Does Anyone Use Aubrey Organics Conditioner as your Daily Moisturizer?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone use Aubrey Organics for your regular moisturizer. Which conditioner? How do you use it? Do you dilute it w/something or use it straight up? Does it work well with the LCO method as your cream sealant? What liquid moisturizer and what oil sealant do you use to go along with it? I love Aubrey's so much as a deep conditioner, I am exploring the idea of using it as a moisturizer.
Yes, I use the honey suckle rose. I did not like it as a deep conditioner, but it is great as a moisturizer. I use it with castor oil and I don't dilute it. I apply the conditioner first then seal with castor oil. I plan on trying the oil first then sealing with the conditioner. Using the first method my ends are always soft and moisturized:yep:
Yes, I use the honey suckle rose. I did not like it as a deep conditioner, but it is great as a moisturizer. I use it with castor oil and I don't dilute it. I apply the conditioner first then seal with castor oil. I plan on trying the oil first then sealing with the conditioner. Using the first method my ends are always soft and moisturized:yep:

Mahogony7 hmph thank you, no white residue? Are you generous or do you spread a tiny amount? Are you natural, fine/thick? Do you spritz your hair as your first layer of moisture? How do you style your hair? I mean, does the conditioner help w/your styling or does it get too thick? How often do you wash w/using this method/do you have to wash more often?? Thanks so much!
I love it as a DC but it's not so good as a daily moisturiser for me. It doesn't leave white residue but it's like a magnet for lint, the scent becomes gross and rancid after a while, and it is just too heavy. Note that I DON'T dilute it! So your results may be different but I suspect the scent issue won't change much. (honeysuckle user, havent tried rosa mosqueta or white camelia.
Thanks, anyone else?? I thought more people did this.

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virtuenow, I'm unsure if the "anyone else" referred to you didn't want to hear from me or you were hoping more actually did this? :look: It's been a long day.

Does anyone use Aubrey Organics for your regular moisturizer.

Which conditioner?
WC mostly but also use HSR

How do you use it?
Like any other moisturizer -- squeeze desired amount in hand and apply to hair

Do you dilute it w/something or use it straight up?

Does it work well with the LCO method as your cream sealant?

What liquid moisturizer and what oil sealant do you use to go along with it?
The products are versatile and doesn't require a specific combo to make it work. I've tried it with a number of products and it works every time. I tend to reach for the following:
L = water, Claudie's tea or Oyin J&B
O = avocado
divachyk of course I want to hear from you! I was just asking if there are more people that use this method. Thanks for sharing. How do you like it? How did it compare to using regularly labled leave-in moisturizers (lotions/creams)? I'm very interested in giving it a try.
I wasn't sure so I answered anyway. :giggle:

I really like it and use it for everything --- dry DC, daily moisturizer, DCner with or without steam/heat, cowash, LI and LOC / LOCO method. My hair has turned around tremendously since using AO as my go-to for everything. I enjoy it so much that my other products are collecting dust. I really have to force myself to use something different in an effort to use up product. I don't stray for long because nothing moisturizers like AO.

I feel there is no comparison in any category -- AO is the best, hands down.
I used the AO blue camomile as a leave in moisturizer in my cornrows before crochet braiding. About a nickel size applied to the ends. No residue, no stickiness, very soft hair. Too soft. :/ That particular one is TOO moisturizing and I suspect is a culprit for my moisture overload, which is resolved.

A more balancing one would be better to leave in, maybe HSR or white camelia.
virtuenow, I cowash 6 days a week so I have not noticed any residue and I use it everytime I cowash. I apply it fresh from the shower right after my aphogee vitamin leave-in(liquid). I am very generous with the amount, the size of my palm for my whole head. I am natural and I have very thick hair. I wear wigs with mini braids underneath. I have been doing this for the past year. I just feel that it makes my hair softer and easier to finger detangle after taking out my braids and I have less SSK's.
virtuenow, it varies by week. I usually go through a bottle a week so nothing expensive. Most of them are Japanese conditioners, I live in Japan. Every now and then I use some Avalon or Andalou Naturals that I get on sale at Vitacost, but usually I use cheap Japanese conditioners and they are marvelous.
divachyk how did you even form the thought to use this as a leave-in? Someone (maybe you?) suggested it to me before, but I felt like I'd be "double dipping" w/using the same product for DCing and leave-in. I have always used it as a DC before washing-- however, I was using it on top of the moisture drenched pre-poo. I recently decided to take that extra step out and just DC on dry/damp hair w/the AO Gpb alone. My oh my, it's like my hair just clung to the AO. I could really see just how awesome it is b/c it made my detangling sessions so much eaisier-- the tangles just melt. So finding that it is an awesome pre-poo, DC and detangler all at once brought me to the conclusion that, hey, maybe I should also try this a leave in. Well you ladies have convinced me even more. I just finished my big DC session (AO Gpb) and applied AO HSR as my leave in. I will test this technique out all this week. I am so looking forward to this experiment :yep:.
DarkJoy, I used BC last night and my hair felt good today. I have several AO conditioners but always reach for the same ones over and over. I will use it again after I cleanse to see what moisturizing goodness it delivers on clean hair.

virtuenow, (responses are in blue)
how did you even form the thought to use this as a leave-in? Someone (maybe you?) suggested it to me before, but I felt like I'd be "double dipping" w/using the same product for DCing and leave-in.
Low porosity hair forced me to try many things. AO delivers such great moisture as a DCner that I decided to try it as a LI. Luckily, it worked out and I haven't looked back.

I have always used it as a DC before washing-- however, I was using it on top of the moisture drenched pre-poo. I recently decided to take that extra step out and just DC on dry/damp hair w/the AO Gpb alone. My oh my, it's like my hair just clung to the AO. I could really see just how awesome it is b/c it made my detangling sessions so much eaisier-- the tangles just melt. So finding that it is an awesome pre-poo, DC and detangler all at once brought me to the conclusion that, hey, maybe I should also try this a leave in.
Definitely give it a try. I like that it AO conditioners work quickly and without heat. That's important for the days I can't/don't want to be bothered with steaming and long DCing sessions.

Well you ladies have convinced me even more. I just finished my big DC session (AO Gpb) and applied AO HSR as my leave in. I will test this technique out all this week. I am so looking forward to this experiment :yep:.
Please report back and keep us posted!!!!
I've tried Honey Suckle Rose but it left my hair slightly flaky and dry. It's better to use as a deep conditioner that you wash out.
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FoxxyLocs LaFemmeNaturelle Qualitee Anakinsmomma dannie do any of you ladies still use Aubrey Conditioner as a leave in? I saw in previous threads that you mentioned as your leave-in. How is it going for the long term users?? Which one are you using? Thanks so much! EnExitStageLeft I never forgot that the suggestion (link below) you made; it only took a few years to realize AO GPB & HSR are going to be my staple leave-ins. So far they are excellent.
I use to use one of their conditioners a long time ago...I forgot which one it was in a white and green bottle. It was good but too much protein for everyday. Forgot why i stopped using it.

I had forgotten I told you that. Awesome memory girl :lol:. I still think their condish's would make for wonderful leave ins. If you try it please report back your results I would love to hear how it worked out.
virtuenow no I no longer use aubrey organics because I didn't want to pay for it. My deep conditioner/leave in is ORS replenishing conditioner and it works great! Probably better than the AO but I don't remember it. I think I was transitioning then.
virtuenow I still use the honey suckle rose condition as a leave in, watered down( 1 oz of con, 1 oz of water 1/2 oz of oil) and the GBP conditioner for my monthly protein treatments:) It still working wonders.
I've used the HSR and White Camellia as leave-in's. My hair was straw. Even diluted, they are simply too heavy (or not moisturizing enough) for my fine, porous hair.
@FoxxyLocs @LaFemmeNaturelle @Qualitee @Anakinsmomma @dannie do any of you ladies still use Aubrey Conditioner as a leave in? I saw in previous threads that you mentioned as your leave-in. How is it going for the long term users?? Which one are you using? Thanks so much! @EnExitStageLeft I never forgot that the suggestion (link below) you made; it only took a few years to realize AO GPB & HSR are going to be my staple leave-ins. So far they are excellent.

I used HSR, then WC as a leave in, but neither of them worked for me long term. Now I use Silk Dreams VS or WG and I like them both. I've been using them for almost a year.
I love all AO conditioners I've tried. I used to use HSR as a leave-in years ago. I think I just diluted it with distilled water. I didn't have any problems or flakes or anything.

Don't know why I stopped. Probably the PJ in me moved on to try something else. I need to start using it as a leave-in again.

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i did for awhile, i mixed it with water in a spray bottle, wasnt too crazy about it, i like it better as a conditioner