gonna do a minimum of 8 weeks and take it week by week after


I agree. I know that the point of stretching is hair health. But it defeats the purpose if you are loosing your hair because of it. I think thats just like different heads of hair don't all tolerate the same products and treatments, we also have different tolerance levels for stretching, but still have healthy hair......whether 8 or 9 weeks or 20 weeks. Do whats best for YOUR head.
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Just thought I'd save a Sista from a crazy red-orange experience...LOL! I use Moroccan Henna for two reasons-- one, it has a quick dye release-about two hours and two, the dye is more red-brown than red-orange.

Cattypus1 my henna only treatment came out really nice. It has already began to oxidize sense yesterday. My grays are still bright auburn but I don't mind because there aren't that many visible on my hairline. I'm going to do a roller set this week once its finished oxidizing. My hair felt really moisturized after my DC, I just M&S and now I'm bagging.
Yes I did, with Mizani Butter Blends sensitive scalp. The result was a little straighter than I like but it's ok. I am loving the ease of washing and combing right now.

I need to learn how to self relax im just sooo scurred:lol:
I used Mizani relaxer for quite some time but I switched to ORS for my last relaxer and I'm having mixed feelings about it seeing that certain parts were very under processed and it was harsher on my scalp that the BB.
I dont think I will do a corrective,I'll just see how it goes.

I agree. I know that the point of stretching is hair health. But it defeats the purpose if you are loosing your hair because of it. I think thats just like different heads of hair don't all tolerate the same products and treatments, we also have different tolerance levels for stretching, but still have healthy hair......whether 8 or 9 weeks or 20 weeks. Do whats best for YOUR head.

Mande30: Yes! and Amen!! Lol,my feelings exactly. I wish I could go 20 weeks, I would be bald headed as a chicken :lachen:. My hair also can't take heavy protein or coconut oil. I found out about coconut oil the hard way (breakage). I discovered that it acts like protein on my hair and I have to use some serious moisture DC behind it. Oh well, I'm loving my hair right now and I have decided that as long as all goes well, I will continue to self-relax. (I plan to post some pics soon, like later today or tomorrow. My camera had to recharge)

I'm going to need tips on those Bantu Knots. Your's always come out so beautiful :). The last time I did a set my SO said the left side of my hair "Looks like it lost its best friend" then proceeded to make a sad face :( :rolleyes: :lol:......Ole' Joker lol.

Aww thanks so much. I love them. The key for me is the let my hair air dry pretty much completely before installing them.
Cattypus1 my henna only treatment came out really nice. It has already began to oxidize sense yesterday. My grays are still bright auburn but I don't mind because there aren't that many visible on my hairline. I'm going to do a roller set this week once its finished oxidizing. My hair felt really moisturized after my DC, I just M&S and now I'm bagging.

I was wondering how your henna turned out. I'm glad your SO didn't have to hand you a hat...LOL.
I was wondering how your henna turned out. I'm glad your SO didn't have to hand you a hat...LOL.

Girl I would have handed it back to him, lol.
This picture definitely does no justice in the color department. You already know that the color intensifies in direct sunlight and when it's not loaded with moisturizer and EVCO.


I'll post more after oxidation and after I cleanse and style in a few days.


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Girl I would have handed it back to him, lol.
This picture definitely does no justice in the color department. You already know that the color intensifies in direct sunlight and when it's not loaded with moisturizer and EVCO.

I'll post more after oxidation and after I cleanse and style in a few days.


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See...I really, really love the color of your hair! It looks like my natural color before I went indigo. You did a beautiful job.
See...I really, really love the color of your hair! It looks like my natural color before I went indigo. You did a beautiful job.

Thank you :). I was shaking in my boots thinking I would be fire orange, so glad that didn't happen.

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@Mande30: Yes! and Amen!! Lol,my feelings exactly. I wish I could go 20 weeks, I would be bald headed as a chicken :lachen:. My hair also can't take heavy protein or coconut oil. I found out about coconut oil the hard way (breakage). I discovered that it acts like protein on my hair and I have to use some serious moisture DC behind it. Oh well, I'm loving my hair right now and I have decided that as long as all goes well, I will continue to self-relax. (I plan to post some pics soon, like later today or tomorrow. My camera had to recharge)

klsjackson Looking forward to the pictures. I am glad your self relax went well. I hope we both continue to have good results.
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