WL and Over...do you Henna yes or no poll.

Do you Henna? Poll

  • Yes, I've always henna'd.

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • I added Henna later and had regrets: breakage

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I added Henna later and had regrets: Color

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • I added Henna later and love it. It is a MUST to strengthen hair at long lengths

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • I added Henna later, it's helped a little but it's not the "end all be all".

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • No I never henna

    Votes: 11 45.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Should I change up my hair regimen now that I'm reaching a final milestone?
  1. Did you have to make an adjustment to strengthen hair for your final "go"?
  2. Do you henna yes or no (hey that rhymes.)
  3. And also after the poll can you come in and tell me a little about it, how you do it (if you do or also if you did not feel the need), and if you started it once you reached longer lengths or before. I know that it is the kiss of death to change regimens mid stride when they work. Any experiences with Henna.
Background and why curious:

Need a little help. I'm wondering if after a certain point the ends (as they are older) will need strengthening. I'm getting rid of the final of the thinning sheer horror that has taken me over 2 years to remove (I wanted layers but I guess she used thinning sheers too so it was too choppy and a mess because I never asked for thinning. I have thin hair but very dense).

With that said, I felt so good when I saw that the thinness at the ends only amounts to about one inch more. It wasn't super thin but I'm anal unfortunately:lol: and scissor happy so it's been a long journey.

Now that I've again recut my hair after going yay hip again...and then oh okay yay wl again (or almost give or take half an inch)....

I thought...I wonder if I should change up ? You know reinforce for the "final" go because now it's just onward to my goals instead of "correcting" layers.
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Okay for some reason the poll did not add (ARG)! Off to get a mod. Meanwhile can you just answer from your perspective? It would be much appreciated!
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can you add a poll?

I stopped using Henna about 4 years ago. It was messy and I really got tired of the process. Fast forward to 2013 and to this day I still can't get rid of the red in my hair no many times I dye it black. I didn't know this was going to happen (well not forever) and so I'm very annoyed.
^Yes I'm off to get a mod to get the poll. I hit it and thought it would come up on the next screen but I guess not because I hit submit instead of preview. THanks for answering in the meantime!
BostonMaria that was one of my worries too...some mention they can keep the dye from releasing, but most say it will give a color.

Did you notice a change after in reference to strength? Would you do it again if you could get rid of the red?
If you're worried about color, you should use cassia. Same benefits without the color.

I'm wl and use henna. I like the red tint it gives me and it makes my hair feel great.
I'm about 6 months to a year from WL, but I think I'm going to transition out of hennaing. I've done it for two and a half years and actually been doing it on and off since the early '90s (for color after highlighting my hair). I'm actually quite sick of the process to be honest. The mess, the time, rinsing, having to do a super, duper DC and subsequent dryness if I don't DC enough. The color is annoying now too. I neutralize the red with brown, blonde, and black hair color, but it will take a while before its completely grown out of my hair. I did it mostly for strength, but there are other ways to accomplish that.
Never used henna but I've seriously thought about it. I did a lot of research and almost took the plunge but heard some horror stories that made me re-think things. I would be devastated if I messed my hair up so I decided not to mess with a good thing.

I did decide to stick my pinky toe in the henna waters though just to see how my hair liked it in small doses. I got a henna shampoo bar and a henna moisturizer. I may try cassia one day
I don't use henna. I don't like the mess. I didn't have to do anything special to get to WL, but I am having trouble getting past it. I'm PSing and paying close attention to my ends. Hopefully I will have made some progress by my next length check.
@BostonMaria that was one of my worries too...some mention they can keep the dye from releasing, but most say it will give a color.

Did you notice a change after in reference to strength? Would you do it again if you could get rid of the red?

I don't mind the red, but the problem is:

  1. no matter how many times I dye my hair black, I have a red patch (blotchy) in the back that will not color at all
  2. I can't get highlights or dye my hair any other color because the henna won't let the hair dye penetrate the hair shaft. Bad Henna! :spank: :lachen:

I probably won't henna again. I find it to be very drying. I do amla treatments instead and my hair loves it and its very moisturizing.
Nope no henna, ever, but I do use Aphogee 2 step every 1-2 months on the bottom half of my hair!
Okay does anyone know how to get a mods attention? I really just want to put up a poll for this thread.
I pmd pebbles and friend requested @Allandra since you can't pm her without being a friend 1st. I even pmd Niko out of desperation. I also put a thread in the help section with over 300 views and no answer.

No one responded yet or pmd me back. I'm starting to feel like a lepper (no offense to leppers). Although I had to remind myself that they could be busy. With that in mind...Re: mods...and what else can I do to get their attention besides posting a pic of me lighting my hair on fire? :lol: Do you know any of the other mods names so I can look them up?

To Mods: I would tap dance for you mods but there are zero tap dance smiles so I will settle for sucking up:

Also many thanks to any for other mod contact suggestions or suggestions on how to fix the thread. Thanks in advance!
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I am WHIP length...no henna...ever! I thought about it to cover my grays, but too many mixed and bad reviews!!
Im WHIP length, and I used henna for the first time about 1 month ago. I plan to use it every other month and also use cassia here and there. I love how henna affects my hair. I may even use it monthly if I can avoid making such a mess! BTW, I use Nupur 9 herbs henna +brahmi powder+Reshma Black Henna+lemon juice+coconut milk+honey. I let it stay on for 4-6 hrs then shampoo and condition. It does not dry my hair out and my hair does like protein, so maybe thats why henna works well for me.

I have not changed my regimen since surpassing BSL. Im only just starting to make a habit of pre-pooing/dc'ing on damp hair before a wash to cut down on manipulation while wet and get extra conditioning since my hair is getting pretty long now. Ends are older and I dont trim much so I take extra good care of the hair I have (so I can add to it). :)
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No, never used henna, but I kind of want to try it. Reading through this thread reminded me about Aphogee two step, I might just use that instead.
Never used henna. Thought about it a few times because people rave about it, but I always change my mind because it sounds too messy and I don't want to leave anything on my hair for hours during the day. I dc overnight while I sleep :) I use Bigens semi permanent for greys. I'm waist length with thick 3b/c hair and my reggie is really working for me. I had thin, shoulder length hair two years ago. So I'm not likely to make any huge changes. If it ain't broke and all that. Hope that helps! God bless!

Sent from my ice cold evo 3d y'all!
There is no option for no lol. I have wanted to try henna to color my hair for a long time. I'm just so comfortable with my what I have been doing that I'm afraid if it add color to it i might mess up my program
Did you have to make an adjustment to strengthen hair for your final "go"?
I haven't. I might need to? I've used a moderate protein for a while now (eggs/mayo) once a month. I should probably use something stronger but I always forget. oops.

Do you henna yes or no (hey that rhymes.)
I don't use henna b/c I don't want color (also I'm lazy and it's a process :/)
I've been using it for a few years. I need to cover my greys and I love the thickness it gives me. My hair is getting a little too red, I'm going to start adding indigo.

Its more difficult to do with long hair - it's so heavy.
I've stopped hennaing. Just because I'm lazy and it takes a long time. I liked the results and every now and then (read: like 2 times a year maybe) I'll do a henndigo just for blackening effects.
I'd suggest you NOT change your regimen if it's working well for you.