What does your relaxed hair look like airdryed?


New Member
Ladies with relaxed hair, what would/does your hair look like when it's airdryed with no ponytail nothing.

Mine looks like a no curl natural. It's only till i put products on it or do the pony method does it go straight. It's just frizzy and thick looking.
OMG, I'm toooo scuuured
to try it & find out... i know it's not a pretty site
Same here Cutebajangirl
I think that bodiphier really screwed up my hair. I can't wait till it's get close to waist I think only then can I really deal with cutting off about 1 inch in 1 go. My ends aren't damaged just a different texture when airdried, then again I'm probably stressing over nothing, as it still behaves the same even when I've done a pull through and they are bone straight when it has a product on it.
THIS always confused me about relaxed hair. IF it is supposed to be permanently straightened why does it dry frizzy? WHEN is it when people air dry it just doesnt stay straight. I can understand it not looking like you stepped out of a salon but why doesnt it stay straight? God bless you all.
Re: What does your relaxed hair look like airdryed

I air dry my hair all the time. After washing I moisturize and braid my hair. The hairline comes out straight and the rest of the hair has little waves in it.

However, if I just leave it unbraided and let it dry,I look like I have on a brown cotton candy wig. It's soft, but puffy. My sister/friend says I look like a black Ronald McDonald!
Re: What does your relaxed hair look like airdryed

Thick and wavy, thicker the closer to the scalp and more silky toward the ends. This is at towel dry. Fully air-dryed is more just poof. If I put products on it and air dry it then it is wavy and poof, not dry looking.
Re: What does your relaxed hair look like airdryed

It depends...when I have a fresh relaxer and let it air dry it looks a little thick, smooth and the ends may look a tiny bit frizzy. When I do a wet set and air dry it, my hair comes out completely smooth with no frizzies. As my relaxer gets old when I air dry it looks REALLY thick and frizzy! Like now!
That's when I have to break down and use a warm dryer if I want to wear my hair down, or if I do a wet set it'll still come out smooth, but the roots will be kinky. Usually by this time I just put my moisturizers on it and where it in a bun. The next day the frizzies are gone and the new growth is very soft.
Re: What does your relaxed hair look like airdryed

<font color="brown">When air-dried, my hair is relatively straight, but THICK/poofy. The ends are clean (don't look frizzy), but the roots are wavy. Of course, this is after I have applied styling cream . . .

After being tied down for the night, the poofiness subsides by the next day.

AngieK </font>
Re: What does your relaxed hair look like airdryed

I look like a low-budget Kelis with air dried hair, and when I don't care, I will wear it just like that. Lately, I have been blowdrying my hair without the comb attachment and when I do my hair gets straight with the heat alone (I hate that comb
Re: What does your relaxed hair look like airdryed

bushy, wavy, sometimes straight up front if I use airdry with 2 ponytails up front
Re: What does your relaxed hair look like airdryed

If I airdry with no product on, it looks ashy (dull) and a little frizzy. When I use leave-in and oil on the ends, it's a little wavy.
Re: What does your relaxed hair look like airdryed

Ok, excuse my ignorance but what is the pony tail method?
My hair dries the same way yours does. I also have to put some kind of product in it to dry straight. To get it really smooth I use my curling iron. I'm also a 4a/b.