Starting over after Shaving your head COMPLETELY???

Very bold and courageous move!!!! You will grow girl longer and healthier!!!! Luckily you have the features to bring this off!!! Let's just admit it, some ladies cannot be this fierce and still look like a woman. But you do! Congrats to the tenth power!!!! I mean it!
Damn, How in the world is someone gonna be even prettier Bald, ain't that some ish!
never heard of such a thing, I am one to be the first to say "Nay" to a bald woman, but I'm serious, You look Fabulous! I had to go back and stare at your Pic again, and no, I ain't gay one bit, but Damn!
Beautiful! Girl you are rocking the baldness. If I didn't have this peanut in the back of my head I'd be right there with ya!
If I was as pretty as you with your shaped head, I would have been bald a lond time ago.
Girl you better sashay your pretty self into a modeling agency! I've never been bald, but I don't look like you, and couldn't put it off. I could barely pull off my BC haha. But you're beautiful
ms. norway i think shaved off all her hair. i may be wrong but i remember a thread where we were talking about this and she showed a pic of when she shaved off all her hair as a teen.
i think it was a thread on how certain oils can change your hair texture or something.
Looks good on you. My face is too long:lachen::lachen::lachen:Fo real though.
I wish I had of found this forum when I first cut my hair. I would have BC then. Still may do it. I'm sick of this relaxer.
Thank you ladies. I really appreciate it. I'm actually keeping it shaved for the's quite addicting. I let it grow out for about a month and I just couldnt STAND IT. It's gonna be hard when I actually start growing again...I'll be on here a lot more often...I might need to start a BIC support group, haha - "PUT THE RAZOR DOWN, NATALIE!"
But no new update pics for now...still a baldy :)
I just wanted to say that you look stunning bald. I used to wear my hair in a really close fade (almost bald) from 1995 - 2006. You make me want to cut it all off. :)