2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

LUKE 4 ....

16 He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to read, 17 and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written:

18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free,
19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
I have to learn not to take the bait, I am going to need to just learn when to remain quiet and walk away or say my piece and walk away. Some people are just looking for trouble, and it's not worth it. There's no point arguing the truth.
^^^Don't group me with anybody else because I stand alone sweetie. I never persecuted her or anyone. I spoke the truth and Shimmy just verified what I knew she was up to years ago. LOL

I didn't put any words in your mouth. Going into a random thought thread posting stuff aka thoughts from another thread that you had a disagreement in is what made all those other random thoughts in other sections messy. You doing that in this forum isn't any different.
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Oh puh leez. Freedom of speech in this thread my dear. Freedom of speech, remember?

And I'm sure the "random thoughts" the owner has problems with are not in the CF, the "random thoughts" in OT is where a lot of mess usually goes down and gets started. I'm sure pm land is a lot messier though. But CF is USUALLY quite peaceful, thank you.

What good does harassing the CF do for you in real life? You feel like some kind of crusader? Nobody has time for that, we're too busy in the real world so when we wanna have Christian fellowship (miss that part or something?) here, we don't want to or have time to weed through a bunch of crap starting to get to the real and genuine fellowship. When we open a thread we don't expect our Christian values to be assaulted, because this is the CHRISTIAN sub-forum we expect answers from like-minded individuals; even when we don't agree exactly, we're on the same page, within the same few pages, or can get there quickly with the turn of a Bible page.
DaiseeDay if you were addressing me puh leeze YOU don't what the owner thought about those random threads here, there or anywhere. LOL I'm a crusader for allowing folks freedom to disagree with us Christians and believe or not to believe. Their not believing isn't a determent to my salvation or faith. Those same non believers will be calling on God the minute they realize they cannot handle things alone.
firecracker said:
DaiseeDay if you were addressing me puh leeze YOU don't what the owner thought about those random threads here, there or anywhere. LOL I'm a crusader for allowing folks freedom to disagree with us Christians and believe or not to believe. Their not believing isn't a determent to my salvation or faith. Those same non believers will be calling on God the minute they realize they cannot handle things alone.

And neither do you, you brought up the owner in the first place...

And to your second point, I agree, but what does that have to do with what's going on right here (CF), right now? Nothing. Because non believers disagree with us all day long with no problem, actually somebody needs to be fighting for OUR freedom of speech right now especially on this particular forum. I personally respect everyone's views, doesn't mean I agree because I most likely won't. That's not the point anyway. You so easily brushed over most of what I addressed, which is mess starting in the CF.

If you wanna act like I don't know what I'm talking about and what @Loolah mentioned then ok, I'm not talking to you.
And neither do you, you brought up the owner in the first place...

And to your second point, I agree, but what does that have to do with what's going on right here (CF), right now? Nothing. Because non believers disagree with us all day long with no problem, actually somebody needs to be fighting for OUR freedom of speech right now especially on this particular forum. I personally respect everyone's views, doesn't mean I agree because I most likely won't. That's not the point anyway. You so easily brushed over most of what I addressed, which is mess starting in the CF.

If you wanna act like I don't know what I'm talking about and what @Loolah mentioned then ok, I'm not talking to you.

I'm not trying to be rude or funny but I do know what the owner/Beverly thinks about randoms and alot of other things. We have discussed it irl on numerous occasions. So you don't know what you are talking about in regards to what I know for sure.

She is Christian just like me. She is secure in her belief and doesn't feel slighted, offended or threatened by nonbelievers and their bs. I'm sorry I just don't get offended by folks that don't believe in the same God I do. All I can do is pray for them and myself.
And all that is fine. Like I said, if you're not one in here purposefully starting mess then I'm not talking to you. I'm very secure in my faith and don't feel offended at non-believers or their opinions either and don't believe that I've ever indicated that.

As I said that is not what I'm talking about.

I do feel a certain way when people start purposefully starting drama and combating members in the CF. <---- that is what I'm talking about, and what you refuse to address among other things.

And really, if Beverly condones the stuff that I am talking about, I don't want to be her customer any longer anyway.

Again, it's not a difference of opinion, it's bullying and if you're not doing then I'm not referencing you.

And just because I want to defend the place I call "home" on LHCF, you want to put me in the box of some type of judgmental religious person? Yet you're just so open minded and accepting of non-believers? Oh please.

I'll just say I walk the walk and that's it. I know who I am IRL, I don't need that validated by non-believers or believers for that matter online.
And all that is fine. Like I said, if you're not one in here purposefully starting mess then I'm not talking to you. I'm very secure in my faith and don't feel offended at non-believers or their opinions either and don't believe that I've ever indicated that. If you are talking about me or not its whateva. :lachen:

I never saw any bullying in that other thread. I was telling you how nonbelievers don't affect me nor Bev. I never said you were insecure in your faith. I don't know you like that. As for your comment about Bev condoning :lachen:. That's you reaching because I never said or alluded to that. I told you what I knew for sure since you said I didn't.

As I said that is not what I'm talking about.

I do feel a certain way when people start purposefully starting drama and combating members in the CF. <---- that is what I'm talking about, and what you refuse to address among other things. I don't have to address something that is imaginary in the thread I was in. I didn't have anything to support or say til Shimmie made that statement about OT being filled with gay supporters and what where they doing over here. :lachen:

I can't read folks mind like ya'll can. I cannot say why someone is in a thread w/o a history of their threads or post. I don't go around following folks like that Christian or nonChristian. The only reason I have an opinion on the OP in that thread is because of her thread starting history, spin off's from controversy threads and seemingly obsession with the gays over the past two weeks that I have witnessed myself. I don't think its anything wrong with inquiring minds but we just don't agree with who is really being messy up in here. Which is cool. I don't expect folks to agree with me on everything.

And really, if Beverly condones the stuff that I am talking about, I don't want to be her customer any longer anyway.

Again, it's not a difference of opinion, it's bullying and if you're not doing then I'm not referencing you.

And just because I want to defend the place I call "home" on LHCF, you want to put me in the box of some type of judgmental religious person? Yet you're just so open minded and accepting of non-believers? Oh please.

I'll just say I walk the walk and that's it. I know who I am IRL, I don't need that validated by non-believers or believers for that matter online.
When did I call you judgmental or anyone in that thread? Where did I say or infer that I was so open minded? You are projecting and reaching way too far. So go "oh please" yourself.
No actually I'm not. In the other thread you said "just like the church" in response to one of my posts. That's a judgement IMO. You wouldn't explain that comment, so I assume you were calling me judgmental "like the church" idk, but feel free to clarify. And you replied to me twice talking about non-believers and accepting their opinions lol.Reaching I am not, I don't need to reach for anything, I have nothing to prove.

Unless you have something useful to say I'm done. I'm not going tit for tat. Just don't make anymore judgmental posts about me (implying that I'm "just like the church" etc) and it's all good.

DaiseeDay how did just like the church get turned into something about you? tsk tsk tsk delusions. LOL
You know what they say about assuming? LOL
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firecracker said:
DaiseeDay how did just like the church get turned into something about you? tsk tsk tsk delusions. LOL
You know what they say about assuming? LOL

You quoted me that's how. You don't quote someone using an incomplete sentence, not explain what you meant, and expect them to know what you're talking about. Now THAT'S delusional.

Again, care to explain?

If not GTFudgeO
You quoted me that's how. You don't quote someone using an incomplete sentence, not explain what you meant, and expect them to know what you're talking about. Now THAT'S delusional.

Again, care to explain?

If not GTFudgeO
No I won't be breaking down anything for you. Do you care to read and not think everything is pertaining to you? LOL

DaiseeDay I can get the f outta here when? LOL I will be all up in and over this place cuz errah I paid my 6.50. LOL
I'm amazed you would think someone would compare you to A Church. LOL
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firecracker said:
No I won't be breaking down anything for you. Do you care to read and not think everything is pertaining to you? LOL

Not stuff thats obviously directed at me via the quote system. Do you need a 101 on how to use a forum? Or social nuances?
Not stuff thats obviously directed at me via the quote system. Do you need a 101 on how to use a forum? Or social nuances?
Yeah whatchu got fo me? Where shall we meet?

You must be the cats meow to really think you could be compared to the house of the Lord by someone that doesn't know you from Adam? I don't assume and make an *** outta myself.
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^^^ For 71 pages, we have had women sharing their random Christian Thoughts in peace. For 71 pages, some women have been inspired by Scriptures, quotes, or stories posted in this thread. For 71 pages, some women have vented spiritual frustration in this thread. For some reason, you view your ability to start a "fire" more important than the peace and fellowship of other members in this forum.

You can continue typing away on page 72 and 73, if you want. But I think (and hope) that at this point, you'll be alone in doing so. And then when you get tired, those of us who are in this thread for sincere reasons can return to our regular posting. And should this thread be closed (which is your goal given what happened in another part of LHCF), that will not keep us from fellowshipping in other parts of this Christian Forum.

Enjoy the rest of your night typing away. :)

^^^ For 71 pages, we have had women sharing their random Christian Thoughts in peace. For 71 pages, some women have been inspired by Scriptures, quotes, or stories posted in this thread. For 71 pages, some women have vented spiritual frustration in this thread. For some reason, you view your ability to start a "fire" more important than the peace and fellowship of other members in this forum.

You can continue typing away on page 72 and 73, if you want. But I think (and hope) that at this point, you'll be alone in doing so. And then when you get tired, those of us who are in this thread for sincere reasons can return to our regular posting. And should this thread be closed (which is your goal given what happened in another part of LHCF), that will not keep us from fellowshipping in other parts of this Christian Forum.

Enjoy the rest of your night typing away. :)
loolalooh You cannot read minds so miss me with that somebody is trying to get this or any thread shut down. I have no idea what happened in another part of LHCF in regards to getting a thread closed because I haven't gotten a thread closed:spinning::lachen:.

Nobody is trying to stop ya'll from fellowship. I don't care what ya'll do. I have a place of worship/fellowship outside of this place.

You obviously feel like everyone is trying to attack Christianity but that isn't the case always. Sorry you feel attacked. I can sort of understand though because of the world we live in. I don't have a Christian chip on my shoulder.

I don't care what the world allows straight or gay people to do. The bible is clear and concise. I know I cannot make up my own rules for Christianity nor can the world. When I'm wrong, I'm just wrong. The world could never validate me or my existence. I will be frank I'm tired of the gays trying to force feed their stuff just like my Christian counterparts.

I was in this thread when she first started it and posted my thought plain simple. Shimmie statement about other members being gay sympathizers is what got me involved and then I realized where the OP put her latest gay madness. :look: Folks that don't adamantly speak against gays or care if they get share benefits etc doesn't make them sympathizers. I'm more of the give these people what they want so they can shut up and sit down somewhere. Sad thing is I know they will never be satisfied even if they get to use the word marriage. Its just a sad state of affairs and the world is endinggggggggggggggg.............
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seriously???!!!! :look:

Anyways, ladies... me and my new imaginary friend had an excellent time reading Romans this morning. :lol:

Romans 1:24
So God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other's bodies.

We need to pray for this country because it seems that the veil of protection this country had is slowly being removed.

We need to be pra
firecracker i think many of the women in this forum are aware that they are sinners. That does not take away our right to discuss what we believe is RIGHT and WRONG.
In fact many times people in here tell each other that they feel they are RIGHT or WRONG.
Morality is a huge part of the nature of Christian discussion. I am glad you have the ability to recognize your own faults, but this then means to improve as a person. If as a Christian you don't feel the need to do so, then fine. But I feel like there is an atmosphere of iron sharpening iron in the CF and if you don't like it great but we can all utilize the ignore button just like you... so don't expect people to entertain obvious trolling much longer.
Its not about a chip on anyone's shoulder. If you want to discuss other sins you are free to do so. But instead you're trying to push an "agenda" for sin acceptance... This is not what Christianity is about. At least, thats not what I am out to do with my own growth and relationship with Christ. I would bet several people agree with me. And if they don't, I GLADLY and WHOLEHEARTEDLY speak for myself.
firecracker i think many of the women in this forum are aware that they are sinners. That does not take away our right to discuss what we believe is RIGHT and WRONG.
In fact many times people in here tell each other that they feel they are RIGHT or WRONG.
Morality is a huge part of the nature of Christian discussion. I am glad you have the ability to recognize your own faults, but this then means to improve as a person. If as a Christian you don't feel the need to do so, then fine. But I feel like there is an atmosphere of iron sharpening iron in the CF and if you don't like it great but we can all utilize the ignore button just like you... so don't expect people to entertain obvious trolling much longer.
Its not about a chip on anyone's shoulder. If you want to discuss other sins you are free to do so. But instead you're trying to push an "agenda" for sin acceptance... This is not what Christianity is about. At least, thats not what I am out to do with my own growth and relationship with Christ. I would bet several people agree with me. And if they don't, I GLADLY and WHOLEHEARTEDLY speak for myself.
Little girl get cho life! Oh and keep living. LOL You couldn't teach me a damn thang but how to do some hair. You like stirring pots of mess and you admitted it this morning in another thread. I gave you the benefit of the doubt til I saw how you kept starting spin off after controversy after controversy in other threads. I advised them to check out your posting history so they can see for themselves that YOU know exactly what you are doing. None of ya'll are mind readers. I will be all in the CF for now on. So let em roll.
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Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkeness and the anxities of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap. For it will come upon all those who live on the face of the earth. Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that will happen, and that you will be able to stand before the Son of Man.

I found this verse a few months ago. It reminds me to keep eternal things in mind. I want to stay focused on what God has called me to do. Theres a harvest of souls out there.

We have to obey God, those who obey will see him. God does not lie. I woke up with a vision of a man nailed to a cross. Tides are changing. This is real and his words are true. We dont know when he comes. May be years from, maybe now. But he is coming. But I have to see that I am able to stand before God about my actions and responsibilities. We spend so much time judging others. Reading into threads and self righteoudly defending ourselves when really all are guilty! So agree with your adversary, Satan quickly before he takes you to the bank. I am asking God to help me close my mouth and pray. There is nothing wrong with speaking up for righteousness. This is.a forum and we all paid our.6.50 and should discuss whatever we want. But why log onto a christian forum and heap judgement on yourself. Genesis 16 says He is the God that sees me. I appreciate women like Health& Hair28 and AliciaLynn. They speak life and truth. We have to stay focused.

We have to realize that our battles are not with flesh and blood, these are spiritual! Homosexuality, Adultery, Fornication, Pride, Couvetousness, etc are spirits! Homosexuality. We have to plead for people. Theres nothing wrong with discussing topics, but I hope there are more pleading for souls going on behind the scenes.

We have to keep petitioning for the lost. We have to stay near the cross. We recognize that our own righteousness is as filthy rags. We judge ourselves according to the word, how are we looking? Please forgive me for standing on a soap box this morning but I am seeing God do somethings I have never seen before and magnifying himself more than before. He is Not distant, we are distant. Lets draw closer to the cross. God is speaking but people are Not listening or have Not sought intimacy with him. And there are some who truly are and He sees it.

God is everything he says He is. Not one word is false and he is holding us accountable to his commandments. And so we are without excuse. Please do Not mistake this post for my own righteousness, I am Not trying to elevate myself.

Too many of us are serving God with religion but our hearts are far from him. I keep hearing him say the hour has come for those who will worship him in spirit and truth, the Father is seeking such. He is seeking such. This is Not about laws and checking off boxes, but why will we call him Lord unless we intend to obey him.

His words and standards are clear. Either we will stand up for God or we will defend men. This isnt about democracy, the Earth is the Lords and the fullness thereoff! If we deny him before men, he will deny us before God. We must becareful because the bible speaks of partaking in the sins of men.

We need to pray for those who are leaders. The Bible says the Kings heart is tin the hands of the Lord. He said should.we humble ourselves and pray and seek his face, he will heal the land. We pray for who he wants to lead.

I am posting this at the risk of sounding self righteouss that, is not my intent.
Please forgive me for this post if tit offends or if the tone is off. We all paid our 6.50 and can and should discuss whatever we like. I am enjoying fellowshipping with you ladies, but we should keep in mind that he is the God who sees and he does care about what happens in this forum. Please dont take it as me trying to tell anyone what to do, what I think is Not impt but what God sees and that does matter.
Typo, My intention was to say, we pray for Gods will for who he wants to lead. Naturallysweet73 has a nice video that says illustrates that God chooses leaders, good or bad to accomplish his will. She referred to Romans 9:17, where it says that God intentionally put Pharoah in power for his purposes. He does what he wants, and there are many intilligent people here who understand what is going on and help us reason through the issues, which is great and edifying! At the end of the day we pray for his will.
Me and my best friend went witnessing on Friday at the bus stop by her house. We started out nervous but we prayed beforehand. We spoke to several people, three of which were not saved. We are beginnners (though we've been in church and saved for forever!) but I thank God for using us. We're going to try to do this every week at different locations.

Its time out for us CHristians to be focused on doing church work instead of the work of the ministry. We need to wins souls for Christ! Yes our lives should be a witness but our MOUTH also! The harvest is RIPE but the LABOURERS are few...a church full of useless lazy workers? Thats what I was but Im determined to advance the kingdom of God on this earth!!!

Let the church say "Amen"

I pray that I am able to minister to more people...ideas and approaches/experiences would definately be appreciated.
Amein~ and PRAISE GOD indeed!

I will come and report this here first.. God be the glory I have a job..I start Tuesday.Something told me to email the guy before heading to my interview this morning. He called me immediately back and said I was just about the pick up the phone and call you. I will be working at my local workforce assisting those who have been unemployed for a yr and over. I know the feeling of looking and no calls..Praise be to God alone..thank you ladies for your prayers and thoughts. God had to take me out to rebuild. I have done so much studying and meditating on the Word and emptied myself of so much. God this is a new creature because I can't be that person of the old..death clothes were given away this morning 8 bags and a bin of clothes..metaphorically I am not that person I'm God's daughter lovely bc of his image.