Why do people say Thank you when you say "oh your hair is long"


New Member
I take that statement to mean it's a compliment, so when you say "thank you," you're basically thanking them for noticing your length (at least that's how I feel).

That is how I view it and it is a compliment. Since when someone telling another that her hair is long is anything but a compliment. We all know that long is beautiful and a trait of beauty. I remember a while ago I was watching ricky lake and one of her guess had thick, thigh length hair and Ricky Lake said "beautiful hair." It was indeed a compliment.


New Member
You know, I hate that. People seemed genuinely surprised when I wear my hair down and are like "OMG your hair is long! I thought it was shorter than that...." and I'm like "Would it be a problem if my hair was short???" :perplexed; I don't even consider my hair long, I'm between SL and APL.

Then people who knew before I cut my hair are like "What happened to your hair???" all concerned like it got ate up by dogs or something. It's call scissors, stupid. :ohwell: I honestly don't see what's wrong with having short hair. It's kinda spunky to me.


Well-Known Member
Well in my experience when people come up to me its never just a stand alone statement but rather a portion of a chain of compliments like oh my gosh your hair is so long and look how thick and healthy it is, I love the swing of it, or you're killing that style with that long hair, you take such good care of it! lol

But usually when people tell me my hair is long they have a face like omg!:blush: look how long your hair is! Then they proceed to ask questions.

It's all about context, they're making an observation that is intended as a compliment, usually while finding it remarkable, therefore, its a compliment.

BMP said it best!


Well-Known Member
this statement always kinda left me baffled like what am I supposed to say. I usually am like I've been growing it out. but i might just start saying thanks in conjunction


I take it as a compliment, that's why I say thank you. If I didn't say anything at all, the person might think I was being conceited and say something negative.

I know many feel it is a mystery when they see an African American woman with long hair. I've been the subject of stares, weave checks, questions, etc., so I try to keep it positive.
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New Member
Long hair is typically more feminine. Of course that's not ALWAYS the case, but it is usually and generally thought of as more womanly.....so it sort of translate to "pretty". I know I honestly feel that way in most cases. /SHRUG I like the look of full, MBL hair, so I think of it as something positive. Short hair can definitely be gorgeous too. To me, it also heavily depends on the female.....if she has the FACE for short hair, it's like dammmmn! That's something super special and even more gorg. Because not everyone looks good with short hair. However, mostly everyone does with more length.