2011- Be Grateful 4 Da Hair U Have

I understand people being concerned about taking supplements and doing "crazy" things for hair growth (like Monistat), but chlorella is a supplement that a lot of people take not even for hair...if the people posting had bad side effects, that is very unfortunate, but that's the same thing as going off because you had a bad reaction to your multi, or vitamin C. That isn't an indication of how "obsessed" we are. Each time we consume something, there is always some kind of risk due to contaminants and/or company error. Just be careful...

and I agree with the other posters about the tone...I personally cannot stand it when people say things like, "We (black women) need to be doing xyz." Yes, I am a black woman, but first and foremost, I am Elle, and I don't need to be doing jack unless I feel I should be doing it.
....and the craziest part is that there are the Political, Natural Living, Science + Technology, Travel, Career Advancement & Financial, Pregnancy & Motherhood, Book Club Discussion and MANY MORE areas to this website.....

....just putting that out there for lurkers who can't see it all. One can easily go have discussions about things other than hair and makeup in other areas of the board...or other websites/real life:rolleyes:
It's just bad to make generalizations OP on this forum even if you are trying to be PC by including yourself in the "we"...
Well, while I agree...there are more important things than haircare......
and I'm sure at least the majority of us realize that...
we are all on a long hair care forum.
Including you
. :look:

But...i'm sure there are some who might have needed that reality check. So thanks, love. :)

ITA with the bold. We are on the hair forum discussing hair. I learn about and discuss real world, serious issues in the real world-hence the reason I stay out of the "off topic" and "relationship" forums. I consider myself to be conscious and educated on variety of issues, including hair. No it's not all I care about but I'd be lying if I said it doesn't matter at all. I don't feel that I (or anyone else) should be ashamed of caring about their hair.

OP, I agree with a lot of what you said, I just think the way it was worded was....I digress.
It's just bad to make generalizations OP on this forum even if you are trying to be PC by including yourself in the "we"...

ESPECIALLY when the generalization has no basis whatsoever. On this same site, there are multiple other areas to discuss multiple other topics, as Solitude already listed...
OP, if you really wanna help us message me privately about sending us a check. Er...um...I'll accept if for Jesus. :look: :lachen:
With all due respect to all the ladies here, I must say that some of you should be conscious of the fact that corporations are starting to make millions of dollars off of the "go natural" thing among black females with our hair, and not caring about your health but your dollars- making money off of our ignorance and need to have APL, MBL, WL, HL...

has monistat or whoever mines DE ever marketed to us? :lachen:

what weird examples to choose.
It's just bad to make generalizations OP on this forum even if you are trying to be PC by including yourself in the "we"...

Well said...

I wonder if this thread (going to get closed) Just wondering...

Happy Hair Growing!
:huh: Is this a serious thread? o_O

I don't usually respond to threads like this but ....

OP I get what our trying to say but after all this is a hair board that gives us a place to discuss .. well ummm hair. So I think we are allowed to obsess and be silly drooling over each others locks because this is the place to do it. I can't speak for everyone else but its nice to come here and take a break from my busy life and talk about something that isn't so serious.

As for the people that like to use motor oil, monistat, and other things for hair growth ummm who are you to judge? None of us should it's their prerogative ... I don't necessarily agree with a lot of the things some people post on this board but I'm not going to spew negative energy and say that what they are doing is stupid either.

I don't see any crimes being committed here so there's no need to point a finger and tell us we should be ashamed of sharing hair care tips and enjoying ourselves.
I don't take Chlorella, but could it be possible that the women in those posts overdid it. I know that it's common for some individuals to "OD" on supplements thinking if a little provides good results, then even more will provide better results. The first post said that she gradually upped her intake of chlorella until she became "green". What does that mean?


Yes she did overdose on the chlorella, these supplements are supposed to be taken in very small doses for a week to at a time before increasing. She was supposed to start with an 1/8 tsp everyday for a week then increase to 1/8 tsp 2x a day for a week, then a 1/4 tsp 1x a day and an 1/8 tsp 1x day for a week increasing like that until her bowels are green (this is what "green" means) Her intake was not gradual, it was extreme. She upped her intake until she was green very rapidly and her system could not handle it.

This happened to my sister and mother as well with supplements. They were taking too many at a time and both got dealthy ill.

I take chlorella for general health not to grow my hair. When I first heard about chlorella I read alot here and on the net about the dosages. I never had a problem with it. I am up to 1 T a day and even with skipping days I dont have to go down again and build myself back up

Now Spirulina on the other hand is one that has to be started the same way and if you miss a day you have to continue in that fashion until you hit the 7 day consecutive mark. If you miss a week your dosage has to drop back down. You cant increase. I missed a few weeks and called myself trying to take the same amount I was accustomed to and had a mild stomach ache. I no longer take this one.

I am a believer in getting most of what I need from food.
S4pphir3, I love your hair! :yep:

Deal with it, OP. *insert evil laugh here*

ETA: Someone gonna post in that other thread about my typo. :lol:
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op came armed and ready with those print screens!?!

I do want to say that everything is NOT for everyone, esp healthwise. also I would like op to post the print screen of the poster that came in and said that thread saved her husband after he began taking it. I dont remember all of it as it was so long ago that I read it but dont just show the one side of something to prove your point. there are always two sides...