Best Regimen For Twa/ Starting Over


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies,
Three months ago I shaved my head completely Bald/bare, and now I have a little over an inch of hair. Around 6/7 years ago I big chopped, but I had a few inches of hair. I used wigs and braids to protective style during the twa/short phase, but this time, Id like to not use fake hair and enjoy my hair until it gets colder outside. This week I've notice that I have breakage, those little C shaped pieces of hair. I use to wash my hair almost every day for the past two and a half months, using trader Joe's tea tree conditioner, in the mornings before work. At night, I oiled my scalp with a sulfur based oil, and add add some AOHSR as a leave in conditioner. I was baggying/GHE for a few hours every night too.

Now I'm thinking that since I haven't used a clarifying shampoo in 3 months (or any shampoos for that matter) , I may have some built up on the hair shaft, thus the breakage. To be honest I haven't deep conditioned my hair either, but it hasn't been feeling too dry.

My questions to you ladies are:
1. Since I only have about an Inch of hair, is it necessary to deep condition weekly?
2. How soon or at what length do I start doing protein treatments?
(when I had longer hair, I use to do it every 6/8 weeks)
3. Is it excessive to moisture and seal an inch of hair every day?
4. Also, oiling and massaging the scalp every day, is that too much manipulation?
5. Since my hair is too short to braid or twist, I am combing it everyday, something I never did when I had longer hair (I have a seamless comb and a metal hair pic, btw). What can I do, in terms of grooming, instead of combing my hair?
6. What was the best practice/method/thing that you did or wish you had done when you were starting all over?
Thank you in advance for your responses.
I'm basically starting all over too and it's exciting.

But I am currently under Wig(s) right now.

However, I still do my Hair twice a week and DC each time. I treat my hair the same as I did when I had length.

My Regimen has not changed much. I moisturize, seal and do all those same things, now with less.

I rarely, if ever use 'cones' and don't feel I have a problem with build up. I pretty much use a Cleansing Conditioner or a Clarifying Conditioner if I feel the need to remove heavier products.

I'll be watching this thread.:up:
Hi! I've BC'd to a baldy at least twice in the last few years. I shampooed weekly and water rinsed daily. After water rinsing I would moisturize and oil as needed
I have been there and done that.

You can do the following either water only rinse with warm water and do this religiously until you start seeing serious growth and then start using protein treatments to prevent breakage and over moisturisation or do weekly shampoo and deep conditioner treatments and use a protein monthly.

If you do water only don't forgo your protein treatments and moisture treatments. And if you have fine hair don't do water only daily that will break your strands from the pressure of the water.

Yes, deep conditioner treatments are important especially weekly if your hair is high porosity.

I would say with hair one inch a protein treatment can be done monthly but start off with a mild treatment. When your hair starts to grow you will see if your strands are strong you may need the protein treatments twice a month if your strands are coarse maybe once a month or as needed depending on your strands. But always Deep Conditioner and always after a protein treatment. Make sure your DC is a DC and not a conditioner with protein to prevent protein overload.

I would say that you can just use curl prep sweet buttah on hair that has been lightly spritzed with water. When your hair starts to grow up get those babies into flat twists or celie braids to lock in and hold in that moisture.

Stay away from light hair color.

A seamless comb is good but you can finger comb which will help your curls to clump and be more uniform. Never comb your curls overly wet or dry. And you can slightly use a comb to tame the edges.

A perm rod set is a good look or a wig but not on a daily basis.

My only advice is to keep up with the protein and moisture treatments, stay away from leave in protein treatments unless your hair absolutely loves protein, dust and don't trim your hair, tie your hair up at night, wash your hair in sections once it starts to bloom use ouchless goody bands and get your hair into flat twists, big twists or celie braids as it starts to get to four or more inches.

Good luck.

Almond Eyes
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@ejfel I started using Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructer every other week in the beginning of my hair journey just to keep my hair balanced because it was light. Now I will use a protein treatment every 2 weeks or so since Komaza reccomended it based on my analysis results.